A catalog of the American species of Dolichopodidae north of Mexico is provided. Fifty-five valid genera and 1288 valid species and 3 subspecies in 14 subfamilies are listed. Compared to the North American catalog by Foote et al. (1965), 224 species are added, and there are 15 replacement names, 84 synonyms, 5 species removed from synonymy, and 76 transfers, as well as 10 species included in the previous catalog that are removed from the new list. Furthermore, 13 additional genera and 3 generic synonymies are included. Nomenclatural changes proposed in this catalog consist of 1 new generic synonymy, 4 new synonyms, 2 new names, 40 new combinations, and 1 species newly removed from synonymy. Additional nomenclatural changes and problems are discussed. All validly named taxa described before February 2004 are included. For each genus, the species list is preceded by notes on its distribution, biology, and ecology as well as a list of pertinent keys and revisions, when such information is available. For each valid species name, the list includes the author, year of publication, page number of original description, type depository and locality, and distribution in North America by state or province and occurrence in other realms, as well as taxonomic notes wherever applicable. Additional distribution records from the literature have been added. All known synonyms of genera and species as well as errors, emendations, and misidentifications are included. A bibliography of 492 publications is provided as well as an index to over 1838 included names. Statistics and comments on the history of North American dolichopodid research are presented. The diversity and distribution of Nearctic Dolichopodidae and their relationships with the fauna of other realms is tabulated and discussed.
The most recent catalog of Dolichopodidae of America north of Mexico was compiled by Foote et al. (1965), which included all published names up to the end of 1962. Of all the regional catalogs currently available for the family Dolichopodidae, Foote et al. (1965) is the oldest. Since 1962, almost 60 taxonomic papers on Nearctic dolichopodids have been published. Some of the more notable contributions include Robinson's (1964) review of the dolichopodids of the southeastern United States and adjacent regions and the revisionary studies of Bickel (1985, 1994) and Hurley (1985, 1995), which added a large number of new species and many nomenclatural changes. Recently, Poole (1996) compiled a checklist of Nearctic Dolichopodidae, but the scope of this work was limited to a list of generic and species-group names organized alphabetically by genus.
We believe that this revised catalog, which includes a type depository listing for each species, a complete bibliography, an index to all names, and additional summary statistics, will serve as an essential tool for future systematic research on Dolichopodidae in North America and will, we hope, stimulate young Diptera enthusiasts to take a special interest in this family. As is the case for many families of Nearctic Diptera, a large number of new species of Dolichopodidae await discovery and the majority of genera are in need of revision.
This catalog is based on the relational database DOLIDAT, designed by the first author (see Pollet, 2000) and updated and further developed during the production of this catalog by the first two authors. Data on each taxonomic level and the assignment of genera to subfamilies are stored as separate entities (subfamily, genus–subfamily, genus, species). All information presented in the present catalog was combined via the merge option in Microsoft Word 97. The DOLIDAT database is owned and maintained by the first author. Any discovered errors should be reported to him for inclusion in the database and future versions of this catalog.
Natural History of Dolichopodidae
In general, most Dolichopodidae or long-legged flies are metallic greenish to bronze flies, between 1 and 10 mm in length; fewer species are nonmetallic yellow (e.g., some Achalcus, Neurigona, Xanthochlorus, Xanthina), brown, or black (e.g., many Medetera, Micromorphus, Enlinia). The body is either stout or slender, sometimes midgelike (most Sciapodinae), but always somewhat compressed laterally (see Frontispiece). Dolichopodidae are one of the largest families of Diptera, with about 6000 described species in 200 genera (Grichanov, 1999) including 88 fossil species in 7 fossil genera (Meuffels, personal commun.).
Dolichopodidae occur in all terrestrial habitats, but generally prefer humid areas where they may be the most abundant family of Diptera. Many species can be found in great numbers especially in humid forests, humid heathland, saltmarshes, dune slacks, and on banks of water bodies. Other species occur mainly on tree trunks and other vertical structures (e.g., Medetera, Neurigona, Sciapus). Larvae of Systenus and some Hercostomus depend on sap runs and rot holes of deciduous trees for their development (Dyte, 1959). Melanderia, Paraphrosylus, and Thambemyia are entirely confined to littoral rocks, whereas other hydrophorine genera like Thinophilus and Hypocharassus prefer wet sand or decaying seaweed on beaches. Both adult flies and larvae of most species are predaceous and feed on soft-bodied invertebrates. In contrast, the larvae of Thrypticus are phytophagous and live as stem miners in Cyperaceae, Poaceae (= Gramineae), Juncaceae, and Pontederiaceae (Dyte, 1993). Larval stages of some species, including Hydatostega plumbea (Aldrich), are known to be extremely salt tolerant (Herbst & Bradley, 1988).
Previous Catalogs and Checklists
Foote et al. (1965) represents the most recent comparable predecessor of the present work, and a summary of the taxonomic changes that have occurred in the interim is provided below (see Diversity and Distribution of Nearctic Dolichopodidae). Poole's (1996) checklist added 125 valid species names and 7 additional genera including Achalcus, Harmstonia, Hydatostega, Nanomyina, Neurigonella, Sympycnidelphus, and Neoparentia. This author treated Wirthia as a synonym of Melanderia, Achradocera as a synonym of Chrysotus, and Gymnopternus as a synonym of Hercostomus. In contrast, we have treated Wirthia as a subgenus of Melanderia, as did Foote et al. (1965), and both Achradocera and Gymnopternus are assigned generic status, following Robinson & Vockeroth (1981). Poole (1996) also inadvisably assigned currently unplaced species to genera based on their original combinations (see Unplaced Species).
Format and Coverage
The format of the catalog entries roughly follows Foote et al. (1965) and Borkent & Wirth (1997). Due to the lack of information on the higher-level phylogeny of Dolichopodidae, valid names of the family, genus, and species groups are arranged alphabetically. Valid generic and species names are printed in boldface type; synonymous names are italicized. All generic names are printed in uppercase text, and all species names in lowercase text.
Each valid genus-group name is followed by the author, year, page, name of type species, realm where the type species occurs, nature of type fixation, the present valid name of the type species in cases where a change has occurred, and taxonomic notes. With the exception of errors, emendations, and misidentifications, entries of synonymous generic names are identical in format to valid names, except that the realm of the type species is not given. All genus-group names are listed chronologically. Following the list of genus-group names, notes on the distribution, biology, and ecology of the genus are provided, as well as a list of pertinent keys and revisions, when such information is available.
Valid species names are followed by the author, year and page number of the original description, taxonomic remarks and relevant references, type depository and locality, distribution records, and a list of additional sources. Original literature was checked in virtually all instances to ensure accuracy of the entries. The author's name is placed in parentheses in cases where there was a generic shift from the original combination. In such cases the original genus name is listed in parentheses following the page number of the original description. In instances where the locality of the primary type was not specified in the original publication or subsequent literature, a listing of all localities of the type series is provided. Distribution records are only listed for valid species (records of synonymized species have been added to the distribution of valid species) and omitted if the species is only known from the type locality. American distribution records north of Mexico are separated from other records by a semicolon. North American localities including Mexico (as “MEX”) are abbreviated (table 1), except for Greenland and Bermuda. Non–North American localities are generally given to the level of zoogeographical realm with the exception of type localities, which are given to the level of country or island, or as stated in the original publication. Distribution records originate mainly from the literature, but also include unpublished data (see Acknowledgments). Supplementary distribution records are placed in parentheses if they fall within the geographic area outlined by the triangulations given in Foote et al. (1965). Additional references following the distribution are provided to guide the user to literature sources which contain supplementary information (e.g., distribution records, corrections) not listed in either Foote et al. (1965), the original species description, or the remarks.
Synonyms of species-group names are indented and listed in chronological order, below the valid species name. Except for the exclusion of distribution records, the structure of these records is identical to that of the valid species. Errors and emendations are listed immediately after the name misspelled or emended. Dating of the older literature mainly follows Stone et al. (1965) and Evenhuis (1997b). Seven of the eight varieties listed in Foote et al. (1965) (four in Dolichopus and one each in Neurigona, Diaphorus, and Chrysotus) are treated as synonyms, following Poole (1996); the exception is Dolichopus distinctus Van Duzee, which is assigned species-level status.
The geographic area covered by this catalog is North America north of Mexico as delineated by Stone et al. (1965), including Greenland and Bermuda. For brevity “Nearctic” refers to this area regardless of the real limits of the Nearctic realm. All validly named Nearctic taxa described before February 2004 (including the fossil species Gymnopternus lacustris Bickel, 1995a) are included. Dolichopus annulitarsis Ringdahl, D. flavipes Stannius, D. fraterculus Zetterstedt, D. latipennis Fallén, D. maculipennis Zetterstedt, and D. sagittarius Loew are newly recorded from North America based on material authoritatively identified by J.R. Vockeroth in the Canadian National Collection of Insects (CNC); R.L. Hurley added Pelastoneurus taeniatus Becker and Tachytrechus keiferi (Van Duzee) to the North American fauna. These eight species are indicated as new records in the catalog. Ten species which occur in other realms have been erroneously recorded from America north of Mexico. Foote et al. (1965) listed six of these as “not Nearctic”. Four additional species are added here: Dolichopus micropygus Wahlberg, D. ungulatus (Linnaeus), Hydrophorus praecox (Lehmann), and Sciapus pressipes Parent (see Species Erroneously Recorded from America North of Mexico).
Nomenclatural Changes
Forty-eight new nomenclatural changes are proposed in this catalog. The genus name Lyroneurus Loew is newly synonymized with Chrysotus Meigen. Dolichopus distinctus Van Duzee is removed from synonymy with D. funditor Loew. Dolichopus alberecrus Gunther is newly synonymized with D. scapularis Loew, D. annaclareii Gunther is newly synonymized with D. variabilis Loew, Tachytrechus parenti Robinson is newly synonymized with T. latitarsus (Parent), and Tachytrechus spinitarsis (Van Duzee) is newly synonymized with T. sanus Osten Sacken. The following new combinations are proposed: Chrysotus aldrichi (Van Duzee, 1915a) (including one additional synonym), C. deremptus (Walker), C. leucostoma (Loew) (including two additional synonyms), C. mundus (Loew), C. occidentalis (Van Duzee), C. quadratus (Van Duzee), C. repandus (Van Duzee), C. sodalis (Loew), C. triangulatus (Van Duzee), C. usitatus (Van Duzee), C. vanduzeei (Robinson) (including one additional synonym), C. variabilis (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus arizonicus (Harmston), C. binodatus (Harmston & Knowlton), C. hardyi (Harmston & Knowlton), C. isoaristus (Harmston & Knowlton), C. pennarista (Harmston & Knowlton), C. pictipes (Harmston & Knowlton), C. tripilus (Van Duzee), Paraphrosylus californicus (Harmston), P. grassator (Wheeler), P. wirthi (Harmston), Sympycnus pilosicornis (Walker), Tachytrechus keiferi (Van Duzee), and Thambemyia borealis (Takagi). In addition, new combinations are proposed for two synonyms of Chrysotus spectabilis (Loew), one synonym of Amblypsilopus dorsalis (Loew), three synonyms of A. scintillans (Loew), and four synonyms of A. unifasciatus (Say). Chrysotus vockerothi Pollet is proposed as a new name to replace Chrysotus aldrichi Van Duzee (1924b), and Tachytrechus canacolli Brooks is proposed as a new name to replace Tachytrechus utahensis (Harmston & Knowlton, 1946b, new combination).
Subfamily Classification
Fourteen subfamilies of Dolichopodidae are recognized in this catalog (see table 2). The subfamily classification followed here is based on that of Robinson (1970a) and Negrobov (1987, 1991) with modifications. Departures from these classifications include the placement of Achalcus in Achalcinae (sensu Grootaert & Meuffels, 1997) instead of in Xanthochlorinae (Robinson, 1970a) or Enliniinae (Negrobov, 1987, 1991), and Systenus in the Medeterinae (sensu Bickel, 1986) instead of Systeninae. Nematoproctus is included in the Rhaphiinae sensu Negrobov (1987, 1991).
The classification followed in Foote et al. (1965) was based on Becker (1917–1918, 1922a, 1922b, 1923) which included 10 subfamilies, all of which are recognized in this checklist except for Aphrosylinae, which is combined with Hydrophorinae. Five additional subfamilies (Achalcinae, Enliniinae, Peloropeodinae, Stolidosomatinae, Xanthochlorinae) are included in the present list. Most of the differences in the classification adopted in the present catalog versus that of Foote et al. (1965) involve changes in the concepts of Rhaphiinae and Sympycninae. Genera included in Rhaphiinae sensu Foote et al. (1965), presumably on the basis of the usually acute first flagellomere and the subapical to apical arista, which are placed here in other subfamilies, include (present subfamily placement in parentheses): Keirosoma (Diaphorinae), Syntormon (Sympycninae), Parasyntormon (Sympycninae), and Systenus (Medeterinae). Genera included in Sympycninae sensu Foote et al. (1965), presumably due to their modest body size, that are now assigned to other subfamilies include: Enlinia (Enliniinae), Chrysotimus (Peloropeodinae), Micromorphus (Peloropeodinae), and Xanthochlorus (Xanthochlorinae).
Table 3 provides a timetable of the number of Nearctic species described per major author from 1758 to 2003, and figure 1 shows the cumulative number of all described and valid species over the same period. The most significant contribution to the description of the Nearctic dolichopodid fauna is that of Millard C. Van Duzee, who described 555 species between 1913 and 1933, representing 36.9% of the total, which averages about 26 species/year. Other notable contributions include those of Loew (n = 181; 12.0%), Harmston and coworkers James, Knowlton, Miller, and Rapp (n = 156; 10.4%), Aldrich (n = 86; 5.7%), Robinson and coworkers Arnaud and Deyrup (n = 84; 5.6%), Wheeler (n = 77; 5.1%), Curran (n = 54; 3.6%), and Walker (n = 45; 3.0%). More than 55% of the synonyms listed in this catalog were described during 1911–1940 and 41% were described by Van Duzee.
A number of the dolichopodid workers listed in table 3 were contemporary, including Wheeler, Aldrich and Melander, Van Duzee, Curran and Parent, and Harmston and Robinson. The greatest overlap of workers occurred in the 1930s, during which species were described by Aldrich, Van Duzee, Curran, Parent, and Harmston & Knowlton. The majority of these workers were active for, at most, 25 years; however, Aldrich and Harmston described new species over periods of 40 (1893–1932) and 34 (1939–1972) years, respectively. Robinson has also been actively working on dolichopodids for the last 41 years (1960–present) and continues to do so.
The most notable increases in the Nearctic dolichopodid fauna were observed in the 1860s. during which Loew nearly tripled the number of described dolichopodids, and in the 1920s. during which 476 new species were described, mainly by Van Duzee (fig. 1; table 3). During the last 34 years, only 69 new species or a mere 4.6% of the total number of species were described. The description of a new genus, Erebomyia, with one new species, E. exalloptera, by Runyon & Hurley (2004), represents the most recent addition to the Nearctic fauna. This trend does not indicate that the limits of the Nearctic fauna have been reached, as a large number of undescribed species currently occupy the drawers of unsorted material accumulating in collections across North America. Rather, this trend reflects a decline in both the number of active dolichopodid workers and new students being trained in dolichopodid systematics.
Table 2 provides the number of valid species per genus and subfamily listed in this catalog. Two hundred twenty-four species have been added, representing a 19.4% increase in the number of species in Foote et al. (1965). The present list records 1288 valid species and 3 subspecies in 55 genera and 14 subfamilies compared with 1152 valid species and 8 subspecies in Foote et al. (1965). However, when these totals are compared, the new list actually includes a total of only 136 more valid species-group names than the previous catalog, which is due, in part, to the addition of 84 synonymies and the removal of 10 non-Nearctic species from the current list. Five species, namely Dolichopus distinctus Van Duzee, D. mercieri Parent, Hydrophorus aestuum Loew, H. eldoradensis Wheeler, and Condylostylus scaber (Loew) were removed from synonymy. Seventy-six additional combinations were established, three genera were synonymized (Neurigonella, Polymedon, Psilopiella), and 13 genera were added. Of the genera added, Erebomyia (Sympycninae), Harmstonia (Enliniinae), Nanomyina (Peloropeodinae), Sympycnidelphus (Stolidosomatinae), and Thambemyia (Hydrophorinae) include species that are newly reported or described for the Nearctic, whereas the others include known Nearctic species in different name combinations: Achalcus (species previously placed in Systenus), Achradocera (species previously placed in Chrysotus), Hydatostega (species previously placed in Hydrophorus), Dactylomyia, Nepalomyia, and Viridigona (species previously placed in Neurigona), Amblypsilopus (species previously placed in Sciapus and Condylostylus), and Neoparentia (species previously placed in Parasyntormon).
The Dolichopodinae is by far the largest subfamily, with 509 species comprising 39.5% of the entire Nearctic dolichopodid fauna, followed by Diaphorinae (n = 217; 16.9%). Among the remaining subfamilies, only Sympycninae (n = 121; 9.4%) and Hydrophorinae (n = 117 [114 not including subspecies]; 9.1% [8.9%]) include more than 100 species. Plagioneurinae and Xanthochlorinae are the smallest subfamilies with only one species each.
Dolichopus is the most diverse genus with 317 species comprising about 24.6% of the Nearctic species. Chrysotus (n = 107; 8.3%), Rhaphium (n = 85; 6.6%), Gymnopternus (n = 76; 5.9%), and Hydrophorus (n = 50; 3.9%) also form a major component of the Nearctic fauna. Nine genera, namely, Dactylomyia, Erebomyia, Keirosoma, Nanomyina, Neoparentia, Plagioneurus, Telmaturgus, Thambemyia, and Xanthochlorus, are represented by a single species each. Recent additions of new species are most notable in Dolichopus (28; 13 by Harmston), Gymnopternus (23; 20 by Robinson), Medetera (22; 15 by Bickel), Hydrophorus (16; 14 by Hurley), Chrysotus (11; 7 by Robinson), Diaphorus (10; 6 by Robinson), Neurigona, Rhaphium (both 8), Enlinia, and Pelastoneurus (both 7).
Table 1 indicates the number of species known per state or province in America north of Mexico based on Foote et al. (1965), subsequent literature, and authoritative identifications by J.R. Vockeroth, D.J. Bickel, R.L. Hurley, and H. Robinson. Because Foote et al. (1965) used triangulation to record species distributions instead of providing a complete list of states/provinces, the number of species per province/state in Table 1 must be considered underestimates of the actual diversity. New York, California, North Carolina, Ontario, and Quebec show the highest number of recorded species with over 200 each. Four provinces and 19 states each have over 100 recorded species. In contrast, three states and Greenland each have fewer than 10 recorded species. The apparent low diversity in these latter regions is likely due to undersampling or artifacts produced by triangulation rather than to actual low species richness.
Over 32.5% (n = 418) of all valid Nearctic species have only been recorded from a single state or province. Seventy-three species are exclusively known from California, which represents the highest degree of apparent endemism in America north of Mexico. Other states with an apparently high number of unique species records include Utah (n = 26), Colorado (n = 24), Alaska (n = 21), New York (n = 19), Florida (n = 18), and Oregon (n = 17). Although in this case triangulation does not bias these figures, examination of material in collections will undoubtedly reveal larger ranges for many species of Nearctic Dolichopodidae.
Fifty-five species of Dolichopodidae in 13 genera are Holarctic (tables 4 and 6). Most Holarctic species belong to Dolichopus, Rhaphium, and Medetera, which are among the largest genera in America north of Mexico. On a world scale, Rhaphium and particularly Dolichopus are predominantly Holarctic and include several arctic or circumpolar species. A circumpolar Holarctic distribution can probably also be assumed in Medetera apicalis (Zetterstedt), M. pinicola Kowarz, M. signaticornis Loew, and M. veles Loew. The larval stages of M. pinicola and M. signaticornis are predators of scolytid larvae on pine (Pinus spp.), spruce (Picea spp.), and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga spp.) (Bickel, 1985). As such, the distribution of these species is restricted to coniferous forests. In contrast, the restricted and recent distribution records of Medetera diadema (Linnaeus) and M. truncorum Meigen in the Nearctic suggest introduction by human activities. Both species are among the most common species in the Palearctic (Assis Fonseca, 1978; Pollet, 2000).
The dolichopodid fauna of America north of Mexico shares 113 species with the Neotropics and Mexico (tables 5 and 6). Sixty-six species are shared with Mexico, of which 41 have not been recorded south of Mexico. The other 25 species shared with Mexico have also been recorded from other localities in Central and South America. The remaining 47 species are known from the Neotropics, exclusive of Mexico, although many of these species are likely to occur in Mexico. The subfamilies Sciapodinae (particularly Condylostylus) and Diaphorinae include the largest number of species that are shared with the Neotropics south of Mexico. Shared species of Enliniinae, Sympycninae, most Peloropeodinae and Hydrophorinae, and the Holarctic genus Dolichopus have not been recorded south of Mexico. Although diverse and widespread in Canada and the United States, none of the North American species of Gymnopternus or Argyra have been recorded south of the United States.
Ten species recorded from the Nearctic are extremely widespread and have also been recorded in at least two additional realms (table 7). Some of these species records may be the result of misidentifications and should be viewed with caution. For instance, it is doubtful whether the marshland- and saltmarsh-inhabiting Micromorphus albipes (Zetterstedt) is really ubiquitous. Micromorphus species are among the smallest dolichopodids and detailed morphological comparison of specimens from each realm has not been carried out thus far. It is likely that the same holds true for the stenotopic heathland species, Diaphorus nigricans Meigen. Confusion with other Diaphorinae cannot be excluded, especially in the Neotropics, where this subfamily is exceedingly diverse.
Wherever possible the location of primary type material for the Nearctic species of Dolichopodidae is provided. Notations used for the status of primary type material are as follows: HT = holotype, ST = syntype(s), LT = lectotype, NT = neotype. Acronyms used for collections housing primary types are those proposed by Samuelson et al. (2001). In instances where authors have deposited syntypes in more than one collection, institutions are listed in descending order based on the number of type specimens deposited. The number of syntype specimens, when known, is given separately in brackets for each collection. Type information has been gathered from the literature, by direct examination of collections (i.e., CNC, USNM), by use of published type catalogs and lists such as Byers et al. (1962), Zimsen (1964), Arnaud (1979), McCabe & Johnson (1980), Webb (1980), and Cooper & Cumming (1993), by use of type databases that are available over the internet (i.e., CUIC, MCZ, OSU, ZMUC), and by information provided by curators (see Acknowledgments).
AMNH Department of Entomology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, New York, 10024–5192, USA.
ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103, USA.
BMNH Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, London, SW7 5BD, United Kingdom.
BPBM Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96817-0916 USA.
CAS Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California, 94118, USA.
CNC Canadian National Collection of Insects, Invertebrate Biodiversity, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C6, Canada.
CUIC Department of Entomology, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 14853–0999, USA.
DEI Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Schicklerstrasse 5, D-16225 Eberswalde, Germany.
EDNC North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27611, USA.
EIHU Entomological Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan.
EMEC Essig Museum of Entomology, University of California, Berkeley, California, 94720, USA.
FSCA Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Division of Plant Industry, 1911 SW 34th Street, Gainesville, Florida, 32608–1268, USA.
HNHM Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Baross u. 13, Budapest, P.O. Box 137, H-1431, Hungary.
INHS Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection, 607 E. Peabody Drive, Champaign, Illinois, 61820, USA.
LSUK Linnaean Society, London, UK (contact BMNH).
MCZ Entomology Department, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford St., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, USA.
MLUH Wissenschaftsbereich Zoologie, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle a.S, Germany.
MNHN Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 45, rue de Buffon, Paris, 75005, France.
MZHF Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 13, SF-00100, Helsinki, Finland.
MZLU Museum of Zoology, Lund University, Helgonavägen 3A, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden.
NHRS Sektionen for Entomologi, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, S-104 05, Stockholm, Sweden.
NMID National Museum of Ireland, Kildare Street and Merrion Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.
NMW Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Postfach 417, Burgring 7, 1040 Wien, Austria.
NYSM New York State Museum, Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York, 12230, USA.
OSU Department of Entomology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 43210–1220, USA.
SEMC Snow Entomological Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 66044, USA.
SMNS Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany.
SMTD Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Königsbrücker Landstrasse 159, D-01109 Dresden, Germany.
UCDC R.M. Bohart Museum of Entomology, 1124 Academic Surge, University of California, Davis, California, USA.
UMMZ Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104, USA.
UMO Hope Entomological Collections, University Museum, Parks Road, Oxford, 0XI 3PW, United Kingdom.
UMSP Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55108, USA.
UMNH Utah Museum of Natural History, 1390 E. Presidents Circle, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84112–0050, USA.
USNM United States National Entomological Collection, Department of Entomology, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 20560, USA.
WSU James Entomological Collection, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, 99163–6382, USA.
ZIN Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab., 1, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia.
ZMHB Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 43, Berlin 1040, Germany.
ZMPA Museum of the Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Science, Wilcza 64, 00–679 Warszawa, Poland.
ZMUC Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark.
ZMUH Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Universität von Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
Genus ACHALCUS Loew, 1857
ACHALCUS Loew, 1857a: 30. Type species: Porphyrops flavicollis Meigen [Palearctic], designation by Robinson, 1970b: 22.
ACHALCHUS, error by Parent (1933b: 440).
Achalcus is known from the Holarctic (Pollet, 1996a; Pollet & Cumming, 1998), the Neotropics (Van Duzee, 1930g; Parent, 1931), and New Zealand (Parent, 1933b). Recent investigations (Pollet, 1998; Pollet & Grootaert, 1998) have revealed the presence of this genus in Central America and Australia. Southern species show a typical Gondwanan distribution pattern (Pollet, 1996b, 1998). Achalcus is generally cold-preferent, and Nearctic species are found in both coastal forests and marshlands (Pollet & Cumming, 1998). Most of the Nearctic species are known from western North America; however, undescribed females have recently been recorded from Ontario (Pollet & Cumming, 1998) and Prince Edward Island (Brooks & Wheeler, unpublished data).
Pollet & Cumming (1998; rev.).
californicus Pollet & Cumming, 1998: 377. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: CA, Marin Co., Inverness.
dytei Pollet & Cumming, 1998: 380. HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA: WA, Pacific Co., Ft. Canby State Park, nr Ilwaco. Distribution: BC, WA.
oregonensis (Harmston & Miller), 1966: 91 (Systenus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Clackamas Co., Wilsonville [Pollet & Cumming (1998)].
similis Pollet & Cumming, 1998: 381. HT in WSU. Type locality: USA: WA, Clallam Co., Dean Creek, 7 mi S of Sequim.
utahensis (Harmston & Miller), 1966: 92 (Systenus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: UT, Moab [Pollet & Cumming (1998)].
Genus ACHRADOCERA Becker, 1922a
ACHRADOCERA Becker, 1922a: 207. Type species: Achradocera femoralis Becker [Neotropical], designation by Robinson, 1970b: 31. Listed as synonym (Poole, 1996) or subgenus (Robinson, 1970b) of Chrysotus; given generic status in Robinson (1975), Robinson & Vockeroth (1981), Dyte & Smith (1980), Bickel & Dyte (1989), and Bickel (2000).
ACCRADOCERA, error by Vanschuytbroeck (1952: 11, 54).
ACRADOCERA, error by Vanschuytbroeck (1951: 122, 128).
ACRODOCERA, error listed by Bickel & Dyte (1989)
Achradocera is known from the Nearctic, Neotropical, and Afrotropical realms, as well as French Polynesia, Tonga, and the Hawaiian Islands (Bickel & Dyte, 1989; Bickel 2000). Males of this genus are easily recognized by their basally swollen and long, tapering first flagellomere, and bearded lower postocular surface. Information on their ecology and biology is entirely lacking.
Van Duzee (1924b; as part of Chrysotus); Parent (1933c; key to Neotropical and Nearctic species); Bickel (2000; rev.).
arcuata (Van Duzee), 1924b: 48 (Chrysotus); listed under Chrysotus in Foote et al. (1965), comb. by Bickel (2000). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Alpine. Distribution: Western States (WA, OR, CA, ID, UT); MEX, Hawaiian Is. [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Turner (1987); Bickel (2000)].
barbata (Loew), 1861a: 48 (Synarthrus); listed under Chrysotus in Foote et al. (1965), comb. by Robinson (1975). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: WA, WI, and IA to RI, s. to CA, AZ, LA, and FL (IL, TN, TX, NC, SC); MEX, Neotropics, French Polynesia, Tonga [Robinson (1970b); Bickel (2000); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
validus (Loew), 1861a: 63 (Chrysotus); listed under Chrysotus by Foote et al. (1965). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”.
americanum (Wheeler), 1896a: 154 (Xiphandrium); listed under Chrysotus by Foote et al. (1965). ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: WI, Milwaukee; IL, Chicago; IN, Whiting.
apicalis (Aldrich), 1896b: 330 (Chrysotus); synonymized by Bickel (2000). ST in USNM (4). Type locality: St. Vincent Is.
angustifacies Becker, 1922a: 207; synonymized by Bickel (2000). ST in ?SMTD. Type locality: Chile: Quillota.
Genus ARGYRA Macquart, 1834
PORPHYROPS Meigen, 1824: 45. Type species: Musca diaphana Fabricius, designation by Curtis, 1835: pl. 541. Application to the I.C.Z.N. to suppress Porphyrops in favor of established usage of Argyra is necessary; see notes in Robinson (1970b) and Dyte & Smith (1980: 458).
ARGYRA Macquart, 1834: 456. Type species: Musca diaphana Fabricius [Palearctic], designation by Rondani, 1856: 141.
LEUCOSTOLA Loew, 1857a: 39. Type species: Dolichopus vestitus Wiedemann, by monotypy.
Argyra is known from all realms except Australasia and Oceania, but is most diverse in the northern hemisphere. Adults are hygrophilous and are frequently encountered on moist soil and herbaceous foliage near water, especially running water. Males, in particular, have silver pruinosity and resemble silvery flashes when in flight.
Van Duzee (1925d; rev.); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
albicans Loew, 1861a: 45. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC. Distribution: NE and MN to QC, s. to KS and GA (IA, TN, DC, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
quadriplagiatus (Harris), 1835: 597 (Porphyrops); nomen nudum.
albicoxa Van Duzee, 1925d: 30. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Hull. Distribution: NE, IA, QC, NY [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
albiventris Loew, 1864b: 128. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK s. to OR and UT.
aldrichi Johnson, 1904: 18. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NJ, Long Branch, Shrewsbury River, Goose Neck. Distribution: MA to SC (RI, CT, NJ) [Robinson (1964)].
angustata Van Duzee, 1925d: 10. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: ME, Mount Desert, Echo Lake. Distribution: WI, NY, ME, MA [Robinson (1964)].
argentiventris Van Duzee, 1925d: 15. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Mono Lake.
barbipes Van Duzee, 1925d: 11. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Redwood City.
basalis Van Duzee, 1932c: 186. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Little Valley. Distribution: NY, SC.
bimaculata Van Duzee, 1925d: 19. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Hull. Distribution: OR to QC and ME, s. to NE, IL, and MA [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
brevipes Van Duzee, 1925d: 11. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: LA, Opelousas.
calceata Loew, 1861a: 47. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: ON to QC, s. to IN and PA (IA, OH, NY, VT, ME, NH, MA) [Robinson (1964)].
calcitrans Loew, 1861a: 46. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON to ME, s. to IA, IN, and SC (TN, NY, MA, RI, CT, NJ, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
californica Van Duzee, 1925d: 26. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles.
ciliata Van Duzee, 1924f: 5. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Fairbanks.
cingulata (Loew), 1861a: 53 (Leucostola). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC. Distribution: KS to ME, s. to LA and FL (IN, NY, NJ, DC, VA) [Robinson (1964)].
condomina Harmston & Knowlton, 1946c: 137. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Wolf Creek Pass. Distribution: OR, ID, MT, UT, CO, SD.
currani Van Duzee, 1925d: 24. ST in CNC (9), CAS (3), NYSM (2). Type locality: CAN: QC, Hull. Distribution: ON, MI, QC.
cylindrica Loew, 1864b: 132. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK, WA, CA.
dakotensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1939c: 85. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SD, Pineridge. Distribution: UT, SD.
fasciventris Van Duzee, 1930a: 2. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CT, Avon, Avon Old Farms. Distribution: NF, NS, CT, WV [Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
femoralis Van Duzee, 1925d: 16. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles
flavicornis Van Duzee, 1925d: 35. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: KS, Lawrence. Distribution: NE, KS, MO, LA [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
flavicoxa Van Duzee, 1925d: 39. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: FL, Daytona.
flavipes Van Duzee, 1925d: 34. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 235) in CAS. Type locality: USA: MD, Plummer Is. Distribution: IA, IN, TN, NY, MD [Robinson (1964)].
grayi Robinson, 1964: 143. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SC, Spartanburg Co., nr Pacolet, on property of C.D. Gray.
hirta Van Duzee, 1925d: 7. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Tennessee Pass.
idahona Harmston & Knowlton, 1946c: 138. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Sandpoint.
inaequalis Van Duzee, 1925d: 40. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: IN, TN.
involuta Van Duzee, 1925d: 38. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: SD, IN.
johnsoni Van Duzee, 1925d: 37. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NJ, Shark River. Distribution: IA, IL, TN, PA, NJ, NC, SC, FL [Robinson (1964)].
medusae Gosseries, 1988: 305; n. name for Argyra abdominalis (Say). Type locality: USA: IN.
abdominalis (Say), 1829–1830: 170 (also in LeConte, 1859: 362) (Dolichopus); preocc. by Dolichopus abdominalis Fallén, 1823, now Neurigona. ST destroyed. Type locality: USA: IN.
minuta Loew, 1861a: 46. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC. Distribution: IA and IN to ON and VT, s. to DC (OH, NY, PA, MA, NJ) [Robinson (1964)].
nigricoxa Van Duzee, 1925d: 26. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OH, Sugar Grove. Distribution: IA, IN, OH, ON, VA, SC.
nigripes Loew, 1864b: 127. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK, WA and ID, s. to CA.
nigriventris Van Duzee, 1925d: 14. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: WA, Clallam Co., Forks. Distribution: WA, MT.
obscura Van Duzee, 1925d: 36. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NH, Mount Washington.
robusta Johnson, 1906: 59. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: QC, Vaudreuil. Distribution: ID and UT to QC and ME (MT, WY, IA, IL, NY, SD) [Robinson (1964)].
scutellaris Van Duzee, 1925d: 12. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Forest Grove. Distribution: OR, ID.
sericata Van Duzee, 1925d: 28. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: ME, Machias. Distribution: IA, IN, QC, ME, MA.
setipes Van Duzee, 1925d: 31. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Colden. Distribution: ON to MA, s. to NC (NY, PA, VT, NJ, VA) [Robinson (1964)].
similis Harmston & Knowlton, 1940d: 58. HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, Dongola. Distribution: IL, IN, SC [Robinson (1964)].
spina Van Duzee, 1925d: 41. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette.
splendens Van Duzee, 1933c: 151; n. name for Argyra splendida Van Duzee. Type locality: USA: CA, Berkeley.
splendida Van Duzee, 1925d: 21; preocc. by Argyra splendida de Meijere, 1919. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Berkeley.
thoracica Van Duzee, 1925d: 23. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: ON, Kearney. Distribution: ON, IN, TN, NY, VA [Robinson (1964)].
utahna Harmston, 1951a: 16. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: UT, Monticello.
velutina Van Duzee, 1925d: 20. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Hull. Distribution: MI, QC.
Genus ASYNDETUS Loew, 1869a
ASYNDETUS Loew, 1869a: 35. Type species: Asyndetus ammophilus Loew [Nearctic, Neotropical], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 511. There has been some confusion over the type species of Asyndetus among the current regional catalogs. Asyndetus ammophilus Loew is listed as the type species in the Nearctic (Foote et al., 1965), Neotropical (Robinson, 1970b), and Afrotropical (Dyte & Smith, 1980) catalogs, whereas the Oriental (Dyte, 1975), Australasian & Oceanian (Bickel & Dyte, 1989), and Palearctic (Negrobov, 1991) catalogs list Diaphorus interruptus Loew as the type. Loew (1869a) included only two species when he erected Asyndetus, namely A. ammophilus and A. appendiculatus, both from Newport, Rhode Island. Therefore the earlier designation of the Cuban species Diaphorus interruptus Loew as type species by Bigot (1890) is invalid as it was not one of the originally included species.
ANCHINEURA Thomson, 1869: 506. Type species: Anchineura tibialis Thomson, by monotypy.
MERINGOPHERUSA Becker, 1902–1903: 56. Type species: Meringopherusa separata Becker, designation by Dyte, 1975: 247.
Asyndetus is known from all realms but is most diverse in the New World. Several species are known from crab holes and presumably breed in these microhabitats. Species from the eastern United States are primarily coastal, but are occasionally found around inland lakes. The genus seems to be more widely distributed in the west (Robinson, 1964).
Van Duzee (1919b; key to males); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
ammophilus Loew, 1869a: 34 (Cent. 8, no. 58). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: RI, Newport. Distribution: CA, UT, NM, NE, TX, IA, IL, IN, MA to FL (RI, NJ, NC, SC), PEI, NS, Bermuda; MEX, Neotropics. [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987); Woodley & Hilburn (1994); Bickel & Sinclair (1997)].
appendiculatus Loew, 1869a: 36 (Cent. 8, no. 59). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: RI, Newport. Distribution: MB, NE, IA, MI, IN, ON, RI, SC, TX, FL [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bickel (personal commun.); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
archboldi Robinson & Deyrup, 1997: 477. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL, Highlands Co., Archbold Biological Station.
caudatus Van Duzee, 1916b: 92. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Bill Williams Fork.
cornutus Van Duzee, 1916b: 89. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: UT, Great Salt Lake. Distribution: CA, UT.
crassipodus Harmston, 1968: 20. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Kern Co., Red Rock Canyon.
flavipalpus Van Duzee, 1932b: 10. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NV, Fallon, 4000 ft.
harbeckii Van Duzee, 1914c: 442. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: NJ, Wenonah.
hardyi Robinson, 1964: 130. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TX, Harlingen.
interruptus (Loew), 1861b: 37 (Diaphorus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: Cuba. Distribution: FL; Neotropics.
bredini Robinson, 1975: 68. HT in USNM. Type locality: Dominica, nr Layou [Robinson & Deyrup (1997); Bickel & Sinclair (1997)].
johnsoni Van Duzee, 1916b: 93. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CT, Rowayton. Distribution: NH, CT, NC.
latus Van Duzee, 1916b: 91. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Bill Williams Fork. Distribution: CA, UT, AZ, NM, TX, ?MI [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Robinson (1964)].
nevadensis Harmston, 1968: 18. HT in UCDC. Type locality: USA: NV, 15 mi SW of Winnemucca.
nigripes Van Duzee, 1916b: 91. ST in CAS. Type localities: USA: CA, Los Angeles Co., Springdale; San Diego.
occidentalis Van Duzee, 1919b: 249. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Banos.
oregonensis Harmston, 1966b: 225. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Ana River road, nr Summer Lake.
parvicornis Van Duzee, 1932b: 11. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WY, Rock Springs, at about 6250 ft.
scopifer Harmston, 1952: 288. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River.
severini Harmston & Knowlton, 1939b: 351. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SD, Martin. Distribution: SD, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
spinitarsis Harmston, 1951b: 108. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: CA, Palm City.
syntormoides Wheeler, 1899: 32. ST in AMNH, MCZ. Type localities: USA: MA, Boston, New Bedford; NJ, Avalon. Distribution: KS, MA, NJ, to FL; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
texanus Van Duzee, 1916b: 90. HT in SEMC. Type localities: USA: AZ, Bill Williams Fork; TX, Galveston. Distribution: AZ, TX.
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1942b: 85. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Price. Distribution: UT, TX [Bickel (personal commun.)].
Genus CHRYSOTUS Meigen, 1824
CHRYSOTUS Meigen, 1824: 40. Type species: Musca nigripes Fabricius [Palearctic], designation by Westwood, 1840: 134. See comments by Foote et al. (1965) and Dyte & Smith (1980) regarding the valid name of the type species.
LYRONEURUS Loew, 1857b: 38. Type species: Lyroneurus coerulescens Loew, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 563. Listed as subgenus (Robinson, 1970b) or synonym (Dyte & Smith, 1980) of Diaphorus. new synonymy.
Chrysotus is known from all realms, but is most diverse in the New World. In this catalog, separation of Chrysotus and Diaphorus follows the key in Robinson & Vockeroth (1981) resulting in the transfer of 12 species from Diaphorus to Chrysotus based on examination of identified material in the CNC. Chrysotus is generally heliophilous and is mainly found on the foliage of low herbs, but a number of species seem to prefer wet, sandy banks of ponds and rivers.
Van Duzee (1924b; rev., key to males); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.); Woodley (1996; rev., key, Bermuda).
affinis Loew, 1861a: 64. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: ON, QC, NY ME, CT; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
agalmus Harmston & Rapp, 1968: 252. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NE, Glen.
albohirtus Van Duzee, 1924b: 41. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SD, Big Stone City. Distribution: SD, NE, IA [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
aldrichi (Van Duzee), 1915a: 185 (Diaphorus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Boise. Distribution: ID, MT, NV, UT, CO, NE, ?MI [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)]. new combination.
albifacies (Parent), 1929a: 191 (Diaphorus). HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: MT. new combination.
anomalus Malloch, 1914: 238. HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: LA, New Orleans. Distribution: LA, GA, NY.
argentatus Van Duzee, 1924b: 41. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego, Alpine. Distribution: CA, ID, MI.
arkansensis Van Duzee, 1930b: 84. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: AR, Fayetteville.
atratus Van Duzee, 1930a: 2. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CT, Avon, Avon Old Farms.
auratus Loew, 1861a: 65. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY.
badius Van Duzee, 1932b: 15. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Natashquan.
barbipes Van Duzee, 1932b: 14. ST in CAS (3), AMNH. Type locality: USA: CO, La Plata Co., Electric Lake, at about 8400 ft.
bellulus Van Duzee, 1932b: 14. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Natashquan.
bellus Van Duzee, 1924b: 39. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NJ, Wenonah. Distribution: MI, NY to ME, s. to NC (NH, PA, NJ, MD, DC) [Robinson (1964)].
bermudensis Johnson, 1914: 446. HT in MCZ. Type locality: Bermuda [Woodley (1996)].
bracteatus Van Duzee, 1924b: 36. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: GA, Tifton.
caerulus Van Duzee, 1924b: 21. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: WA, Forks. Distribution: BC, WA.
californicus Van Duzee, 1924b: 16. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: CA, Fulton; Humboldt Co., Blue Lake.
canadensis Van Duzee, 1924b: 19. HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: ON, Ft. Erie. Distribution: ON, MI.
caroliniensis Robinson, 1964: 136. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Durham, Duke Gardens.
caudatus Van Duzee, 1924b: 29. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., North Evans.
chlanoflavus Harmston & Knowlton, 1940d: 59. HT in UMNH. Type locality: USA: ND, Tower City.
choricus Wheeler, 1890: 357. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co. Distribution: NE, IA, WI, IL, IN, ON, NY, QC; MEX, Neotropics [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
chloricus; error by Van Duzee (1911: 240).
ciliatus Malloch, 1914: 236. HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, Champaign.
clypeatus Robinson, 1967a: 121. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL, Gulf Co., Port St. Joe.
coloradensis Van Duzee, 1924b: 14. HT in CUIC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Columbia River, “Carbonate”.
convergens Van Duzee, 1924b: 17. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Colden. Distribution: MI, QC, NY, NC.
cornutus Loew, 1862: 214. (Cent. 2, no. 65). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: IA, IL, NY; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
costalis Loew, 1861a: 64. ST in MCZ. Type localities: USA: FL; MD. Distribution: MI, NY, MD, NC, GA, FL [Robinson (1964)].
costatus; error by Van Duzee (1915d: 88).
cressoni Van Duzee, 1924b: 17. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: NY, Beaverkill. Distribution: NY, NC.
crosbyi Van Duzee, 1924b: 43. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: MO, Columbus. Distribution: MO, NC, GA, FL. Bermuda; Neotropics (Cuba, Puerto Rico) [Robinson (1964); Woodley & Hilburn (1994); Woodley (1996); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
magnipalpus Van Duzee, 1927e: 2. HT in AMNH. Type locality: Cuba: Havana [Woodley (1996)].
currani Van Duzee, 1924b: 15. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Roberval. Distribution: ON, QC, NY, DE, TN, NC.
dakotensis Harmston, 1952: 290. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SD, Brookings.
deremptus (Walker), 1848–1849: 667 (Ortochile); listed as unplaced in Foote et al. (1965), however, placement in Chrysotus indicated by Parent (1934a). HT in BMNH. Type locality: North America. new combination.
discolor Loew, 1861a: 65. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: OR to MB and QC, s. to IA and FL (NY, MD, VA, NC); MEX [Robinson (1964, 1970b)].
cobaltinus Van Duzee, 1924b: 38. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: MD, Chesapeake Beach.
distinctus Van Duzee, 1924b: 23. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Austell; Tifton. Distribution: MI, TN, GA.
dividuus Van Duzee, 1924b: 12. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Genesee Co., Elba. Distribution: IA, MI, NY, GA.
dorsalis Van Duzee, 1924b: 44. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: GA, Tifton. Distribution: LA to GA and SC.
emarginatus Van Duzee, 1928d: 87. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IA, Sioux City.
excisus Aldrich, 1896b: 325. ST in USNM (10), SEMC. Type locality: St. Vincent Is. Distribution: ?NY; Neotropics.
exilis Van Duzee, 1924b: 32. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Austell; Tybee Is. Distribution: GA, NC.
flavicauda Van Duzee, 1928d: 87. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IA, Sioux City.
flavisetus Malloch, 1914: 239. LT designated by Frison (1927: 183) in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, Champaign. Distribution: IA, IL, TN.
frontalis Van Duzee, 1924b: 24. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Okefenokee Swamp, Billy's Is.
fulvohirtus Van Duzee, 1915d: 95; erroneously listed as synonym of Chrysotus flavipalpis Van Duzee by Robinson (1970b). ST in CAS (5), CUIC. Type localities: USA: GA, Honey Is.; Billy's Is.; Tybee Is.; Spring Creek; Clayton. Distribution: GA, MA; Neotropics.
flavohirtus; error listed by Robinson (1970b).
furcatus Robinson, 1964: 134. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: NC, Pishag Forest, Looking Glass Peak. Distribution: IA, MO, IN, TN, GA, FL, NY, CT, DC, VA, NC, SC.
gilvipes Van Duzee, 1924b: 25. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Okefenokee Swamp, Billy's Island.
halteralis Van Duzee, 1924b: 40. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora. Distribution: QC, NY, NC.
harmstoni Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999: 289; n. name for Chrysotus nudus Harmston & Knowlton. Type locality: USA: CA, Mono Co., Sardine Canyon, 8500 ft.
nudus Harmston & Knowlton, 1963: 233; preocc. by Chrysotus nudus Becker, 1917–1918. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Mono Co., Sardine Canyon, 8500 ft.
hastatus Van Duzee, 1924b: 46. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: NY, Ithaca.
hilburni Woodley, 1996: 204. HT in USNM. Type locality: Bermuda, Devonshire Parish, Devonshire Marsh.
hirtipes Van Duzee, 1924b: 22. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Olcott. Distribution: AB, SD, NE, IA, ON, QC, NY [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
dubius Van Duzee, 1924b: 22; listed as a variety by Foote et al. (1965). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: SD, Brookings [Poole (1996)].
humilis Parent, 1928: 164. HT in ZMUH. Type locality: Costa Rica: La Caja. Distribution: TX; Neotropics.
idahoensis Van Duzee, 1924b: 18. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: WA, Mt. Constitution.
incertus Walker, 1848–1849: 651. HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA.
intrudus Harmston, 1951b: 107. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: OK, Commerce. Distribution: OK, KS.
johnsoni Van Duzee, 1924b: 21. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: ME, Keneo. Distribution: MI, QC, ME, NC, SC.
junctus Van Duzee, 1924b: 13. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: FL, Turkey Creek. Distribution: FL, GA.
kansensis Harmston, 1952: 289. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: KS, Lawrence.
lamellifer Robinson, 1964: 136. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IA, Monona Co., 7 mi SW of Whiting, nr Missouri River, 42°6′N, 96°16′W. Distribution: NE, IA.
leucostoma (Loew), 1861a: 58 (Diaphorus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: MD. Distribution: UT and SD to QC, s. to LA and FL (NE, NY, MA, CT, NJ, DC); MEX, Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b); Harmston & Rapp (1983)]. new combination.
infuscatus (Van Duzee), 1915a: 179 (Diaphorus); listed as a variety by Foote et al. (1965). LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 250) in CAS. Type locality: USA: DC, Washington [Poole (1996)]. new combination.
vittatas (Van Duzee), 1915a: 175 (Diaphorus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: VA, Falls Church. new combination.
vittatus; error by Van Duzee (1915a: 164).
litoralis Robinson, 1964: 135. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Carteret Co., Lennoxville Point nr Beaufort.
longihirtus Van Duzee, 1932b: 13. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Natashquan.
longimanus Loew, 1861a: 62. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: OR, CA, CO, KS; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
major Van Duzee, 1924b: 34. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora.
megalocerus Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999: 289; n. name for Chrysotus magnicornis Van Duzee. Type locality: USA: NY, “Probably taken around Ithaca”. Distribution: IA, NY.
magnicornis Van Duzee, 1924b: 13; preocc. by Chrysotus magnicornis Zetterstedt, 1843. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: NY, “Probably taken around Ithaca”.
millardi Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999: 289; n. name for Chrysotus annulatus Van Duzee. Type localities: USA: GA, Okefenokee Swamp, Billy's Island; Decatur Co., Spring Creek; Tifton. Distribution: MI, CT, VA, s. to FL [Robinson (1964)].
annulatus Van Duzee, 1924b: 27; preocc. by Chrysotus annulatus (Macquart), 1842. HT in CUIC. Type localities: USA: GA, Okefenokee Swamp, Billy's Island; Decatur Co., Spring Creek; Tifton.
mundus (Loew), 1861a: 57 (Diaphorus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: ID, QC to PA and NJ, TN, GA, FL, NC; Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b); Vockeroth (personal commun.)] new combination.
neopicticornis Robinson, 1967a: 119. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SC, 3 mi N of Spartanburg.
nigriciliatus Van Duzee, 1933b: 2. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NH, Hanover.
nigrifrons Parent, 1929a: 187. HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: TX.
nigripalpis Van Duzee, 1924b: 32. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Thalman.
nudipes Van Duzee, 1924b: 33. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Sacramento.
obliquus Loew, 1861a: 63. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: NE and IA to ON, QC, and NS, s. to CO and FL (KS, MO, TN, MS, IN, OH, NY, VT, MA, NJ, NC, SC, GA); ?Neotropics [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
occidentalis (Van Duzee), 1915a: 180 (Diaphorus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River. Distribution: AK, OR, CA, CO, NM. new combination.
pallipes Loew, 1861a: 66. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: NE and IA to CT, s. to MO and GA (IL, NY, PA, NC); Neotropics [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
palpiger (Wheeler), 1890: 360 (Diaphorus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co. Distribution: AK, WA to ON and MA, s. to CA, IL, and NY (NV, UT, AZ, CO, NE, WI) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
spinifer Malloch, 1914: 238. HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, Algonquin.
parvicornis Van Duzee, 1924b: 12. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: VA, Falls Church. Distribution: IA, TN, OH, NY, DE, VA, NC, SC.
exiguus Van Duzee, 1924b: 23. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Colden.
parvulus Van Duzee, 1924b: 25. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: NM (as NH, error), High Rolls.
pectoralis Van Duzee, 1924b: 24. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Okefenokee Swamp, Billy's Is. Distribution: GA, FL.
philtrum Melander, 1903: 72. ST in CNC (1). Type localities: USA: TX, Austin; LA, Opelousas; PA, Chester Co. Distribution: IA, MO, TX, LA, IN, MI, PA.
picticornis Loew, 1862: 214 (Cent. 2, no. 66). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: CA and UT to MA, s. to FL, Bermuda; MEX, Neotropics [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Woodley (1996)].
pomeroyi Parent, 1934b: 262. HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA: VA, Falls Church. Distribution: CT, VA, NC.
quadratus (Van Duzee), 1915a: 179 (Diaphorus). HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: ON, Fort Erie. new combination.
rauterbergi (Wheeler), 1890: 360 (Diaphorus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NE, Saline Co.
repandus (Van Duzee), 1915a: 183 (Diaphorus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Claremont. Distribution: CA, UT [Vockeroth (personal commun.)]. new combination.
sagittarius Van Duzee, 1924b: 42. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Buffalo.
silvicola Harmston, 1951a: 11. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Tuolumne Co., Pinecrest.
simulans Van Duzee, 1924b: 31. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: VA, Wallops Is. Distribution: VA, FL.
sodalis (Loew), 1861a: 58 (Diaphorus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: NE, IA and WI to NH, s. to GA (TN, OH, NY, PA, DC, NC, SC); Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b); Harmston & Rapp (1983)]. new combination.
spectabilis (Loew), 1861a: 57 (Diaphorus); comb. by Robinson & Vockeroth (1981: 628, fig. 7). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC. Distribution: SD and NE to CT, s. to LA and GA (KS, IL, TN, TX, SC); MEX, Neotropics [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
exunguis (Thomson), 1869: 506 (Diaphorus). HT in NHRS. Type locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires [Robinson (1970b)]. new combination.
approximatus (Aldrich), 1896b: 321 (Diaphorus). ST in USNM (4), SEMC (2). Type locality: St. Vincent Is. [Robinson (1970b)]. new combination.
subcostatus Loew, 1864b: 181. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: NE and MI to MA, s. to GA (IA, MO, TN, IL, IN, NY, VA, NC, SC), ?CA [Robinson (1964)].
pratincola Wheeler, 1890: 357. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NE, Saline Co.
subjectus Van Duzee, 1924b: 40. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: VA, Falls Church.
tarsalis Van Duzee, 1924b: 30. ST in USNM (2), CAS (1). Type localities: USA: LA, Opelousas; GA, Decatur Co., Spring Creek. Distribution: TN and NC, s. to LA, GA, and FL.
teapanus Aldrich, 1901: 347. ST in USNM (2). Type locality: MEX: Tabasco, Teapa. Distribution: GA, FL; MEX.
tennesseensis Robinson, 1964: 135. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Sevier Co., Great Smoky Mts. National Park, Greenbrier Cove, 2000 ft.
terminalis Van Duzee, 1924b: 28. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: MD, Chesapeake Beach.
tibialis Van Duzee, 1924b: 16. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: ID, Lawyer's Canyon. Distribution: ID, MB, NE, MI, NY [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
triangularis Van Duzee, 1924b: 46. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: MD.
triangulatus (Van Duzee), 1915a: 189 (Diaphorus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Lewiston. Distribution: ID, UT. new combination.
usitatus (Van Duzee), 1915a: 184 (Diaphorus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Lewiston. Distribution: OR, ID. new combination.
vanduzeei (Robinson), 1964: 138 (Diaphorus); n. name for Diaphorus communis Van Duzee. Type locality: USA: OK, Love Co. Distribution: OK, IA. new combination.
communis (Van Duzee), 1932a: 4 (Diaphorus); preocc. by Diaphorus communis White, 1916. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: OK, Love Co. new combination.
variabilis (Van Duzee), 1915a: 191 (Diaphorus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: FL, Bradentown. Distribution: NE and MN to NY, s. to FL (IA, IL, TN, MD, VA, NC, GA) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)]. new combination.
varipes Van Duzee, 1924b: 20. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co. Protection.
vividus Loew, 1864b: 178. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: KS, IL, NY, DC, FL; MEX.
vockerothi Pollet, new name for Chrysotus aldrichi Van Duzee, 1924b proposed herein by first author in recognition of the contribution of J.R. Vockeroth to the production of this catalog. Type locality: USA: GA, Tifton.
aldrichi Van Duzee, 1924b: 47; preocc. by Chrysotus aldrichi (Van Duzee), 1915a. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: GA, Tifton.
vulgaris Van Duzee, 1924b: 15. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Colden. Distribution: NE, MI, NY, NS, CT, NC [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
wisconsinensis Wheeler, 1890: 356. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co. Distribution: WI, NY, QC, VT, NC.
wisconensis; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
xanthocal Harmston & Knowlton, 1940e: 110. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Tracy.
Genus DIAPHORUS Meigen, 1824
DIAPHORUS Meigen, 1824: 32. Type species: Diaphorus flavocinctus Meigen [Palearctic], designation by Westwood, 1840: 134 [= oculatus (Fallén), 1823].
BRACHYPUS Meigen, 1824: 34 (when quoting Brachypus coeruleocephalus, a manuscript name of Megerle).
DIAPHORA Macquart, 1834: 447. Type species: Diaphorus hoffmannseggi Meigen [misid, = oculatus (Fallén), 1823], by original designation.
MUNROIANA Curran, 1924f: 229. Type species: Diaphorus brunneus Loew, by original designation.
Diaphorus is well represented in all realms but is most diverse in the New World. Separation of Diaphorus and Chrysotus in this catalog follows the key in Robinson & Vockeroth (1981) resulting in the transfer of 12 species from Diaphorus to Chrysotus based on examination of identified material in the CNC. This genus includes both hygrophilous and xerophilous species which are known from a variety of different habitats (heathland, river banks, humid forests).
Van Duzee (1915a; rev.); Robinson (1964; key, eastern North America).
alienus Van Duzee, 1915a: 176. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River.
argentifacies Van Duzee, 1932a: 5. ST in AMNH, CAS (1). Type locality: USA: NV, Fallon.
australis Van Duzee, 1915a: 194, on printed slip pasted in separates; n. name for Diaphorus femoratus Van Duzee. Type locality: USA: LA, Opelousas.
femoratus Van Duzee, 1915a: 194; preocc. by Diaphorus femoratus Walker, 1852–1853. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: LA, Opelousas.
bakeri Robinson, 1967a: 117. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Olga.
basalis Van Duzee, 1915a: 168. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: VA, Glencarlyn. Distribution: IA, VA, NC.
brevinervis Van Duzee, 1924f: 2. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Fairbanks.
californicus Van Duzee, 1917c: 33. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 249) in CAS. Type localities: USA: CA, Los Angeles Co., Los Cerritos; San Diego Co., Alpine.
canus Robinson, 1964: 140. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: LA, TN, IN.
consanguineus Harmston & Knowlton, 1963: 232. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles Co., Tanbark Flat.
contiguus Aldrich, 1896b: 323. ST in USNM (4), SEMC (1). Type locality: St. Vincent Is. Distribution: NC, SC, FL, Bermuda; Neotropics [Robinson (1964); Woodley & Hilburn (1994)].
funeralis Parent, 1929a: 188. HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: GA. Distribution: GA, FL.
fuscus Van Duzee, 1921b: 122; n. name for Diaphorus adustus Van Duzee. Type localities: USA: ID, Moscow; NV, Wells. Distribution: AK, YT, NT, BC, ID, NV, UT, CO, MB [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
adustus Van Duzee, 1915a: 172; preocc. by Dolichopus adustus Wiedemann, 1830, now Diaphorus. ST (2) in USNM. Type localities: USA: ID, Moscow; NV, Wells.
gibbosus Van Duzee, 1915a: 173. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Little Valley. Distribution: AK, CA, IA to ON, ME, s. to SC (AB, WI, NY, PA, VT, MA, NC) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
hirsutus Van Duzee, 1921b: 120. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Berkeley.
inornatus Van Duzee, 1917c: 38. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 250) in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego Co., Alpine; Fresno.
intermedius Robinson, 1964: 139. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SC, Oconee Co., 3 mi S of Walhalla, 34°39′N, 83°3′W, 1000 ft.
iowensis Robinson, 1964: 138. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IA, Ledges State Park.
junctus Van Duzee, 1917c: 35. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 250) in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles Co.
laffooni Robinson, 1964: 140. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IA, Valentine. Distribution: SD, NE, IA.
lamellatus Loew, 1864b: 165. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: NE, IA, NY, PA, VA, NC, SC [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
latifacies Van Duzee, 1932a: 6. ST in AMNH (2). Type locality: USA: OK, Woods Co.
longilamellus Harmston, 1971: 87. HT in FSCA. Type locality: USA: GA, Oatland Is.
millardi Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999: 291; n. name for Diaphorus disjunctus (Van Duzee). Type locality: USA: VA, Falls Church. Distribution: MA, VA.
disjunctus (Van Duzee), 1924b: 33 (Chrysotus); transferred by Robinson (1964), preocc. by Diaphorus disjunctus Loew, 1857a. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: VA, Falls Church.
nigricans Meigen, 1824: 33. ST in ?MNHN. Type locality: Germany. Distribution: UT to ME, s. to TN and FL (NE, MA, VA, NC) ; MEX, Neotropics, Palearctic [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
obscurellus Zetterstedt, 1838: 706. ST in MZLU. Type localities: Sweden: “Lapponia Umensi; Almsele; Lapponia meridionalis; Suecia media, Ostrogothia, Laerketorp” [Negrobov (1991)].
opacus Loew, 1861a: 56. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY.
sokolovi Stackelberg, 1928b: 73. ST in ZIN. Type localities: Russia: Siberia orientalis, province Transbaikalica, flumen Antipicha; province opidum Tshita; province Litoralis district Sutshanicus; Sedanka, district Vladivostok [Negrobov (1991)].
nudus Van Duzee, 1917c: 34. ST in CAS (2), USNM (2). Type locality: USA: VA, Wallops Is. Distribution: NY, PA, VA, NC.
parmatus Van Duzee, 1915a: 181. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA.
pseudopacus Robinson, 1964: 141. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: BC, CA, SK, NM, IA, WI, IN, TN, OH, ON, QC, NY, NS, MD, VA, NC, GA, FL [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
crinipes Robinson, 1964: 142; as subspecies of Diaphorus pseudopacus Robinson, 1964. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette [Robinson (1964); Poole (1996)].
remulus Van Duzee, 1915a: 182. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SD, Brookings.
similis Van Duzee, 1915a: 186. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: PA, Delaware Co. Distribution: PA, SC, GA.
slossonae Van Duzee, 1932a: 5. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: FL, Lake Worth.
snowii Van Duzee, 1917c: 36. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Oak Creek Canyon, 6000 ft. Distribution: AB, SK, MB, UT, CO, AZ [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
sparsus Van Duzee, 1917c: 37. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: VA, “Glencarlyn to mouth 4-in. Run”. Distribution: NY, VA.
spinitalus Van Duzee, 1923d: 67. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Eldorado Co., Strawberry Valley.
texanus Van Duzee, 1932a: 7. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: TX, Galveston.
trivittatus Van Duzee, 1915a: 187. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: FL, Bradentown. Distribution: GA, FL; MEX, Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b)].
ventralis Van Duzee, 1915a: 170. HT in USNM. Type locality: Belize. Distribution: northeastern U.S.; Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b)].
versicolor Van Duzee, 1932a: 6. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: TX, Galveston.
vulsus Van Duzee, 1917c: 38. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Bill William's Fork.
Genus KEIROSOMA Van Duzee, 1929
KEIROSOMA Van Duzee, 1929: 24. Type species: Keirosoma albicinctum Van Duzee [Neotropical], by original designation. Listed in Rhaphiinae by Foote et al. (1965).
Foote et al. (1965) placed Keirosoma in the Rhaphiinae because Van Duzee (1929) considered Keirosoma similar to Nematoproctus. Subsequently, Robinson (1970a, 1970b) placed Keirosoma in the Diaphorinae without explanation. Although Keirosoma may not belong in the Diaphorinae, the systematic position adopted by Robinson (1970a, 1970b) is followed here until placement of the genus is resolved. Keirosoma is only known from the New World. The habits of K. slossonae are unknown.
Robinson (1964; key, New World).
slossonae Van Duzee, 1933b: 2. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: FL, Biscayne Bay. Distribution: FL, MD [Bickel (personal commun.)].
albicinctum, not Van Duzee 1929: 24, misid. by Van Duzee 1929: 25. FL paratype.
Genus DOLICHOPUS Latreille, 1796
DOLICHOPUS Latreille, 1796: 159. Type species: Musca ungulata Linnaeus [Palearctic], designation by Latreille, 1810: 443.
RAGHENEURA Rondani, 1856: 144. Type species: Dolichopus griseipennis Stannius, by original designation. Dyte (1975) states “Ragheneura Rondani has priority over Eudolichopus Frey, and the use of Rondani's name would create confusion as an emendation of it has been used in another sense” [i.e., Rhagoneurus Loew 1864b, an unavailable senior synonym of Lichtwardtia Enderlein 1912].
HYGROCELEUTHUS Loew, 1857a: 10. Type species: Dolichopus latipennis Fallén, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 554. Listed as subgenus of Dolichopus in Negrobov (1991).
SPATHICHIRA Bigot, 1888a: xxiv. Type species: Dolichopus funditor Loew, by original designation.
SPATICHIRA Bigot, 1888b: xxx, error or unjustified emendation listed by Foote et al. (1965).
EUDOLICHOPUS Frey, 1915: 10 (as subgenus). Type species: Musca plumipes Scopoli, designation by Steyskal, 1973b: 347. See notes under Ragheneura Rondani, 1856.
LEUCODOLICHOPUS Frey, 1915: 10 (as subgenus). Type species: Dolichopus remipes Wahlberg, designation by Steyskal, 1973b: 348.
MELANODOLICHOPUS Frey, 1915: 10 (as subgenus). Type species: Dolichopus stenhammari Zetterstedt, designation by Steyskal, 1973b: 348.
HYDROCELEUTHUS Aldrich, 1921: 8. Type species: Dolichopus latipennis Fallén, automatic. Unjustified emendation.
MACRODOLICHOPUS Stackelberg, 1933: 109 (as subgenus). Type species: Dolichopus diadema Haliday, by original designation. Listed as subgenus of Dolichopus in Negrobov (1991).
RAGHENERURA, error by Dyte (1975: 232).
Dolichopus is primarly Holarctic and is most diverse in the Nearctic, but also occurs in the Oriental realm and on Hawaii. Three widespread Nearctic species also occur south of the United States but have not been recorded south of Mexico (Robinson, 1970b). Dolichopus species are among the largest and most common members of the family in North America. The majority of Dolichopus species prefer humid habitats and some are restricted to saltmarshes.
Van Duzee et al. (1921; rev.); Van Duzee & Curran (1934a; key to males; 1934b; key to females); Steyskal (1973b; key, males of Group B); Steyskal (1938, 1942, 1947b, 1959; biology); Robinson (1964; key, southeastern U.S.); Vockeroth (1995; key, Ottawa district ON).
abaftanus Harmston, 1966a: 6. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Howard Prairie Lake Reservoir, 21 mi E of Ashland.
abbreviatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 144. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: NF, Labrador, Ungava Bay. Distribution: NF (Labrador), ME.
aboriginis Harmston & Knowlton, 1943a: 102. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Mountain Home. Distribution: UT, MT.
abrasus Van Duzee, 1921c: 162. HT in USNM. Type locality: NY, Erie Co., Grand Is.
abruptus Aldrich, 1922a: 14. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Essex Co., Lake Tear. Distribution: MI, ON, QC, NY.
absonus Van Duzee, 1921c: 294. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Grand Is. Distribution: IA, MO, MI, IN, ON, NY, QC.
absconus; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
accidentalis Harmston & Knowlton, 1941b: 93. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: CO, Spring Creek Pass.
acricola Van Duzee, 1921c: 58. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Soda Springs, Tuolumne Meadows, 8600 ft.
acuminatus Loew, 1861a: 12. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC, Washington. Distribution: MB to QC, s. to OR, UT, NM and DC (NV, MT, WY, CO, ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, MO, IL, MI, IN, OH, VT, NB) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
acutus Van Duzee, 1921c: 142. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MA, Springfield.
adaequatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 53. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: BC to MN, s. to NV, NM, and NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
adjacens Walker, 1848–1849: 661; listed as unplaced by Foote et al. (1965); however, placement in Dolichopus indicated by Parent (1934a). HT in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls.
adultus Van Duzee, 1921c: 98. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Lewiston. Distribution: MI, NY, NB, NS, ME, MA, NJ [Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
aequalis Van Duzee, 1921c: 81. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Colden. Distribution: NY, QC, NS [Bissett (1987)].
aeratus Van Duzee, 1921c: 211. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO. Distribution: BC, AB, MT, WY, CO.
aethiops Van Duzee, 1921c: 296. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette.
affinis Walker, 1848–1849: 659. ST in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: NS. Distribution: MB, WI, IL, ON, QC, NH, NB, NS, NF [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
splendidulus Loew, 1864a: 91 (Cent. 5, no. 82). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NH, White Mountains [according to Van Duzee (1921c)].
affluens Van Duzee, 1921c: 114. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Orcas Is., Mt. Constitution. Distribution: WA, CO.
agronomus Melander & Brues, 1900: 140. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: MA, New Bedford. Distribution: ON, NB, NS, MA, NH [Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
ainsliei Van Duzee, 1921c: 272. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MN, Olmstead Co. Distribution: NE, MN, WI, QC, NY [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
alacer Van Duzee, 1921c: 86. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: IN to ON and QC, s. to LA and FL (TN, NC, SC, GA, TX), ?MB [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
albertensis Curran, 1923a: 286. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Banff. Distribution: AB, CO [Sabrosky (1978)].
albiciliatus Loew, 1862: 211 (Cent. 2, no. 59). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: NE and IA to QC, s. to NJ (ON, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, NY, NH) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
atrovirens Harris in Johnson, 1925: 77; nomen nudum.
albicoxa Aldrich, 1893a: 10. ST in SEMC (2). Type localities: USA: MA; CT. Distribution: NE, MN and IL to QC, s. to NJ (ON, WI, IN, MI, NY, VT, NH, MA, RI, CT), ?AB [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
albivestitarsis Robinson, 1964: 155. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Transylvania Co., N of Brevard, Pisgah National Forest, 3000 ft. Distribution: TN, NC.
aldrichii (Wheeler), 1899: 3 (Hygroceleuthus). ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: ID, Moscow; WY, Dubois; Two-gwo-te-ee Pass. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, ID, MT, WY, UT, CO.
amnicola (Melander & Brues), 1900: 130 (Hygroceleuthus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CO, Grizzly Creek, North Park. Distribution: ID to MB, s. to CA, UT and CO (MT, WY, NE) [Knowlton & Harmston (1937)].
robertsoni Curran, 1923c: 191; as sp.; listed as a variety by Foote et al. (1965). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Baldur [Poole (1996)].
amphericus Melander & Brues, 1900: 146. ST in AMNH (3), USNM (2). Type locality: USA: WI, Price Co. Distribution: AK, AB, SK, UT, CO, WI [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
amplipennis Van Duzee, 1921c: 197. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO. Distribution: CO, MI.
andersoni Curran, 1924d: 304. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Duncan.
angustatus Aldrich, 1893a: 15. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: MA. Distribution: MN, VT, ME, NH, MA.
angusticornis Van Duzee, 1921c: 79. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Evansville.
annulitarsis Ringdahl, 1920: 24. ST in ?NHRS. Type locality: Sweden: Lappland, Torneträsk. Distribution: AK; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)]. new record.
apheles Melander & Brues, 1900: 144. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee. Distribution: SK, WI, MI, QC.
appendiculatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 72. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: NV, UT, SK [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
argentipes Van Duzee, 1921c: 61. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: WA, Paradise Valley, Mt. Rainier.
arizonicus Harmston, 1951b: 103. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Huachuca Mts., Sunnyside Canyon. Distribution: AZ, TX.
aurifacies Aldrich, 1893a: 20. ST in USNM (4). Type localities: USA: KS, Lawrence; TN, Knoxville.
aurifex Van Duzee, 1921c: 224. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Newport. Distribution: OR, NM.
bakeri Cole, 1912: 839. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Laguna Beach. Distribution: BC to SK, s. to CA, UT, and NM.
barbaricus Van Duzee, 1921c: 41. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO. Distribution: MT, UT, CO [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
barbicauda Van Duzee, 1921c: 76. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: ON, Toronto. Distribution: BC to PEI and NS, s. to NE, IA, and NY (MT, MI) [Bissett (1987); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
barbipes Van Duzee, 1921c: 129. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: NV, CO.
barycnemus Coquillett, 1900: 424. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Popof Is.
braycnemus; error by Van Duzee & Curran (1934a: 12).
beameri Harmston & Knowlton, 1941b: 92. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Chiricahua Mts.
beatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 63. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Craig's Mountain.
bifractus Loew, 1861a: 19. ST in MCZ, CNC (3). Type localities: USA: NE; IL, Chicago [according to Van Duzee (1921c)]. Distribution: AB to QC, s. to UT, MO, and NJ (ND, SD, NE, KS, IA, ON, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, NY, NH, MA); MEX [Robinson (1964)].
bisetosus Van Duzee, 1921c: 77. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Craig's Mountain.
blandus Van Duzee, 1921c: 176. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Tennessee Pass. Distribution: ID, MT, UT, CO, ?ON.
bolsteri Van Duzee, 1921c: 249. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NF, Little River.
brevicauda Van Duzee, 1921c: 108. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NH, Mt. Washington.
breviciliatus Van Duzee, 1930c: 71. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: AB, Laggan, Paradise Valley, Saddle Mt., 6000–7000 ft.
brevimanus Loew, 1861a: 14. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC, Washington. Distribution: NT and MB to QC and NS, s. to WI and DC (NY, VT, NH, ME) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
brevipennis Meigen, 1824: 89. ST in ?MNHN. Type locality: Sweden. Distribution: AK, YT, NT, BC, MT, AB, SK, QC, PEI, and NF (Labrador); Palearctic (W. Europe to E. Siberia) [Johnson (1929); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
brevipilosus Van Duzee, 1933b: 20; n. name for Dolichopus breviciliatus Van Duzee. Type locality: CAN: QC, Natashguan.
breviciliatus Van Duzee, 1933a: 13; preocc. by Dolichopus breviciliatus Van Duzee, 1930c. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Natashguan.
bruesi Van Duzee, 1921c: 223; n. name for Dolichopus propinquus Melander & Brues. Type locality: CAN: BC, Vancouver Is., Corfield. Distribution: BC, WA, CA, WY, WI.
propinquus (Melander & Brues), 1900: 132 (Hygroceleuthus); as consanguineus variety; preocc. by Dolichopus propinquus Zetterstedt, 1852. ST in AMNH (2). Type locality: CAN: BC, Vancouver Is., Corfield.
ungulatus, not (Linnaeus); misid., WI record in Van Duzee & Curran (1934a, 1934b) and Foote et al. (1965). Not Nearctic [Dyte (personal commun.)].
bruneifacies Van Duzee, 1933a: 14. ST in CAS (2). Type locality: USA: CO, La Plata Co., Electric Lake, 8400 ft.
brunneus Aldrich, 1893a: 14. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SD, Brookings. Distribution: CO, SD.
brunneus Van Duzee; error by Van Duzee & Curran (1934a: 4).
bryanti Van Duzee, 1921c: 104. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NF, Labrador, Great Caribou Is. Distribution: QC, NF (Labrador).
burnesi Van Duzee, 1921c: 64. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Staten Is. Distribution: MI, ON, QC, NY, MA, NJ, VA.
calainus Melander & Brues, 1900: 138. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: IL, Chicago. Distribution: IL, ME.
calcaratus Aldrich, 1893a: 8. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NJ, Dover. Distribution: ON to QC, s. to IA and NJ (NY, NH, CT) [Steyskal (1973b)].
californicus Van Duzee, 1921c: 99. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Sacramento. Distribution: CA, WA, NV.
calvimontis James, 1939: 221. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: CO, Rocky Mountain National Park, Trail Ridge Road, 12,200 ft.
canadensis Van Duzee, 1921c: 141. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: ON, Kearney. Distribution: SK to QC and NS, s. to WY, NE, and MA (MT, SD, MI) [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987)].
canaliculatus Thomson, 1869: 512. HT in NHRS. Type locality: USA: CA. Distribution: BC, CA, NV [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
carolinensis Van Duzee, 1921c: 239. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NC, Southern Pines. Distribution: NC, FL.
cavatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 226. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River. Distribution: OR, CA.
celeripes Van Duzee, 1921c: 243. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River. Distribution: OR, UT, CO, NE, ON [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
chrysostomus Loew, 1861a: 23. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC, Washington. Distribution: ON to NS, s. to GA (IA, TN, QC, MA, DC, NC) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
coercens Walker, 1848–1849: 661. HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: SD and IL to NS and NJ (WI, IA, ON, NY, VT, NH, CT, MA, NF) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
conterminus Walker, 1848–1849: 664. ST in BMNH. Type localities: North America; USA: NY.
batillifer Loew, 1861a: 15. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”.
coloradensis Aldrich, 1893a: 26; n. name for Dolichopus agilis Aldrich. Type locality: USA: CO. Distribution: AB, AZ, CO, NM, ON, QC.
agilis Aldrich, 1893a: 16; preocc. by Dolichopus agilis Meigen, 1824. ST in SEMC (3). Type locality: USA: CO.
comatus Loew, 1861a: 23. ST in MCZ, CNC (1). Type localities: USA: PA; MD. Distribution: NE and IA to QC, s. to TX and GA (ON, WI, LA, IL, IN, TN, OH, NY, PA, MA, NJ, MD, DC, NC, SC, VA) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
cornutus; error by Johnson (1910: 756).
compactus Van Duzee, 1921c: 206. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River. Distribution: BC, OR.
completus Van Duzee, 1921c: 210. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Mono Lake. Distribution: BC, CA.
comptus Van Duzee, 1921c: 160. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Tahoe, Tallac Lake.
confinis Walker, 1848–1849: 664. HT in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls.
consanguineus (Wheeler), 1899: 5 (Hygroceleuthus). ST in AMNH, CNC (2). Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey Co. Distribution: CA, UT, ID, CO, MT, WY.
conspectus Van Duzee, 1921c: 65. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Market Lake. Distribution: BC to SK, MB, s. to ID, UT, CO, and NE [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
conspicuus; error by Van Duzee (1921c: 13).
contiguus Walker, 1848–1849: 663. HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ND to QC and NS, s. to NE, IL, and VA (SD, ON, MI, IN, NH, MA) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Wright (1989)]
splendidus Loew, 1861a: 14. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL.
convergens Aldrich, 1893a: 9. ST in SEMC (4), USNM (1). Type localities: USA: OR, Mt. Hood; WA. Distribution: BC, WA, OR [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
coquilletti Aldrich, 1893a: 19. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA. Distribution: WA to PEI, s. to CA, UT, and CO.
coquiletti; error by Aldrich (1905: 300).
corax Osten Sacken, 1877: 314. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CA, Sierra Nevada, Webber Lake. Distribution: CA, ?BC.
correus Steyskal, 1959: 1. HT in UMMZ. Type locality: USA: MI, Wayne Co., Grosse Ile. Distribution: MN to NY, s. to TN and NC (IA, IL, IN, MI, ON, NJ) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
crassicornis Aldrich, 1922a: 10. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Healy.
crassitibia Robinson, 1967a: 114. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Montgomery Co., nr Plummer's Is., shore of Potomac River.
crenatus (Osten Sacken), 1877: 312 (Hygroceleuthus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CA, Sonoma Co., Los Guilucos. Distribution: BC to PEI, s. to CA and AZ.
cuprinus Wiedemann, 1830: 230; n. name for Dolichopus cupreus Say. Type locality: USA: MD. Distribution: NT, BC to NS, s. to NV and VA (UT, WY, SD, NE, KS, IA, ON, WI, IL, MI, IN, OH, NY, QC, ME, MA, CT, NJ, MD) [Robinson (1964)].
cupreus Say, 1823: 86 (also in LeConte, 1859: 76); preocc. by Dolichopus cupreus Fallén, 1823, now Hercostomus subg. Gymnopternus (Gymnopternus is not currently assigned full generic status in the Palearctic). ST destroyed. Type locality: USA: MD.
czekanovskii Stackelberg, 1928a: 263. HT in ZIN. Type locality: Russia: northern Siberia, Olenek. Distribution: AK, NT; Palearctic (northern Siberia) [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
czekanowskii; error by Foote et al. (1965: 490).
dakotensis Aldrich, 1893a: 11. ST in USNM (12), SEMC (2). Type locality: USA: SD, Brookings. Distribution: MT, SD, and MB to QC, s. to NE and IL [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
dasyops Malloch, 1919a: 49. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NT, Bernard Harbour, Dolphin and Union strait. Distribution: YT, NT; Palearctic [Negrobov (1991); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
dasypodus Coquillett, 1910b: 42. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NH, White Mts., Mt. Washington. Distribution: AK, MI, QC, NY, VT, NH, ME, NF [Johnson (1929); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
decorus Van Duzee, 1921c: 153. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IL, Algonquin. Distribution: NE, IL, MI to NY [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
defectus Van Duzee, 1921c: 143. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: ON, Toronto. Distribution: MB to QC and NS, s. to CT, ?NM [Bissett (1987)].
deflectus; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
delicatus Aldrich, 1922a: 12. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: NF, Labrador, Ungava Bay.
demissus Van Duzee, 1921c: 63. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Brawn's Mills Junction. Distribution: NY, NJ, NS [Bissett (1987)].
detersus Loew, 1866b: 44 (Cent. 7, no. 79). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY, Saratoga. Distribution: AK, MB to QC, s. to SD, NE, IA, and NY [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
digitus Van Duzee, 1921c: 283. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: LA.
discessus Walker, 1848–1849: 662. HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA: MA.
discolor Van Duzee, 1921c: 116. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Hamburg. Distribution: ND to ON, VT, s. to IL [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
distinctus Van Duzee, 1921c: 274; listed as a variety (Foote et al., 1965) or synonym (Poole, 1996) of Dolichopus funditor Loew, 1861a but considered distinct by Robinson (1964) and Hurley (personal commun.). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: LA, Opelousas. Distribution: LA, ON, NJ. removed from synonymy.
distractus Walker, 1848–1849: 662. HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA: NY.
diversipennis Curran, 1923a: 286; publication date 1923 according to Sabrosky (1978). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Nordegg. Distribution: AK, NT, BC, AB, MB [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
divigatus Harmston, 1952: 284. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Mt. Hood, Mt. Hood Meadows.
dolosus Parent, 1934b: 267. HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Hartland, Pine Lake.
domesticus Van Duzee, 1921c: 246. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora. Distribution: MI to NY, NJ, VA.
dorsalis Van Duzee, 1921c: 161. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NM, White Mts., Rio Ruidoso, 6500 ft. Distribution: NM, AZ; MEX [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
dorycerus Loew, 1864a: 93 (Cent. 5, no. 85). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NH, White Mts. [according to Van Duzee (1921c)]. Distribution: NS and NH s. to TN and GA (NY, WV, NC) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987)].
duplicatus Aldrich, 1893a: 18. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: WA. Distribution: BC, WA, MT, s. to CA and UT [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
elegans Aldrich, 1922a: 12. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Tennessee Pass, 10,240 ft.
enigma Melander & Brues, 1900: 139. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CO, North Park, over 9000 ft. Distribution: BC, ID, MT, WY, NV, UT, CO, MI [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
eudactylus Loew, 1861a: 16. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: NE, KS, and IA to NS, s. to NC (WI, ON, MI, IN, NY, MA, NJ, VA) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
edactylus; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
evolvens Parent, 1929a: 173. HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: NH.
exclusus Walker, 1848–1849: 663. HT in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls.
facirecedens Harmston & Knowlton, 1939c: 83. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SD, Waubay. Distribution: SD, IA.
factivittatus Harmston, 1966a: 10. HT in USNM. Distribution: USA: IN, Terre Haute.
fallax Van Duzee, 1933a: 14. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CO, La Plata Co., Electric Lake, at about 8400 ft.
finitus Walker, 1848–1849: 662. ST in BMNH. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON to NF, s. to KS and PA (WI, MI, IL, NY, QC, NH, ME, MA, NJ, NS) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
atricornis Harris, 1835: 597; nomen nudum.
scoparius Loew, 1864b: 70. ST in MCZ. Type localities: USA: ME; MA.
flagellitenens Wheeler, 1890: 339. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co. Distribution: SD to NH, s. to CO.
flaviciliatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 152. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: ON, Waubamic.
flavicoxa Van Duzee, 1921c: 188. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WI, Polk Co. Distribution: BC to WI, NY and QC, s. to NE and WV [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Beaulieu & Wheeler (2001)].
flavifacies Van Duzee, 1933a: 15. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Harrington Harbor. Distribution: QC, NF [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
flavilacertus Van Duzee, 1921c: 110. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Beltsville. Distribution: ON to MA, s. to TX, TN, and NC (QC, NB, NS, NH, NJ, MD, VA) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
flavipes Stannius, 1831: 129. HT in ?ZMHB. Type locality: France: Marseille. Distribution: AK; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)]. new record.
footei Harmston, 1966a: 4. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Priest Lake, Kalispell Bay. Distribution: ID, NS [Bissett (1987)].
formosus Van Duzee, 1921c: 42. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Three Rivers.
fortis Aldrich, 1922a: 8. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Healy. Distribution: AK, NT, BC, AB [Steyskal (1973b); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
fraterculus Zetterstedt, 1843: 510. HT in MZLU. Type locality: Sweden: Jemtlandia meridionali, Åsarne. Distribution: AK, NT; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)]. new record.
frontalis Van Duzee, 1928b: 40. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: SK, Yankee Bend. Distribution: AK, SK.
fucatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 113. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Orcas Is., Mt. Constitution.
fulgerus Harmston, 1966a: 14. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: BC, Muncho Lake, Alaska Highway, Mile Post 455.
fulvipes Loew, 1862: 212 (Cent. 2, no. 61). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: AB to QC and NS, s. to IL and NJ [Beaulieu & Wheeler (2001)].
fumosus Van Duzee, 1921c: 74. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: SK, S Sask., Farwell Creek.
funditor Loew, 1861a: 22. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: ON to NY, s. to LA and GA (IN, KY, TN, MS, PA, NJ, MD, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
frauditor; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
gaigei Steyskal, 1973b: 354. HT in UMMZ. Type locality: USA: WA, Mason Co., Cushman. Distribution: WA, NB, NS [Bissett (1987)].
genualis Van Duzee, 1921c: 119. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: ME, Moosehead. Distribution: ON, QC, ME, NS, NF [Bissett (1987)].
gladius Van Duzee, 1921c: 136; as socius variety. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: ON, Toronto. Distribution: AK, ON to NS, s. to MT, NE, MI, and NY [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
grandis Aldrich, 1893a: 21. ST in SEMC (2), USNM (1). Type locality: USA: CA. Distribution: WA, OR, CA, NV, CO.
gratiolus Steyskal, 1973b: 357. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: MA, Petersham. Distribution: TN, NY, NH, MA, CT, VA, NC, SC.
gratus Loew, 1861a: 11. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: NE and WI to QC, s. to GA (ON, MI, IL, TN, IN, OH, PA, NY, NH, MA, CT, NJ, DE, MD, VA, NC) [Steyskal (1973b); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
groenlandicus Zetterstedt, 1843: 528. HT in MZLU. Type locality: Greenland. Distribution: AK, NT, BC, CO, NF (Labrador), Greenland [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
harbecki Van Duzee, 1921c: 233. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: PA, Roxborough. Distribution: QC and ME to TN and GA (NY, PA, VT, NH, NS, MA, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
hardyi Harmston, 1951b: 105. HT in ?SEMC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Chiricahua Mts., Rustler's Park. Distribution: AZ, NM.
hastatus Loew, 1864b: 59. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK, BC, to CA [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
helenae James, 1939: 220. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: CO, Rocky Mountain National Park, Trail Ridge Road, 12,200 ft.
hirsutitarsis Harmston, 1952: 281. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Klamath River, nr Mouth.
humilis Van Duzee, 1921c: 108. HT in the USNM. Type locality: USA: AK-YT boundary, longitude 141°; latitude 69°20′. Distribution: AK, YT, NT; Greenland [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
idahoensis (Aldrich), 1894: 154 (Hygroceleuthus). ST in USNM (10), SEMC (3). Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow. Distribution: OR, CA, NV, UT, CO, SD [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
idoneus Van Duzee, 1921c: 140. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora. Distribution: QC, NY, VT [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
imperfectus Van Duzee, 1921c: 240. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IL, Calumet.
incisuralis Loew, 1861a: 25. ST in MCZ, CNC (2). Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: NT to NH, s. to GA (ON, IN, TN, QC, NY, NJ) [Robinson (1964)].
platyprosopus Loew, 1866b: 44 (Cent. 7, no. 80). HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NT, “Hudson's Bay Territory”.
incongruus Wheeler, 1890: 338. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co. Distribution: WI, ON, NH, s. to TN and NC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
indianus Harmston & Knowlton, 1946a: 672. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Indianapolis.
indigenus Van Duzee, 1921c: 139. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Priest Lake. Distribution: BC, WA, ID, and MB to QC and NS, s. to MN and IA [Beaulieu & Wheeler (2001); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
inflatus Aldrich, 1922a: 11. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Anchorage.
integripes Parent, 1929a: 174. HT in MLUH. Type locality: CAN: BC.
intentus Melander & Brues, 1900: 137. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: IL, Chicago.
interjectus Van Duzee, 1923d: 70. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MT, Powell Co.
iowaensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1939c: 84. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IA, Dickinson Co.
ivanovi Stackelberg, 1929: 170. HT in ZIN. Type locality: Russia: Sakhalinskaya oblast, Katshikatskij Nasleg, about 100 km from Jakutsk. Distribution: AK; Palearctic [Negrobov (1991)].
jaquesi Harmston & Knowlton, 1939d: 87. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IA, Mt. Pleasant.
johnsoni Aldrich, 1893a: 7. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NJ, Jamesberg. Distribution: IN to NH and NS, s. to MD and NC [Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
jugalis Tucker, 1911: 106. HT in ?[not in SEMC according to Byers et al. (1962)]. Type locality: USA: CO, Tabernash, westernside of continental divide of Rocky Mts., 89 mi W. Denver, 8310 ft. Distribution: WA to MB, s. to UT and NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
procerus Van Duzee, 1921c: 209. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO.
kansensis Aldrich, 1893a: 8. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: KS.
kleini Curran in Van Duzee & Curran, 1934a: 25. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NJ, Baleville. Distribution: MN, OH, NJ, WV, VA.
kyphotus Harmston, 1966a: 15. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Matanuska Valley.
laciniatus Coquillett, 1910b: 42. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: PA, Roxborough. Distribution: ON, NY, and PA, s. to IA, TN, WV, and NC [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
lamellicornis Thomson, 1869: 511. LT designated by Bickel (1998a: 61) in NHRS. Type locality: USA: CA (probably nr San Francisco). Distribution: WA and UT to WY and NE, s. to CA and NM [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
afflictus (Osten Sacken), 1877: 313 (Hygroceleuthus); synonymized by Bickel (1998a). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CA, Marin Co., San Rafael, adjoining San Francisco Bay.
lamellipes Walker, 1848–1849: 660. ST in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls. Distribution: AK, YT, NT, MB to QC and NF (Labrador); ?Palearctic, European record probably a different species (Dyte, personal commun.) [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
boreus Van Duzee, 1921c: 204. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: NF, Labrador, Ungava Bay.
laticornis Loew, 1861a: 12. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CT. Distribution: WY to QC, s. to FL (ON, MI, MA, CT) [Robinson (1964)].
latipennis Fallén, 1823: 8. ST in NHRS. Type locality: Sweden: “Paroeciae Farhult Scaniae”. Distribution: NT, QC; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)]. new record.
latipes (Loew), 1861a: 5 (Hygroceleuthus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL, North Red River. Distribution: BC and WA to QC, s. to WY, IA, and MA (ID, MT, ND, SD, NE, MN, WI, IL, ON, NY, NH, CT) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
cognatus (Melander & Brues), 1900: 129 (Hygroceleuthus); listed as a variety by Foote et al. (1965). ST in AMNH (2). Type localities: USA: IL, Pullman; MA, Woods Hole.
latronis Van Duzee, 1921c: 232. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NF, Labrador, Hopedale.
leucacra James, 1939: 225. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: CO, Pingree Park. Distribution: CO, ON [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
litoralis Van Duzee, 1921c: 82. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Tacoma. Distribution: AK, BC, WA [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
lobatus Loew, 1861a: 24. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: ON, English River. Distribution: AK, BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, and NS, s. to WA, ID, UT, and NJ (CO, NE, SD, WI, IA, IN, IL, MI) [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
longicornis Stannius, 1831: 53. ST in ?ZMHB. Type locality: Germany: ?Hamburg, ?Breslau. Distribution: AK, YT; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
acuticornis authors, not Wiedemann.
longimanus Loew, 1861a: 14. ST in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: ON, English River. Distribution: AK, BC to NH, s. to CO and VA.
longipennis Loew, 1861a: 21. ST in MCZ, CNC (1). Type locality: USA: IL, Chicago. Distribution: BC to QC, s. to UT and FL (NE, KS, IA, MO, IL, TN, ON, MI, IN, OH, WV, PA, NY, NJ, MD, DC, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
longus Aldrich, 1922a: 13. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Tennessee Pass. Distribution: CO, WY.
lundbecki Curran, 1923e: 236. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: ON, Ottawa.
luteipennis Loew, 1861a: 18. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC, Washington. Distribution: BC to MI, ON, and QC, s. to VA (SD, IL, DC) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
greenei Van Duzee, 1921c: 192; synonymized by Foote et al. (1965). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: VA, Chain Bridge.
maculipennis Zetterstedt, 1843: 520. ST in MZLU. Type localities: Norway: “Nordlandiae Norvegicae, ad Björkvik, Hacksten, Schiervö, Giebostad”; Sweden: “Scandinaviae septentrionalis, Jämtlandia boreali ad Skalstugan”. Distribution: AK; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)]. new record.
maculitarsis Van Duzee, 1925e: 184. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Baldur. Distribution: NT, AB, SK, MB, WY, CO [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
magnantenna James, 1939: 222. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: CO, Fairplay. Distribution: CO, MT.
manicula Van Duzee, 1921c: 56. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Marshall Pass, 10,856 ft. Distribution: AK, BC, and AB to NM.
mannerheimi Zetterstedt, 1838: 707. ST in MZLU. Type localities: Sweden: “Lapponia Umensi, Stensele; Tresunda; Naestansjo; in paroecia Wilhelmina (= Vilhelmina); Lapponia meridionalis”. Distribution: AK, YT; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
marginatus Aldrich, 1893a: 17. ST in SEMC (4), USNM (2), NYSM (2). Type locality: USA: CT. Distribution: MB to NB and NS, s. to FL (NY, MA, CT, MD, NC) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
melanderi Van Duzee, 1921c: 70. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Kennewick. Distribution: BC, WA, NV, UT, WY, CO.
melanocerus Loew, 1864a: 93 (Cent. 5, no. 86). ST in MCZ. Type locality: CAN. Distribution: ON, MI, NY, QC, NB, NS, NF, CT [Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
mercieri Parent, 1929a: 175; removed from synonymy with Dolichopus gratus Loew by Steyskal (1973b). HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: GA. Distribution: NY, NJ, VA, GA, MS [Steyskal (1973b); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
monarchus Harmston, 1968: 13. HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: NT, Aklavik. Distribution: AK, YT, NT [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
monticola Van Duzee, 1921c: 40. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Mt. Constitution. Distribution: WA, BC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
multisetosus Van Duzee, 1921c: 49. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Tahoe, Grass Lake. Distribution: BC, CA, UT, CO, ?ME.
myosotus Osten Sacken, 1887: 213. HT in BMNH. Type locality: MEX: Northern Sonora. Distribution: BC to IA, s. to MEX, ?NJ.
neomexicanus Harmston, 1951b: 104. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: NM, Cloudcroft. Distribution: NM; MEX [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
nigricauda Van Duzee, 1921c: 46. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO. Distribution: NT, BC, AB, SK, MB, s. to CA, CO, and NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
nigricornis Meigen, 1824: 82. ST in ?MNHN. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: AK, BC to QC and NS, s. to CO and NY; Palearctic (W. Europe to Far East) [Beaulieu & Wheeler (2001)].
discifer Stannius, 1831: 57. ST in ?ZMHB. Type locality: Germany.
tanypus Loew, 1861a: 24. ST in MCZ. Type localities: CAN: MB, Red River; ON, English River.
nigricoxa Van Duzee, 1926f: 230. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Barkerville. Distribution: BC, UT, CO.
nigrilineatus Van Duzee, 1924c: 248. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Nordegg. Distribution: AB, MB, CO.
nigrimanus Van Duzee, 1921c: 45. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow Mountain. Distribution: BC, ID, and NV to ON.
nigropleurus Harmston, 1966a: 1. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Dillon.
nodipennis Van Duzee, 1921c: 102. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora. Distribution: ON and QC to WI, NY, and CT.
nomadus Harmston & Knowlton, 1942c: 18. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Cypress Hills.
nubifer Van Duzee, 1921c: 75. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: NV, ID, UT, NE, MB, MI, NS [Bissett (1987)].
nudus Loew, 1864b: 41. ST in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NT, Fort Resolution. Distribution: AK to NT, s. to AB and QC; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
obcordatus Aldrich, 1893a: 14. ST in SEMC (4), USNM (2). Type localities: USA: CO, Manitou Park; WY. Distribution: AK to AB, s. to CA, UT, NM, NE, and MI [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
obsoletus Van Duzee, 1921c: 121. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NH, Franconia. Distribution: ON, NH, ME, NF [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
occidentalis Aldrich, 1893a: 19. ST in SEMC (2). Type locality: USA: WA. Distribution: BC, WA, ID, OR, CA, MT, ?PEI.
reticulus Van Duzee, 1926f: 231; synonymized by Steyskal (1973a). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Olney.
omnivagus Van Duzee, 1921c: 216. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora. Distribution: AK, AB to NS and ME, s. to MT and IA [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
opportunus Van Duzee, 1921c: 107. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Hagerman. Distribution: ID, UT.
oregonensis Van Duzee, 1927a: 148. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Klamath Lake, Eagle Ridge.
orichalceus Gosseries, 1988: 304; n. name for Dolichopus vittatus Loew. Type locality: USA: IL, Chicago. Distribution: SD to QC, s. to KS and NJ (IA, ON, WI, IL, MI, IN, OH, WV, PA, NY) [Robinson (1964)].
vittatus Loew, 1861a: 20; preocc. by Dolichopus vittatus Wiedemann, 1819, now Chrysosoma. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL, Chicago.
ornatipennis Van Duzee, 1921c: 132. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: MA, Sharon; Bridgewater. Distribution: NY to NS, s. to NC.
ovatus Loew, 1861a: 13. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: BC to QC and NS, s. to ID and NC (CO, NE, MB, SD, WI, IL, IA, ON, NY, MI), ?CA [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pachycnemus Loew, 1861a: 13. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: MB to QC, s. to MT, NE, IA, and IL. [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
packardi Van Duzee, 1921c: 83. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NF, Labrador, Strawberry Harbor. Distribution: AB, ON, QC, NF (Labrador) [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
refulgens Harmston & Knowlton, 1939b: 349; synonymized by Foote et al. (1965) after Harmston (in litt.). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Fawcett.
palaestricus Loew, 1864a: 92 (Cent. 5, no. 84). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NH. Distribution: ON and NH, s. to IL and NJ (MI, NY, NS) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987)].
paluster Melander & Brues, 1900: 136. ST in AMNH (10). Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey Co. Distribution: YT, NT, BC, AB, OR, CA [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pantomimus Melander & Brues, 1900: 142. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: MA, New Bedford. Distribution: ON to MA, s. to TN and NC (NY, MD, VA) [Robinson (1964)].
partitus Melander & Brues, 1900: 135. ST in AMNH (2). Type locality: USA: CO, North Park.
parvicornis Van Duzee, 1921c: 231. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: ON, Kearney. Distribution: MN, ON.
parvimanus Van Duzee, 1933a: 16. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CO, Regnier, at about 4500 ft.
penicillatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 227; n. name for Dolichopus ciliatus (Aldrich). Type localities: USA: WY; SD, Custer. Distribution: BC to ME, s. to CA, UT, NE, and NY [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
ciliatus (Aldrich), 1893a: 25 (Hygroceleuthus); preocc. by Dolichopus ciliatus Walker, 1848–1849. ST in USNM (2). Type localities: USA: WY; SD, Custer.
pensus Aldrich, 1922a: 8. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Fairbanks.
pernix Melander & Brues, 1900: 141. HT in AMNH. Type locality: CAN: BC, Vancouver Is., Corfield. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, AB, SK.
perplexus Van Duzee, 1923d: 71; n. name for Dolichopus melanderi Becker. Type localities: USA: WY, Natrona Co.; Little Wind River.
misellus Melander, 1900: 136; preocc. by Dolichopus misellus Boheman, 1852. ST in AMNH (3). Type localities: USA: WY, Natrona Co.; Little Wind River.
melanderi Becker, 1922a: 15; as melandri; n. name for Dolichopus misellus Melander, but preocc. by Dolichopus melanderi Van Duzee, 1921c. Type localities: USA: WY, Natrona Co.; Little Wind River.
phyllocerus Vockeroth, 1962: 502. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: NC, Highlands, Ravenel Lake, 3800 ft. Distribution: VA, NC.
pilatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 167. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NF, Labrador, Nain. Distribution: YT, AB, NF [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pingreensis James, 1939: 223. HT in ANSP. Type locality: CO, Pingree Park.
plumipes (Scopoli), 1763: 334 (Musca). ST destroyed. Type locality: Slovenija: “carnioliae indigena”. Distribution: AK, NT, AB, ON, QC, NB, NS, NF and St-Pierre and Miquelon, s. to CA, UT, NE, AR, and MI (MT, WY, IA); Greenland; MEX, Palearctic (W. Europe to Far East, Mongolia) [Parent (1927); Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pennitarsis Fallén, 1823: 11. ST in NHRS. Type localities: Sweden: “Ostrogothia”; “Scania”. [Negrobov (1991)].
ciliatus Walker, 1848–1849: 661. ST in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls.
sequax Walker, 1848–1849: 666. HT in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls.
nigroapicalis Van Duzee, 1930d: 125; synonymized by Harmston (1966a). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Longs Peak Inn, 9000 ft.
nigriapicalis; error by Van Duzee & Curran (1934a: 15).
plumitarsis Fallén, 1823: 10. ST in MZLU [according to Van Duzee (1921c)], NHRS. Type locality: Sweden. Distribution: AK, ON; Palearctic (W. Europe to Far East).
pulmitarsis; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
plumosus Aldrich, 1893a: 18. ST in SEMC (2). Type locality: USA: WA. Distribution: BC, WA, CA, NV, MT, AB [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pollex Osten Sacken, 1877: 314. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CA, Sierra Nevada, Webber Lake. Distribution: OR, CA, NV, ID, AB, MT, UT.
porphyrops Van Duzee, 1921c: 169. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NH, Center Harbor. Distribution: ON to NS, s. to MI, NY, MA, and NH.
praeustus Loew, 1862: 212 (Cent. 2, no. 62). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: MO, IL, IN, CT.
puberiseta Parent, 1934b: 268. HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA: VA, Arlington.
pugil Loew, 1866b: 43 (Cent. 7, no. 77). ST in MCZ. Type locality: CAN. Distribution: ON to NS, s. to NJ (NY, NH, QC, NB, ME, MA) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
henshawi Wheeler, 1890: 340. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: MA.
pulcher Walker, 1852–1853: 215. ST in BMNH. Type locality: USA.
pulchrimanus (Bigot), 1888b: xxx (also 1890: 292) (Spathichira). ST in ?UMO. Type locality: North America, Rocky Mts. Distribution: NE and WI to NY, s. to TX and LA (KS, MO, ON, IL, IN, MI, OH) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
willistonii Aldrich, 1893a: 22. ST in USNM (11), SEMC (4). Type locality: USA: KS, Douglas Co., Lawrence.
quadrilamellatus Loew, 1864a: 92 (Cent. 5, no. 83). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NJ (as NY, error), Palisades [according to Loew (1864b) and Van Duzee (1921c)]. Distribution: ON to CT, s. to TN and NC (OH, PA, NY, MA, NJ) [Robinson (1964)].
ramifer Loew, 1861a: 19. ST in MCZ. Type localities: CAN: MB, Lake Winnipeg [according to Loew (1864b)]; USA: NE. Distribution: AK, WA to QC, s. to CA, TX, and VA (OR, ID, NV, MT, WY, UT, CO, MB, SD, NE, KS, OK, IA, ON, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, NY, NJ, MD) [Robinson (1964)].
recticosta Aldrich, 1922a: 13. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL.
reflectus Aldrich, 1893a: 12. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: PA, Philadelphia. Distribution: ON to QC, s. to KS and FL (NE, MI, OH, IN, IL, NY, PA, MD, NJ, DC, MO, TN, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
remipes Wahlberg, 1839: 13. HT in ?NHRS [according to Van Duzee 1921c]. Type locality: Sweden: Gusum. Distribution: WA, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NS, and ME, s. to MT and WI; Palearctic (Scandinavia to Far East) [Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
remotus Walker, 1848–1849: 666. HT in BMNH. Type locality: North America. Distribution: NY.
cuniculus Van Duzee, 1921c: 145. HT in USNM. Type locality: NY, Grand Is.
remus Van Duzee, 1921c: 96. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Ithaca. Distribution: IL, OH, ON, NY, VT, MN.
renidescens Melander & Brues, 1900: 143. ST in AMNH (3). Type locality: USA: CO, North Park, over 9000 ft. Distribution: AK and BC to MB s. to CA, NE, and IA (ID, MT, UT, CO, SD, MN), ?ME [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
retinens Van Duzee, 1921c: 90. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: SD and NE to ON, s. to GA.
ruficornis Loew, 1861a: 21. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: KS to NY, s. to AR and VA (MI, IN, KY) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
rupestris Haliday, 1833: 164. ST in ?NMID. Type locality: England: Downshire, Tullymore Park and Mountains of Mourne. Distribution: AK, YT; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
festinans Zetterstedt, 1838: 708. ST in MZLU. Type localities: Sweden: “Lapponia Umensi, Stensele; Åsele; Fredrica; Lycksele; Lapponia meridionalis”.
sagittarius Loew, 1848: 330. HT in ?ZMHB. Type locality: Russia: Siberia. Distribution: AK, NT; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)]. new record.
sarotes Loew, 1866b: 44 (Cent. 7, no. 81). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: KS to ON, QC,l and MA (IA, WI, IL, IN, NJ) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
sorotes; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
scapularis Loew, 1861a: 22. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: ON to NH, s. to TX and GA (KS, IA, MO, LA, TN, WI, IL, MI, IN, OH, PA, NY, NJ, DC, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964)].
alberecrus Gunther, 1979: 1. HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, Peoria Co., Jubilee Township, Jubilee State Park. new synonymy.
scopifer James, 1939: 224. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: CO, Lindland.
sedulus Van Duzee, 1921c: 93. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow. Distribution: NT, ID, NE, IN [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
separatus Walker, 1848–1849: 665. HT in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls.
serratus Van Duzee, 1921c: 155. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ME, Mt. Katahdin, summit, 5215 ft. Distribution: WI, MI, NY, ME, NF (Labrador).
setifer Loew, 1861a: 12. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON, QC, and NS, s. to NC (WI, MI, NY, VT, RI, NJ, DC) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987)].
michiganus Harmston & Knowlton, 1945: 78; synonymized by Foote et al. (1965) after Harmston (in litt.). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MI, Saginaw Co.
setosus Loew, 1862: 213 (Cent. 2, no. 63). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: MA. Distribution: IA, ON to NB and NS, s. to NC (NY, MA), ?BC [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
sexarticulatus Loew, 1864b: 62. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC. Distribution: IL and MI to DC, s. to TX and SC (LA, TN, IN, OH, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
shastaensis Harmston, 1966a: 5. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Shasta Co., Cassel.
shelfordi Curran in Van Duzee & Curran, 1934a: 26. HT in AMNH. Type locality: CAN: MB, Hudson Bay Railroad, Mile 474. Distribution: AK, MB [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
sicarius Van Duzee, 1921c: 261. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: ON, Waubamic. Distribution: ON, MI, QC, NS.
silvicola Harmston, 1951b: 106. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: NM, Cloudcroft. Distribution: NM; MEX [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
simplicipes Aldrich, 1922a: 9. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Camp 327, Alsk Eng Comm.
simulans Van Duzee, 1926f: 231. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Glen Souris.
sincerus Melander, 1900: 136. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Price Co. Distribution: OR, ID, WI to NS and NF, s. to NC (ON, QC, NY, VT, NH, ME, MA) [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
subdirectus Van Duzee, 1921c: 118; listed as a variety by Foote et al. (1965). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MA, Woods Hole [Poole (1996)].
sinualaris Harmston, 1966a: 8. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ND, Bismarck.
slossonae Van Duzee, 1921c: 235. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NH, Franconia. Distribution: QC to TN and NC (NY, PA, VT, ME, NH) [Robinson (1964)].
smithae Harmston, 1966a: 12. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Mt. McKinley National Park, Mile Post 29. Distribution: AK, YT.
soccatus Walker, 1848–1849: 666. HT in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls.
socius Loew, 1862: 211 (Cent. 2, no. 60). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: OR to QC and NS, s. to UT, NE, IA, IL, and NJ [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
solidus Van Duzee, 1921c: 104. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK-YT boundary, longitude 141°, latitude 69°10′. Distribution: AK, CO.
sordidatus Van Duzee, 1921c: 41. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Oxford.
speciosus Van Duzee, 1921c: 208. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NM, Las Vegas Range, top. Distribution: AB, UT, CO, NM.
sphaeristes Brues, 1901: 44. HT in ?AMNH. Type locality: USA: TX, Austin. Distribution: TX, TN.
sporadicus Harmston & Knowlton, 1942c: 17. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Manila.
squamicilliatus Harmston, 1966a: 2. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Red Feather.
squamosus Van Duzee, 1921c: 43. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Hagerman. Distribution: OR, CA, NV, ID, UT, WY.
stenhammari Zetterstedt, 1843: 521; n. name for Dolichopus annulipes Zetterstedt. Type localities: Sweden: “Lapponia Umensi; Lycksele; Lapponia Dalekarlia”. Distribution: AK, YT, BC, ON to NF (Labrador), s. to NY; Palearctic (N. Europe to Far East) [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
annulipes Zetterstedt, 1838: 710; preocc. by Dolichopus annulipes (Meigen, 1824), orig. in Porphyrops, now Sympycnus. ST in MZLU. Type localities: Sweden: “Lapponia Umensi; Lycksele; Lapponia Dalekarlia”.
steyskali Robinson, 1964: 156. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, nr Knoxville, University of Tennessee Farm. Distribution: TN, MS [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
stricklandi Harmston & Knowlton, 1939b: 350. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Gull Lake.
subciliatus Loew, 1864b: 42. ST in MCZ, destroyed [according to Van Duzee (1921c)]. Type locality: CAN: NT, Fort Resolution. Distribution: NT, ON, NS.
subcostatus Van Duzee, 1930d: 124. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Inyo Co., Big Pine. Distribution: CA, UT [Knowlton & Harmston (1937)].
subspina Van Duzee, 1928b: 41. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: SK, Melfort.
sufflavus Van Duzee, 1921c: 213. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow. Distribution: WA, ID, AB, MT, UT, CO, WY.
subflavus; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
superbus Van Duzee, 1921c: 287. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey Co.
talus Van Duzee, 1921c: 268. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles, Los Angeles River.
tarsipictis Harmston & Knowlton, 1963: 236. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Baker.
tener Loew, 1861a: 17. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL, Chicago. Distribution: WI, IL, ON, QC, NY.
tenuimanus Van Duzee, 1932a: 12. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NC, Black Mts.
tenuipes Aldrich, 1894: 155. ST in USNM (7), SEMC (4), MCZ. Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow. Distribution: BC and ID to WA and CA.
terminalis Loew, 1866b: 43 (Cent. 7, no. 78). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY, Geneseo. Distribution: ON and QC, s. to WY and IA (NE, WI, NY), ?WA, ?DC [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
germanus Wheeler, 1890: 341; preocc. by Dolichopus germanus Wiedemann, 1817, now Hercostomus. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co.
terminatus Walker, 1848–1849: 665. HT in BMNH. Type locality: North America.
tetricus Loew, 1864b: 33. ST in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NT, Fort Resolution. Distribution: NT, WY, QC.
tonsus Loew, 1861a: 16. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC, Washington. Distribution: MI and IN to MA, s. to NC (NY, NJ, DC, VA) [Robinson (1964)].
townsendi Aldrich, 1922a: 15. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NM, White Mts., Rio Ruidoso, about 6500 ft. Distribution: AZ, NM.
trisetosus Van Duzee, 1921c: 122. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MA, Beverly. Distribution: ON to NB, NS, and NF, s. to NY and MA [Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
uliginosus Van Duzee, 1923d: 69. HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: BC, Nanaimo, Biological Station.
umbrosus Van Duzee, 1921c: 100. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WI, Polk Co. Distribution: WI, ON.
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1943a: 101. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Park City.
uxorcula Van Duzee, 1921c: 186. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Fort Wrangle. Distribution: AK, AB to MB, s. to CA.
vanduzeei Curran, 1923a: 285. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Banff [Sabrosky (1978)].
variabilis Loew, 1861a: 17. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: BC to NS, s. to WA, CO, and NC (ID, MT, WY, SD, NE, MN, IA, ON, IL, MI, TN, OH, PA, NY, QC, ME, NH, MA, NJ, VA) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
gracilis Aldrich, 1893a: 15; as sp.; listed as a variety by Foote et al. (1965). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: PA, Philadelphia [Poole (1996)].
annaclareii Gunther, 1979: 1. HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, Peoria Co., Limestone. new synonymy.
varipes Coquillett, 1900: 425. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Popof Is. Distribution: AK, BC, s. to UT, CO, and NM [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
vegetus Harmston, 1952: 283. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Mt. McKinley National Park.
vernaae Harmston & Knowlton, 1940b: 129. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Woodruff. Distribution: UT, WY.
versutus Van Duzee, 1921c: 253. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: ON, Ridgeway. Distribution: ON and QC, s. to KS and VA (NE, IA, IN, NY, MA, MD) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
vigilans Aldrich, 1893a: 13. ST in SEMC (2). Type locality: USA: KS. Distribution: ON to NB, s. to KS and OH (IN, NY, CT) [Robinson (1964)].
virga Coquillett, 1910b: 41. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NJ, Manahawkin. Distribution: ON to NS and NF, s. to NJ (ME, MA) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
virginiensis Van Duzee, 1921c: 236. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: VA, Great Falls. Distribution: QC, NY, and NH to TN and GA (CT, WV, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)]
lobipennis Van Duzee, 1930a: 3. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CT, Avon, Avon Old Farms.
viridis Van Duzee, 1921c: 44. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Oxford. Distribution: BC, CA, ID, MT, UT, CO.
walkeri Van Duzee, 1921c: 207. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO. Distribution: UT, CO, NM, WY, MB [Knowlton & Harmston (1937)].
wheelerii (Melander & Brues), 1900: 126 (Hygroceleuthus); possibly conspecific with Dolichopus wahlbergi Zetterstedt, 1843 (Dyte, personal commun.). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: MA, Woods Hole. Distribution: MB to NS and NF, s. to MA [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
wheeleri; error by Foote et al. (1965).
xanthocnemus Loew, 1864b: 31. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK, BC, CO, ON, QC, NH.
zygomus Harmston, 1966a: 9. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Taylor Highway, Mile Post 49, West Fork Dennisan River.
Genus GYMNOPTERNUS Loew, 1857a
GYMNOPTERNUS Loew, 1857a: 10. Type species: Dolichopus cupreus Fallén [Palearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 548. Listed as a subgenus (Pollet, 1990; Chandler, 1998) or synonym of Hercostomus (Dyte, 1975; Dyte & Smith, 1980; Negrobov, 1991; Poole, 1996).
Gymnopternus is almost exclusively Holarctic in distribution, with no species recorded from Mexico, and very few from Taiwan or southwest China. Although Gymnopternus is more diverse in the Nearctic, a large number of species from the eastern Palearctic, particularly Japan, remain to be described (Pollet, unpubl. data). In both the Palearctic and Nearctic, this genus reaches its highest species richness in humid forests. Gymnopternus has been variously treated as a subgenus or synonym of the polyphyletic genus Hercostomus (see references above); however, in contrast to Hercostomus, Gymnopternus appears to be monophyletic (Pollet, 1990).
Curran (1933; key); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
albiceps Loew, 1861a: 30. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: ME to FL (NJ, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
aldrichi Robinson, 1964: 170. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: GA, Tift Co., Tifton.
anarmostus (Melander), 1900: 139 (Hercostomus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: IL, Chicago.
anormostus; error by Becker (1922a: 32).
annulatus Van Duzee, 1926e: 58. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NS, Smith's Cove. Distribution: MI, CT, VA, NC, NS [Robinson (1964)].
annulipes Robinson, 1964: 161. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, nr Knoxville, University of Tennessee Farm. Distribution: MI, TN, FL.
anomalocerus Robinson, 1964: 169. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: TN, Hamilton Co., East Ridge.
barbatulus Loew, 1861a: 29. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: NE and IA to QC, s. to TN and NC (MI, IN, NY, NJ, VA) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
brevipes (Van Duzee), 1933a: 17 (Hercostomus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: IA, Ames City. Distribution: CO, IA.
brunneifacies (Robinson), 1960: 273 (Hercostomus); comb. by Foote et al. (1965). HT in ?USNM (Robinson collection). Type locality: USA: NY, Bronx, Bronx Park. Distribution: TX, NY, WV, SC.
californicus Van Duzee, 1920: 48. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Fresno Co., Huntington Lake, 7000 ft. Distribution: OR, CA, ID, MT, UT, CO [Knowlton & Harmston (1937)].
vanduzeei Curran, 1930c: 287; synonymy not listed in Foote et al. (1965). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River [Curran (1933)].
campsicnemoides Robinson, 1964: 168. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: NC, Macon Co., Highlands, 3800 ft. Distribution: TN, NY, VA, NC, SC.
consanguineus (Harmston), 1952: 287 (Hercostomus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Olympia.
constrictus Robinson, 1964: 167. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Sevier Co., nr Gatlinburg, ca. 4000 ft. Distribution: NY, PA, VT, NH, ME, VA, TN, NC, GA, FL.
coxalis Loew, 1864a: 94 (Cent. 5, no. 87). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: NY, NH.
crassicauda Loew, 1861a: 35. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: NE and IA to QC and NS, s. to KS and GA (ON, OH, NY, NJ, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
cumberlandensis Robinson, 1964: 169. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Fentress Co., nr Jamestown. Distribution: TN, GA, NC.
cuneicornis Robinson, 1964: 171. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: GA, Rabun Co., Rabun Bald, 4200 ft. Distribution: GA, NC, NY, PA.
currani (Van Duzee), 1930a: 4 (Hercostomus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CT, Avon, Avon Old Farms. Distribution: NY, PA, VA, CT, NH, NS [Bissett (1987)].
debilis Loew, 1861a: 35. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: MN, IA, WI, MI, ON, ME to FL (TX, TN, IN, OH, NY, PA, NJ, MA, DC, VA, NC, SC, GA) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
despicatus Loew, 1861a: 33. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: QC and ME to NY and PA [Robinson (1964)].
difficilis Loew, 1861a: 33. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON to NS, s. to FL (IA, TN, NY, NJ, NC, SC, GA) [Robinson (1964)].
exilis Loew, 1861a: 30. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: IN to NH, s. to FL (TX, NY, PA, ME, MA, CT, NJ, MD, VA, NC, GA) [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
fimbriatus Loew, 1861a: 32. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: MD. Distribution: QC to GA.
flaviciliatus Van Duzee, 1914b: 404. ST in CUIC, CAS. Type locality: USA: GA, Decatur Co., Spring Creek.
flavitarsis (Van Duzee), 1925e: 187 (Hercostomus). HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: NY, Gloversville.
flaviventris Robinson, 1964: 163. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: FL, Manatee Co., Oneco.
flavus Loew, 1861a: 28. ST in MCZ, CNC (1). Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: ON and QC to GA (TN, IN, NY, PA, CT, NJ, MD, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964)].
floridensis Robinson, 1964: 176. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL, nr Gainesville, across from Glen Springs, property of H.V. Weems, Jr.
frequens Loew, 1861a: 32. ST in MCZ, CNC (1). Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON to NS, s. to IA and GA (MI, TN, QC, NY, CT, NJ, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987)].
humilis Loew, 1864b: 336. ST in MCZ, CNC (1). Type localities: USA: IL; NY. Distribution: KS, NE, and MI to QC and NS, s. to NC (IL, ON, NY, VT, NJ) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987)].
humeralis; error by Criddle (1921: 85).
hybridus Robinson, 1964: 164. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: TN, Hamilton Co., East Ridge.
lacustris Bickel, 1995a: 169; fossil, Florissant Beds, Eocene/Oligocene. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, N of Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, along Grape Creek.
laevigatus Loew, 1861a: 31. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: ME to GA (TN, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
laffooni Robinson, 1964: 166. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Macon Co., Highlands, 35°3.2′N, 83°11.3W; 3850 ft. Distribution: OH, TN, GA, NC.
lividifrons Van Duzee, 1926e: 58. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: ON, Point Pelee. Distribution: ON, MI, QC, NY.
lunifer Loew, 1861a: 32. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: IL to QC, s. to TN and GA (NY, NJ, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
exiguus Loew, 1864b: 337. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL.
maculiventris (Van Duzee), 1925e: 188 (Hercostomus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Cold Spring Harbor.
meniscoides Robinson, 1964: 175. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: GA, Union Co., Neels Gap.
meniscus Loew, 1864a: 94 (Cent. 5, no. 88). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC. Distribution: IA to NY, s. to TN and SC (DC, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
minutus Loew, 1861a: 35. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: IA.
mirificus Melander, 1900: 137. ST in AMNH (3). Type locality: USA: MA.
nigribarbus Loew, 1861a: 33. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: MI to NS, s. to NJ (QC, NY, PA, NH) [Robinson (1964)].
phyllophorus Loew, 1866b: 45 (Cent. 7, no. 82). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY, Lake George.
nigricomus Robinson, 1964: 164. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: GA, Rabun Co., Rabun Bald. Distribution: TN, GA, NY, PA, NS, VA, NC.
nigricoxa Van Duzee, 1924a: 103. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Watchogue. Distribution: NY, QC, MA.
nigricera; error by Leonard (1928: 782).
nigrifacies (Van Duzee), 1933a: 19 (Hercostomus); transferred by Corpus (1989). ST in AMNH, CAS (2). Type locality: USA: OR, Newport.
obscurus (Say), 1823: 85 (also in LeConte, 1859: 75) (Dolichopus). ST destroyed. Type locality: USA: PA.
obtusicauda Van Duzee, 1924a: 103. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: ME, Machias. Distribution: NY and ME to NS.
ohioensis Robinson, 1964: 163. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OH, about ½ mi E of Athens, nr the Hocking River.
opacus Loew, 1861a: 34. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: IA and MO to QC and ME, s. to GA (NY, PA, CT, VA, NC, TN) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
ovaticornis (Van Duzee), 1933a: 20 (Hercostomus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NJ, Great Piece Meadows.
pallidiciliatus (Van Duzee), 1930b: 85 (Hercostomus). HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: MA, New Bedford, by Hough.
parvicornis Loew, 1861a: 34. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: NY and MA to GA (NC, SC, TN) [Robinson (1964)].
politus Loew, 1861a: 34. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: MI and NY to TN and SC (CT, DC, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
propriofacies Robinson, 1964: 162. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: SC, Greenwood Co., Kirksey. Distribution: IN, OH, NY, CT, WV, VA, SC.
pseudodebilis Robinson, 1964: 171. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: NC, Macon Co., Highlands. Distribution: PA, MA, NJ, VA, NC.
purpuratus (Van Duzee), 1925e: 185 (Hercostomus). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Stockton. Distribution: MB, QC, MI [as “Gymnopternus n.sp. 1” in Beaulieu & Wheeler (2001), identified by Pollet].
purus (Harmston & Knowlton), 1963: 237 (Hercostomus); transferred by Corpus (1989). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Sacramento Co., Galt. Distribution: WA, CA.
pusillus Loew, 1864b: 334. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: IA, IL, TN.
robustus (Van Duzee), 1925e: 189 (Hercostomus). HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: NY, Manlius.
schlingeri (Harmston & Knowlton), 1963: 237 (Hercostomus); transferred by Corpus (1989). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Glendale.
scotias Loew, 1861a: 29. ST in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: ON, English River. Distribution: MB to NS, s. to IA and NJ (QC, ON, NH) [Robinson (1964)].
browni (Van Duzee), 1933a: 18 (Hercostomus). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Bradore Bay.
sharpi Robinson, 1964: 175. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Greene Co., E of Greenville. Distribution: IN, OH, TN, VA, SC.
singularis Van Duzee, 1924a: 102. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: RI, Kingston.
spectabilis Loew, 1861a: 30. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON and QC to TX and GA (WI, TN, NY, DC, VA, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964)].
chalcochrus Loew, 1864b: 335. ST in MCZ. Type localities: USA: NY; DC.
subdilatatus Loew, 1861a: 31. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: QC, NS, ME to TN and GA (NY, CT, VA, NC) [Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
subulatus Loew, 1861a: 29. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON to NS, s. to NC (QC, NY, PA, CT, NJ) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
tennesseensis Robinson, 1964: 173. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Unicoi Co., NW of Erwin, by State Route 81. Distribution: TN, GA, VA, NC, SC.
tenuicauda Van Duzee, 1928d: 88. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Raleigh.
tibialis Van Duzee, 1928d: 88. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Raleigh. Distribution: TN, VA, NC, SC [Robinson (1964)].
tristis Loew, 1864b: 83. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK, BC, OR, QC, VT, MA.
ventralis Loew, 1861a: 36. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON and QC s. to NE and NC (TN, OH, NY, NJ, VA) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
vernaculus Van Duzee, 1924a: 104. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Lancaster. Distribution: NY, ME.
vetitus (Melander), 1900: 138 (Hercostomus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NJ, Clementon. Distribution: NY, NJ.
vestitus; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
vetius; error by Van Duzee (1925e: 187).
violaceus (Van Duzee), 1921b: 123 (Proarchus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Dayton. Distribution: MI to QC and MA, s. to TN and SC (OH, NY, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
vockerothi Robinson, 1964: 172. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: FL, Pinellas Co., Tarpon Springs. Distribution: TX, IA, IN, TN, GA, FL, CT, VA, NC, SC.
weemsi Robinson, 1964: 173. HT in FSCA. Type locality: USA: FL, Clay Co., Gold Head Branch State Park.
Genus HERCOSTOMUS Loew, 1857a
HERCOSTOMUS Loew, 1857a: 9. Type species: Sybistroma longiventris Loew [Palearctic], by original designation.
DASYARTHRUS Mik, 1878b: 5. Type species: Gymnopternus inornatus Loew, by original designation.
MICROHERCOSTOMUS Stackelberg, 1949: 687 (as subgenus). Type species: Hercostomus (Microhercostomus) dilatitarsis Stackelberg, by original designation. Synonymized by Grichanov (1997a).
AHERCOSTOMUS Yang & Saigusa, 2001a: 239 (as subgenus). Type species: Hercostomus (Ahercostomus) jiangchenganus Yang & Saigusa, by original designation.
Hercostomus is known from all realms; however, this genus is clearly polyphyletic and its limits should be redefined. It reaches its highest diversity in the Palearctic, especially in the southeast. Representatives are found in a wide variety of habitats, ranging from coastal dunes to humid forests and springs.
Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.); Corpus (1989; rev.).
albipodus Harmston & Knowlton, 1941a: 131. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Kanosh Canyon.
aurifer (Thomson), 1869: 512 (Dolichopus). ST in NHRS. Type locality: USA: CA. Distribution: BC, OR, WA, CA; MEX.
metatarsalis (Thomson), 1869: 512 (Dolichopus); listed under Gymnopternus in Foote et al. (1965); synonymized by Corpus (1989). ST in NHRS. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey Co., Cala.
procerus Wheeler, 1899: 8; listed under Gymnopternus in Foote et al. (1965). ST in AMNH, CNC (2). Type locality: USA: CA, along road from Monterey to Del Monte.
cacheae Harmston & Knowlton, 1941a: 131. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Avon-Liberty road, approx. 5 mi S of Avon, extreme S end of Cache Valley. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, CA, ID, UT, WY [Turner (1987); Corpus (1989)].
chaetilamellus Harmston & Knowlton, 1941a: 127. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: CA, Orange Co.
chetifer (Walker), 1848–1849: 653 (Porphyrops). HT in BMNH. Type locality: England. Distribution: AB, ON, MI, TN, QC, PA, NY, CT, NJ, NC; Palearctic, Oriental [Robinson (1964); Dyte (1975); Corpus (1989)].
cretifer; error by Walker (1856: xii) [Dyte (1975); Chandler (1998)].
alutifer (Haliday), 1851: 179 (Dolichopus). HT in ?NMID. Type locality: England: Kent, nr Harrietsham [Dyte (1975); Negrobov (1991)].
ornatus (Van Duzee), 1921b: 128 (Paraclius); synonymized by Robinson (1964). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Williamsville.
ornatipes; error by Curran (1925: 100).
dreisbachi Harmston & Knowlton, 1945: 80. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MI, Midland Co. [Robinson (1964)].
coloradensis Harmston, 1952: 286. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Boulder. Distribution: AZ, CO, NM [Corpus (1989)].
costalis Van Duzee, 1923d: 65. HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: ON, Toronto. Distribution: CA, MN, IA, WI, ON, MI, IN, OH, NY [Corpus (1989)].
cryptus Harmston & Knowlton, 1941a: 130. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, nr Manila, Sheep Creek. Distribution: UT, WY, NE [Corpus (1989)].
flutatus Harmston & Knowlton, 1945: 79. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MI, Bay Co. Distribution: MI, IN, TN, WV [Corpus (1989)].
impudicus Wheeler, 1899: 10. ST in ?AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey. Distribution: WA, CA [Corpus (1989)].
longilamellus Harmston & Knowlton, 1940f: 127. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Kanosh Canyon. Distribution: UT, MT.
neocryptus Harmston & Knowlton, 1941a: 130. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Lethbridge. Distribution: NT, BC, AB, SK, WA, ID, MT, WY, CO, UT, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Corpus (1989)].
occidentalis Cole, 1912: 839. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Laguna Beach. Distribution: CA, UT, AZ.
flavicornis (Van Duzee), 1918: 48 (Paraclius); synonymized by Corpus (1989). HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Bill Williams Fork.
stanfordi Harmston & Knowlton, 1940f: 126; synonymized by Corpus (1989). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Cedar City.
orbicularis Harmston, 1952: 286. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, San Bernardino Mts., Mill Creek Canyon.
setosus (Van Duzee), 1913b: 54 (Neurigona). ST in USNM, ANSP. Type locality: USA: NM, Alamogordo. Distribution: MT, UT, NM, CO, NE, IL [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Corpus (1989)].
torridus Harmston & Knowlton, 1941a: 129. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Leeds.
synolcus Steyskal, 1966a: 169; n. name for Gymnopternus convergens Van Duzee. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: OR, NV, UT, SK, SD [Steyskal (1966a); Corpus (1989); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
convergens (Van Duzee), 1920: 49 (Gymnopternus); preocc. by Gymnopternus convergens Loew, 1857a, now Hercostomus subg. Hercostomus. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells.
tibialis (Van Duzee), 1913b: 55 (Neurigona). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Lancaster. Distribution: NE, IA, IL, IN, ON, QC, PA, NY, NH, NC, SC, TN [Corpus (1989); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
dorsalis (Van Duzee), 1914c: 434 (Neurigona); synonymized by Corpus (1989), not mentioned as synonym under H. tibialis but listed in the abstract, intro (p. 214) and on p. 235. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Elma.
indianus Harmston, 1952: 285; synonymized by Corpus (1989). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette.
truncatus Harmston & Knowlton, 1940f: 127. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Kanosh Canyon. Distribution: UT, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
unicolor Loew, 1864b: 117. ST in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NT, Fort Resolution. Distribution: AK, YT, NT, BC, WA, and AB to QC and ME, s. to CA, AZ, NM, and VA (OR, NV, ID, UT, MT, WY, CO, SK, MB, SD, MN, WI, MI, ON, NY, NH) [Robinson (1964); Corpus (1989)].
poenitens (Wheeler), 1890: 355 (Gymnopternus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co.
ornaticauda Van Duzee, 1933a: 16; synonymized by Robinson (1964). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WA, Mt. Rainier, 6318 ft.
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1940f: 125. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Moab.
wasatchensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1943a: 103. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Mt. Timpanogos. Distribution: UT, SK, NE [Corpus (1989)].
Genus PARACLIUS Loew, 1864b
PARACLIUS Loew, 1864b: 97. Type species: Pelastoneurus arcuatus Loew [Neotropical], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 583. Erroneously treated as an emendation of Paracleius Bigot in Foote et al. (1965), see comments under Pelastoneurus Loew.
LEPTOCORYPHA Aldrich, 1896b: 315. Type species: Leptocorypha pavo Aldrich, by monotypy. Synonymized by Robinson (1970b).
LEPTORHETHUM, Parent, 1934a, not Aldrich, 1893b, misid. listed by Bickel & Dyte (1989).
Species of Paraclius are known from every zoogeographical realm, but the genus is most diverse in the Neotropics. Nearctic species are found on moist soil or sand or on low herbaceous foliage near water. Most Nearctic species are coastal (Robinson, 1964; Foote et al., 1965).
Aldrich (1904; key); Robinson (1964; key, eastern North America).
aberrans Robinson, 1964: 180. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TX, Collin Co., Plano. Distribution: TX; MEX.
alternans (Loew), 1864a: 95 (Cent. 5, no. 91) (Pelastoneurus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ME to FL (MA, CT, NY, MD, NC), Bermuda [Robinson (1964); Woodley & Hilburn (1994)].
vicinus Aldrich, 1904: 277. ST in USNM (8). Type locality: USA: MA, New Bedford.
claviculatus Loew, 1866b: 45 (Cent. 7, no. 83). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY, New Rochelle. Distribution: ON to NS, s. to NC (NY, MA); ?Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b)].
fraternus Van Duzee, 1933a: 21. ST in AMNH, CAS (1). Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Cold Spring Harbor.
consors (Walker), 1852–1853: 213 (Dolichopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA.
filifer Aldrich, 1896b: 314. ST in USNM (5), SEMC (4), CUIC. Type locality: St. Vincent Is. Distribution: FL; MEX, Neotropics.
flagellatus (Harmston), 1952: 293 (Hercostomus); comb. by Foote et al. (1965). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AL, Mobile. Distribution: ?AL (immigrant, found in hold of ship containing cargo of bananas from Panama); Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
floridensis Robinson, 1964: 181. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL, nr Gainsville, across from Glen Springs, on property of H.V. Weems Jr.
hybridus Melander, 1900: 141. ST in AMNH (9). Type locality: USA: MA, Woods Hole. Distribution: NY, ME, MA, CT, NC.
magnicornis Van Duzee, 1927a: 146. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: ID, Lewiston.
minutus Van Duzee, 1921b: 127. HT in CAS. Type localities: USA: FL, Bradentown; Anna Maria Key.
nigrocaudatus Van Duzee, 1918: 47. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: MT, Beaver Creek, 6300 ft.
ovatus Van Duzee, 1914c: 436. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Decatur Co. Distribution: MI to NY, s. to FL (IN, OH, MD, NC, SC, GA); ?Neotropics [Robinson (1964)].
propinquus Wheeler, 1899: 18. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: FL, Charlotte Harbor; Ormund. Distribution: FL, MA; ?Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
pumilio Loew, 1872: 90 (Cent. 10, no. 63). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: TX. Distribution: TX, NE, IA, MI, IN, TN, MD, VA; MEX [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
quadrinotatus Aldrich, 1902: 81. ST in USNM (8). Type locality: Grenada Is. Distribution: TX, FL; Neotropics.
Genus PELASTONEURUS Loew, 1861a
PARACLEIUS Bigot, 1859: 215, 227. Type species: Dolichopus heteronevrus Macquart, by monotypy. Erroneously listed as a senior synonym of Paraclius Loew in Foote et al. (1965); see comments under Paraclius Loew.
PELASTONEURUS Loew, 1861a: 36. Type species: Pelastoneurus vagans Loew [Nearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 586. Application to the I.C.Z.N. has been made for the suppression of Paracleius Bigot (Brooks et al., 2002).
METAPELASTONEURUS Aldrich, 1894: 152. Type species: Metapelastoneurus kansensis Aldrich, by monotypy.
PARACLIUS Kertész, 1909: 230. Type species: Dolichopus heteronevrus Macquart, automatic. Unjustified emendation.
PALASTONEURUS, error by Parent (1933d: 249).
PELASTRONEURUS, error by Robinson (1964: 177).
Pelastoneurus has been recorded from the Nearctic, Neotropical, Afrotropical, and Oriental realms, as well as the Hawaiian Islands. Most species have been described from the New World and many more await discovery, especially in the Neotropics. Species of Pelastoneurus are found in association with freshwater seepages and mudflats, and on wet soil or on low herbaceous vegetation near water. The immatures of P. vagans Loew inhabit mud substrates in various aquatic and semiaquatic habitats (Corpus, 1986a).
Van Duzee (1923b, rev.); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
abbreviatus Loew, 1864a: 94 (Cent. 5, no. 89). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY, New Rochelle. Distribution: ON to NS, s. to TX and FL (IL, QC, NY, NC), ?MT [Robinson (1964)].
aldrichi Van Duzee, 1923b: 36. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Brigham.
angulatus Robinson, 1964: 178. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Beaufort, Duke University Marine Biological Station.
asciaeformis Becker, 1922a: 63. HT in ZMHB. Type locality: USA: GA.
aurifacies Van Duzee, 1923b: 35. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: FL, Bradentown. Distribution: AL, FL.
minutus Van Duzee, 1933a: 27. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: AL, Mobile Co., Baraland.
barri Harmston, 1972: 153. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Inyo Co., Tecopa Hot Springs.
bifrons (Walker), 1852–1853: 212 (Dolichopus). ST in BMNH. Type locality: USA.
brevis Robinson, 1964: 179. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: GA, Montgomery Co., Ailey. Distribution: AL, GA, FL, NC.
cognatus Loew, 1861a: 40. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: TX, IL, FL; MEX.
comatus Robinson, 1992: 576. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: DC, Roosevelt Is. Distribution: DC, NC [Robinson (personal commun.)]
cyaneus Wheeler, 1899: 17. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: CA, on road from Monterey to Del Monte; WY, Lusk. Distribution: OR to SD, s. to CA (NV, AZ, NE); MEX [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
dissimilipes Wheeler, 1899: 16. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey. Distribution: CA, AZ.
nigrescens Wheeler, 1899: 78, 80; alternate orig. spelling. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey.
floridanus Wheeler, 1899: 13. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: FL, St. Angustine. Distribution: TX, FL, NC; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
furcifer Loew, 1872: 91 (Cent. 10, no. 64). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: TX.
hebes (Walker), 1852–1853: 213 (Dolichopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA.
heteronevrus (Macquart), 1850: 432 (1850: 128) (Dolichopus). HT in ?MNHN. Type locality: North America (listed under Paracleius by Foote et al. (1965)).
heteroneurus; error or unjustified emendation listed by Kertész (1909) and Van Duzee (1923b).
heteropterus; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
ineptus (Walker), 1852–1853: 214 (Dolichopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA.
irrasus (Walker), 1848–1849: 667 (Dolichopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA: FL. Distribution: FL; ?Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
kansensis (Aldrich), 1894: 153 (Metapelastoneurus). ST in SEMC (2). Type locality: USA: KS. Distribution: SD, NE, KS, IL, MI, IN [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
laetus Loew, 1861a: 38. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: GA. Distribution: NE and MI to QC, s. to LA and FL (IN, OH, NY, MD, DC, VA, NC, GA) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
falcatus Aldrich, 1904: 277. ST in USNM (3). Type locality: CAN: QC, Montreal Is.
ramosus Van Duzee, 1923b: 33. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: VA, Chesterfield Co., Petersburg.
lamellatus Loew, 1864a: 95 (Cent. 5, no. 90). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: IA to ME, s. to TX, MS, and FL (NY, NH, MA, NJ, MD, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
cristatus Van Duzee, 1924a: 105. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: MA, Eastham.
latifacies Van Duzee, 1930d: 123. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Lake Co., Clear Lake, Konocti Bay.
longicauda Loew, 1861a: 37. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ?CA, NY, NC, FL.
quadricincta Van Duzee, 1928d: 89. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Willard.
lugubris Loew, 1861a: 38. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY, Trenton Falls. Distribution: QC, MI, VT to TX, LA, and FL (IL, IN, NY, MA); MEX, Hawaiian Is. [Robinson (1964); Evenhuis (1996); Beaulieu & Wheeler (2001)].
maculipes (Walker), 1852–1853: 214 (Dolichopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA.
neglectus Wheeler, 1899: 12. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: WI, Milwaukee; IL, Chicago. Distribution: WI to NH, s. to LA and GA (TX, MO, IL, TN, IN, MI, NY, VA, SC) [Robinson (1964)].
nigricornis Van Duzee, 1923b: 39. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MO, Atherton. Distribution: TX, LA, MO, TN.
penicillatus Parent, 1929a: 181. HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: TX.
occidentalis Wheeler, 1899: 13. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Pacific Grove. Distribution: CA, OR, ?VA.
parvus Aldrich, 1904: 276. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: LA, Opelousas. Distribution: LA, GA, FL.
potomacus Robinson, 1992: 578. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: DC, Roosevelt Is.
proximus Aldrich, 1904: 278. ST in CNC (1). Type locality: USA: LA, Opelousas. Distribution: TX, LA, TN, IN, MI, NC.
arboreus Van Duzee, 1923b: 34. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette.
scutatus Aldrich, 1904: 276. HT in USNM. Type locality: FL, Biscayne Bay.
semiplumatus Becker, 1922a: 69. HT in DEI. Type locality: America. Possibly not Nearctic.
seticauda Van Duzee, 1930b: 85. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: MO, Atherton. Distribution: MO, TN.
stentorius Harmston, 1971: 88. HT in FSCA. Type locality: USA: GA, Oatland Is.
taeniatus Becker, 1922a: 70. HT in ZMHB. Type locality: Virgin Is.: St. Jean. Distribution: FL; Neotropics (Dominica). new record.
tibialis Van Duzee, 1923b: 41. ST in ?Type locality: USA: NM, Jemezsprings Mts. Distribution: UT, NM [Knowlton & Harmston (1937)].
umbripictus Becker, 1922a: 73. ST in ?ZMHB. Type localities: USA: Carolina; Colombia: Baranquilla, Bogota. Distribution: TX, MI, NC, FL; MEX, Neotropics [Robinson (1964)].
vagans Loew, 1861a: 39. ST in MCZ, CNC (1). Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: AK, OR, UT to QC, s. to NM, TX, and GA, Bermuda; MEX, ?Neotropics [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Robinson (1964, 1970b); Woodley & Hilburn (1994)].
vagrans; error by Snodgrass (1904: 290).
longilamellatus Parent, 1929a: 180. ST in MLUH. Type localities: USA: TX; GA.
varius (Walker), 1852–1853: 215 (Dolichopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA. Distribution: GA, FL.
pictipennis Wheeler, 1899: 14. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: FL, St. Augustine; Gotha.
punctipennis (not Say); error by Parent (1929a: 170).
wheelerii Melander, 1900: 140. HT in ?AMNH. Type locality: USA: TX, along Colorado River S of Austin. Distribution: CA, TX, MI, TN, NC, SC, GA.
wheeleri; error by Foote et al. (1965: 502).
Genus TACHYTRECHUS Stannius, 1831
AMMOBATES Stannius, 1831: 33. Incorrect original spelling by revision of Haliday (1851: 173); preocc. by Ammobates Latreille, 1809.
TACHYTRECHUS Stannius, 1831: 261. Erroneously treated as nomen nudum by Sabrosky (1999: 297–298) and previous regional catalogs. Type species: Ammobates notatus Stannius, designation by Rondani, 1856: 143 from species first included by Stannius (1831: 268–270).
HAMMOBATES, subsequent misspelling by Rondani, 1856: 143.
STANNIA Rondani, 1857: 14. Type species: Ammobates notatus Stannius, automatic. Unnecessary n. name for Ammobates Stannius, 1831.
GONGOPHORA Philippi, 1875: 86. Type species: Gongophora medinae Philippi, by monotypy. Synonymized by Robinson (1970b).
CONGOPHORA Philippi, 1875: 86. Incorrect original spelling by present revision.
POLYMEDON Osten Sacken, 1877: 317. Type species: Polymedon flabellifer Osten Sacken, by monotypy. Synonymized by Robinson (1970b).
MACELLOCERUS Mik, 1878b: 5. Type species: Tachytrechus moechus Loew, by original designation.
PSILISCHIUM Becker, 1922a: 93. Type species: Psilischium laevigatum Becker, by monotypy. Synonymized by Robinson (1970b).
TETRECHUS, error by Van Duzee (1924d: 43).
GONGROPHORA, subsequent misspelling by Porter (1929: 230), repeated by Robinson (1970b: 53).
TACHYTERECHUS, error by Dyte (1975: 238).
Tachytrechus is known from every realm; however, the Neotropics has the majority of the species. Tachytrechus species are hygrophilous and riparian, and mainly occur on open, well-lit, wet, sandy soils or rocky substrates near or in open water. Larval and pupal stages have been discovered along temporal pools (Dyte, 1959) and in freshet seeps and mud flats (Corpus, 1988).
Greene (1922; key); Van Duzee (1927d; key, as Polymedon); Harmston & Knowlton (1940a; key to males); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
albonotatus (Loew), 1864b: 102 (Paraclius). ST in ?MCZ. Type locality: USA: LA, New Orleans. Distribution: UT to VT, s. to LA and FL; Neotropics.
angulatus (Van Duzee), 1914c: 436 (Paraclius). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Colden. Distribution: TN, NY, NC.
angustipennis Loew, 1862: 213 (Cent. 2, no. 64). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC. Distribution: CA and UT to DC, s. to FL (NV, AZ, WY, NM, TX, NC, GA); MEX, Neotropics, Hawaiian Is. [Knowlton & Harmston (1937); Robinson (1964, 1970b); Evenhuis (1996, 1997a); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
argyropus Becker, 1922a: 79. HT in NMW. Type locality: America. Possibly not Nearctic.
auratus (Aldrich), 1896a: 83 (Macellocerus). ST in USNM (3). Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow. Distribution: WA, CA, NV, ID, UT, AZ, CO [Corpus (1988)].
binodatus Loew, 1866b: 46 (Cent. 7, no. 84). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY, Saratoga. Distribution: AK, ON, QC, and NS, s. to NE and TN (MI, IN, OH, NY, NJ) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987)].
boharti Harmston, 1968: 15. HT in UCDC. Type locality: USA: CA, Sierra Co., Yuba Pass.
californicus (Harmston & Knowlton), 1943a: 105 (Polymedon). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Sonora.
canacolli Brooks, new name for Paraclius utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1946b proposed herein by second author in recognition of the contribution of the CanaColl Foundation to the production of this catalog. Type locality: USA: UT, St. George.
utahensis (Harmston & Knowlton), 1946b: 23 (Paraclius); preocc. by Tachytrechus utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1940a. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, St. George. new combination.
castus (Wheeler), 1899: 6 (Polymedon). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: AZ, Grand Canon. Distribution: AZ, UT.
castor; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
dilaticosta (Van Duzee), 1927d: 124 (Polymedon). HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Grand Canon, Bright Angel Trail.
duplicatus Harmston, 1972: 157. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Baker.
flabellifer (Osten Sacken), 1877: 317 (Polymedon). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CA, Sonoma Co., Los Guilucos. Distribution: WA, OR, CA, ID, UT.
flavitibialis (Van Duzee), 1930c: 71 (Polymedon). HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: southern AZ.
floridensis Aldrich, 1896a: 82. ST in USNM (4). Type locality: USA: FL.
granditarsis Greene, 1922: 17. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Jacumba Spring. Distribution: CA, UT, AZ, WY [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
greenei Foote et al., 1965: 503; n. name for Tachytrechus bipunctatus Greene. Type locality: USA: ID, St. Anthony. Distribution: ID, UT, AB.
bipunctatus Greene, 1922: 9; preocc. by Dolichopus bipunctatus Macquart, 1842, now Tachytrechus. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, St. Anthony.
harmstoni Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999: 292; n. name for Tachytrechus californicus Harmston & Knowlton, 1963. Type locality: USA: CA, Trinity Co., Trinity River Camp.
californicus Harmston & Knowlton, 1963: 234; preocc. by Tachytrechus californicus (Harmston & Knowlton), 1943a, previously in Polymedon. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Trinity Co., Trinity River Camp.
indianus (Harmston & Knowlton), 1946b: 24 (Paraclius). HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Indianapolis. Distribution: TN, IN, OH, NC, SC, FL.
keiferi (Van Duzee), 1927a: 146 (Paraclius). HT in CAS. Type locality: MEX: Baja California, Cedros Is. Distribution: OR, CA, ID, AZ; MEX. new combination, new record.
laticrus Van Duzee, 1918: 46. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 292) in CAS. Type locality: USA: NJ, Manahawkin.
latitarsus (Parent), 1929a: 182 (Polymedon). HT in MLUH. Type locality: unknown. Distribution: America [Robinson (1970b)].
parenti Robinson, 1970b: 55; unnecessary n. name for Polymedon latitarsus Parent, not latitarsis Becker, 1922a: 81. new synonymy.
latitarsis; error by Robinson (1970b: 55).
mchughi Harmston, 1972: 156. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Latourele Falls. Distribution: OR, CA.
milleri Harmston, 1966b: 223. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Crater Lake.
moechus Loew, 1861a: 40. ST in MCZ, CNC (1). Type locality: USA: NY, Trenton Falls. Distribution: ON, QC, and NS, s. to NE, IA, and SC (IL, TN, IN, NY, NH, NC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987)].
mysticus (Becker), 1922a: 52 (Paraclius). ST in ZMHB. Type locality: USA: GA.
nigrifemoratus (Van Duzee), 1927d: 125 (Polymedon). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: AZ, Oak Creek Canon, 6000 ft. Distribution: AZ, NM.
nimius (Aldrich), 1901: 334 (Polymedon). ST in USNM (2). Type localities: MEX: Guerrero, Omilteme, 8000 ft; Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 7000 ft. Distribution: ID, UT, AZ; MEX, Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
nigricornis (Van Duzee), 1929: 53 (Polymedon). HT in USNM. Type locality: Guatemala: Alta Vera Paz, Tamau [Robinson (1970b)].
nitidus (Van Duzee), 1927d: 125 (Polymedon). HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Grand Canon, Bright Angel Trail.
olympiae (Aldrich), 1896a: 83 (Macellocerus). ST in USNM (4). Type locality: USA: WA, Olympia. Distribution: WA to IL, s. to CA.
protervus Melander, 1900: 143. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NJ, Clementon. Distribution: NH to FL (NJ, MD, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964)].
junctus Coquillett, 1910a: 125. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NJ, Manahawkin.
rotundipennis Greene, 1922: 5. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: DE. Distribution: DE, NJ.
sanus Osten Sacken, 1877: 316. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CA, Sierra Nevada, Sierra Co., Webber Lake. Distribution: WA, CA, AB, UT, CO [Knowlton & Harmston (1937)].
spinitarsis (Van Duzee), 1924d: 43 (Tetrechus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Tulare Co., Giant Forest, 9000 ft. new synonymy.
simulatus Greene, 1922: 4. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, St. Anthony. Distribution: BC, OR, ID, MT, UT.
tahoensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1940a: 114. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Tahoe.
tenuiseta Greene, 1922: 10. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Newport. Distribution: BC, OR, CA, NM [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1940a: 112. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Torrey.
volitans Melander, 1900: 143. ST in AMNH (2). Type locality: USA: WY, 12 mi NW of Lusk. Distribution: WY, TX.
vorax Loew, 1861a: 41. ST in MCZ, CNC (1). Type locality: USA: DC. Distribution: CA to QC, s. to TX and NC (CO, SD, NE, IA, ON, MI, IN, NH, NJ, DC, VA) [Steyskal (1947a); Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
Genus ENLINIA Aldrich, 1933
COLLINELLULA Aldrich, 1932: 4. Type species: Collinellula magistri Aldrich, by monotypy; preocc. by Collinellula Strand, 1928.
ENLINIA Aldrich, 1933: 168. Type species: Collinellula magistri Aldrich [Nearctic], automatic. N. name for Collinellula Aldrich, 1932.
Enlinia is known only from the New World and contains some of the smallest members of the family. Species of Enlinia are typically found hovering close to wet soil or rock surfaces. Both their size and habits have undoubtedly contributed to their rarity in traditional sweepnet collections; however, they are sometimes taken in large numbers in Malaise trap catches.
Robinson (1964; key, southeastern U.S.; 1969, comprehensive review, Mexican species); Robinson & Arnaud (1970; key).
arizonica Robinson, 1973: 419. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AZ, Cochise Co., Portal, S.W. Res. Sta.
californica Robinson & Arnaud, 1970: 2. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, SW of Redwood City, Stulsaft Park, 150 ft. Distribution: CA, OR [Arnaud (1969); Robinson & Arnaud (1970); Arnaud (1972)].
ciliata Robinson, 1964: 124. HT in USNM (no specimen on pin). Type locality: USA: NC, Durham, Duke University, Duke Gardens. Distribution: IN, TN, MS, MD, DC, VA, NC, FL; MEX [Robinson (1964, 1970b; personal commun.); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
magistri (Aldrich), 1932: 5 (Collinellula). HT in ?UMO. Type locality: USA: NY, Ithaca. Distribution: ON, QC, NY, DE, DC [Robinson (personal commun.); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
robinsoni Steyskal, 1975: 478. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OK, Murray Co., Turners Falls.
saxicola Robinson, 1964: 125. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Unicoi Co., on State Route 81 NW of Erwin. Distribution: TN, VA, NC, SC.
taeniocaudata Robinson & Arnaud, 1970: 7. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: BC, Mt. Revelstoke, 2745 ft.
texana Robinson, 1973: 420. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TX, Kimble Co., Llano River.
Genus HARMSTONIA Robinson, 1964
HARMSTONIA Robinson, 1964: 122. Type species: Harmstonia intricata Robinson [Nearctic], by original designation.
Harmstonia is known from the New World, with the highest species richness in the Neotropics. In North America, species of Harmstonia occur on mud at edges of streams and on moist rock surfaces and seem to be restricted to limestone regions (Robinson, 1964).
Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
intricata Robinson, 1964: 122. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Knox Co., University of Tennessee Farm, nr Knoxville. Distribution: TN, NY, MD, VA.
pectinicauda Robinson, 1964: 123. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: VA, Frederick Co., along Furnace Run about 1 mi S of Mt. Williams. Distribution: VA; MEX.
Genus DIOSTRACUS Loew, 1861a
DIOSTRACUS Loew, 1861a: 43. Type species: Diostracus prasinus Loew [Nearctic], by monotypy.
ASPHYROTARSUS Oldenberg, 1916: 193. Type species: Liancalus leucostomus Loew, by original designation.
Diostracus is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere and is known from North America, Europe, and Eastern Asia. The majority of described species (>90%) occur in temperate Eastern Asia (Saigusa et al., 1997). Adults are typically found near wet rocks and stones in mountain streams.
Aldrich (1911b); Robinson (1964; key, North America).
mchughi Harmston, 1966b: 224. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Latourele Falls. Distribution: WA, OR.
olga Aldrich, 1911b: 71. ST in ?Type locality: USA: WA, Orcas Is., Olga. Distribution: BC, WA, CA, ID [Hurley (personal commun.)].
prasinus Loew, 1861a: 44. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: QC, NS, NY, VT, NH, MA, CT, PA, VA, TN, NC [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987); Hurley (personal commun.)].
Genus HYDATOSTEGA Philippi, 1865
HYDATOSTEGA Philippi, 1865: 779. Type species: Hydatostega poliogastra Philippi [Neotropical], by monotypy.
MILLARDIA Curran, 1934: 231. Type species: Medeterus viridiflos Walker, by original designation; preocc. by Millardia Thomas, 1911.
Hydatostega has only recently been recognized as a separate genus by Hurley (1985) and only three species and three subspecies are known from the Nearctic. There appear to be many species at high altitudes and/or high latitudes of the southern Neotropical region. H. viridiflos subsp. gratiosa has also been encountered in Mexico. Adults are generally associated with standing water and are adept at skating on the surface. H. plumbea appears to be restricted to lakes with high salinity (Herbst & Bradley, 1988; Hurley, 1995); and H. v. viridiflos to Atlantic coastal saline habitats (Hurley, 1995).
Hurley (1985, 1995; rev.)
cerutias (Loew), 1872: 91 (Cent. 10, no. 65) (Hydrophorus); comb. by Hurley (1995). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: TX, Belfrage. Distribution: AB, MT, WY, CO, AZ, NM, SD, NE, KS, TX, OK, IA [Hurley (1995)].
plumbea (Aldrich), 1911a: 50 (Hydrophorus); comb. by Hurley (1995). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Grand Coulee, Soap Lake. Distribution: WA, OR, CA, NV, UT, SK, MB [Hurley (1995)].
albomaculatus (Van Duzee), 1926c: 47 (Hydrophorus); synonymized by Hurley (1995). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Aweme [Hurley (1995)].
viridiflos (Walker), 1852–1853: 212 (Medeterus); transferred to Hydatostega by Hurley (1995), previously placed in Hydrophorus by Loew (1864b).
viridiflos subsp. fulvidorsum (Van Duzee), 1925e: 182 (Hydrophorus); subspecies status and combination by Hurley (1995). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Chin. Distribution: NT, BC, AB, SK, MB, ID, NV, UT, MT, WY, CO, SD [Hurley (1995)].
viridiflos subsp. gratiosa (Aldrich), 1911a: 49 (Hydrophorus); subspecies status and combination by Hurley (1995). LT designated by Hurley (1995: 133) in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow. Distribution: AK, BC, AB, WA, OR, CA, ID, NV, UT, AZ, MT, WY, ND, CO, NM, TX; MEX [Hurley (1995)].
argentatus (Van Duzee), 1918: 50 (Hydrophorus); synonymized by Hurley (1995). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Berkeley.
viridiflos subsp. viridiflos (Walker), 1852–1853: 212 (Medeterus); subspecies status and combination by Hurley (1995). HT in BMNH. Type locality: North America. Distribution: MB, QC, NY, NB, PEI, NS, NF, ME, MA, CT, NJ, DE, VA [Hurley (1995)].
intentus (Aldrich), 1911a: 51 (Hydrophorus); synonymized by Parent (1934a). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MA, Horse Neck Beach [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
indentus; error for Hydrophorus intentus listed by Foote et al. (1965) [Hurley (1985)].
browni (Curran), 1930a: 73 (Hydrophorus); synonymized by Hurley (1995). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Bonne Esperance.
Genus HYDROPHORUS Fallén, 1823
HYDROPHORUS Fallén, 1823: 2. Type species: Hydrophorus nebulosus Fallén [Palearctic], by validation of the I.C.Z.N. 1985:162.
APHROZETA Perris, 1847: 491. Type species: Aphrozeta semiglauca Perris, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 508. [= Medeterus viridis Meigen, 1824].
PARHYDROPHORUS Wheeler, 1896b: 185. Type species: Parhydrophorus canescens Wheeler, by monotypy.
Hydrophorus is known from all realms, but is most diverse in temperate, arctic, and boreal zones. The majority of Nearctic species occur in the north and west. Adults of some species are often seen skating on the surfaces of stagnant water bodies, whereas others are found on the shores of large rivers and streams or in saltmarshes near the coast.
Aldrich (1911a; rev.); Van Duzee (1923c, 1926d; keys); Robinson (1964; key, eastern North America); Hurley (1985, 1995; rev.).
aestuum Loew, 1869a: 36 (Cent. 8, no. 60); removed from synonymy with Hydrophorus praecox (Lehmann), 1822 by Hurley (1985). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: RI, Newport. Distribution: CA, WY, MT, NE, ND, SD, CO, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PEI, ME, MN, MI, IL, NY, NH, MA, NJ, RI, VA, NC, KS, OK, TX, LA, MS, GA, FL, Bermuda; MEX, Neotropics (Bahamas) [Hurley (1985, personal commun.); Woodley & Hilburn (1994)].
aestuans; error for Hydrophorus aestuum listed by Foote et al. (1965) under Hydrophorus praecox.
agalma Wheeler, 1899: 66. LT designated by Hurley (1985: 18) in AMNH. Type locality: USA: MI, Battle Creek. Distribution: AB, ID, MB, SK, MI, ON, MA [Hurley (1985)].
alboflorens (Walker), 1848–1849: 656 (Medeterus). ST in BMNH (4). Type locality: CAN: NS. Distribution: MN, WI, MI, ON, QC, NB, NS, NY, PA, ME, NH, MA, WV, DC [Hurley (1985)].
pirata Loew, 1861a: 71; synonymized by Hurley (1985). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA.
algens Wheeler, 1899: 63. LT designated by Hurley (1985: 22) in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WY, Two-gwo-te-ee Pass. Distribution: AK, YT, BC, NT, AB, ID, MT, WY, CO, MB, QC [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
hirtipes Van Duzee, 1933b: 17; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Thunder River.
alpinus Wahlberg, 1844: 109. ST in ?NHRS. Type locality: Sweden: Mts. Walli and Snjerack nr Quickjock. Distribution: AK, YT, NT, MB, QC; Palearctic [Hurley (1985, 1995); Negrobov (1991)].
epakter Hurley, 1985: 23; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NT, Chesterfield.
altivagus Aldrich, 1911a: 67. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Marshall Pass, 10,865 ft. Distribution: AK, YT, BC, NT, AB, ID, MT, UT, WY, CO, SK, MB, MN, ON, QC, NH, NF; Palearctic [Hurley (1985, personal commun.); Negrobov (1991)].
wahlgreni Frey, 1915: 4, 57, 63; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in MZHF. Type localities: Finland: Helsingfors; Vasa; Tuovilanlathi; Kontiolathi.
lividipes Van Duzee, 1926c: 50; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Aweme.
amplectens Aldrich, 1911a: 67. ST in USNM (6). Type locality: USA: SD, Brookings; MI, Battle Creek. Distribution: AK, ON, NT, NY, QC, YT, SD, MI [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
ampullaceus Van Duzee, 1924c: 247. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Banff. Distribution: AK, BC, AB, ID, WY [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
angustifacies Hurley, 1985: 29. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: ON, Ottawa. Distribution: MI, ON, QC.
aquatilis Aldrich, 1922a: 17. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Fairbanks. Distribution: AK, YT, BC, NT, WA, OR, AB, ID, MT, WY, CO, SK, ND, MB, ON, QC, NF [Hurley (1985, 1995, personal commun.)].
aquitilis; error by Cole & Schlinger (1969: 279) [Hurley (1985)].
criddlei Van Duzee, 1925e: 181; synonymized by Hurley (1985). ST in CAS (2), CNC (2). Type locality: CAN: MB, Aweme.
argentifacies Van Duzee, 1926c: 51; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Treesbank [Hurley (1985)].
arnaudi Hurley, 1985: 32. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Yosemite National Park, Yosemite Valley. Distribution: WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, CO [Hurley (1995, personal commun.)].
californicus Hurley, 1985: 32; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in EMEC. Type locality: USA: CA, Shasta Co., Lassen PK. Trail.
bovatus Hurley, 1985: 33. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: SK, Saskatoon.
brevicauda Van Duzee, 1923c: 259. HT in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake. Distribution: AK, YT, NT, MB [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
breviseta (Thomson), 1869: 510 (Medeterus). HT in NHRS. Type locality: USA: CA. Distribution: AK, BC, WA, OR, CA [Hurley (1985)].
canescens (Wheeler), 1896b: 187 (Parhydrophorus). LT designated by Hurley (1985: 38) in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WY, 40 mi N of Lusk. Distribution: CA, UT, WY, CO, MB, SD, NE, KS, TX [Hurley (1985)].
canities Van Duzee, 1923c: 253. HT in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake. Distribution: AK, QC [Hurley (1985)].
canites; error by Van Duzee (1923c: 250) [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
chrysologus (Walker), 1848–1849: 655 (Medeterus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls. Distribution: AK, AB, NT, ID, WY, CO, SK, MB, MN, WI, MI, OH, ON, QC, NY, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NB, NS, NF [Hurley (1985, personal commun.)].
chrysolygus; error for Hydrophorus chrysologus by Becker (1922a) and Parent (1934a) [Hurley (1985)].
chrysolgus; error for Hydrophorus chrysologus by Van Duzee (1923c: 251) [Hurley (1985)].
glaber, not Walker; misid. by Wheeler (1899) [Hurley (1985)].
glabor; error for Hydrophorus glaber by Van Duzee (1923c) [Hurley (1985)].
algens, not Wheeler; misid. by Snodgrass (1904) [Hurley (1985)].
alter Parent, 1934a: 19; synonymized by Hurley (1985). Type(s) not designated. Type locality: America.
claripennis Van Duzee, 1924c: 246. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Aweme. Distribution: AK, BC, AB, NT, SK, ID, WY, CO, MB, ON [Hurley (1985, personal commun.)].
nigrinervis Van Duzee, 1926c: 46; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Kamloops.
dioktes Hurley, 1985: 44. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Yosemite National Park, Tuolumne Meadows. Distribution: CA, OR.
dreisbachi Harmston & Knowlton, 1963: 231. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MI, Midland Co. Distribution: AB, MI [Hurley (1985)].
eldoradensis Wheeler, 1899: 65; removed from synonymy with Hydrophorus praecox (Lehmann), 1822 by Hurley (1985). LT designated by Hurley (1985: 47) in USNM. Type locality: USA: NM, Magdalena Mts. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, AB, MT, WY, UT, AZ, CO, NM, SK, MB, ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, MN, IA, NY; MEX.
extrarius Aldrich, 1911a: 65. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: SD, Brookings. Distribution: AB, SK, MB, SD, MN ON, QC [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
purus Curran, 1924c: 193; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Reston.
ferruginus Hurley, 1985: 50. HT in WSU. Type locality: USA: OR, Neskowin. Distribution: WA, OR, CA.
flavihirtus Van Duzee, 1923c: 259. HT in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake. Distribution: AK, YT, BC, NT, AB, ID, MT, WY, UT, CO, MB, MI, QC, NF [Hurley (1985, personal commun.)].
flavipennis Van Duzee, 1926c: 48. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: ON, Wainfleet. Distribution: BC, MI, ON, QC, NY [Hurley (1985)].
fumipennis Van Duzee, 1921a: 167. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: AK, St. Paul Is. Distribution: AK, NT [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
glaber (Walker), 1848–1849: 655 (Medeterus). ST in BMNH (3). Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls. Distribution: AK, YT, BC, NT, AB, UT, WY, CO, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NF [Hurley (1985)].
propinquus Van Duzee, 1923c: 256; synonymized by Hurley (1985). ST in OSU, CAS (2). Type localities: USA: AK, Katmai; Kodiak; Savonoski, Naknek Lake.
harmstoni Hurley, 1985: 57. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: WY, Teton Co., Togwotee Pass.
hesperius Hurley, 1985: 58. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Klamath River, nr Mouth. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, CA [Hurley (1995)].
hirpicifer Hurley, 1985: 59. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NF, Labrador, Cartwright. Distribution: MB, NS, NF [Hurley (1995)].
innotatus Loew, 1864b: 212. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK, BC, NT, WA, OR, CA [Hurley (1985)].
vandykei Van Duzee, 1926d: 4; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Newport.
maculipennis Van Duzee, 1926c: 45. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Newport. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, ID, CO [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
magdalenae Wheeler, 1899: 67. LT designated by Hurley (1985: 63) in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NM, Magdalena. Distribution: WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, MT, UT, AZ, NM, CO, WY [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
manicatus Collin, 1935: 372. HT in UMO. Type locality: CAN: QC, Ungava Bay, Akpatok Is., Port Burwell. Distribution: NT, MB, QC, NF [Hurley (1985)].
minimus Van Duzee, 1924f: 15; presumably a synonym of Hydrophorus aquatilis Aldrich, 1922a (Hurley 1985). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Fairbanks.
myllomerus Hurley, 1985: 68. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NT, Yellowknife [Hurley (1995)].
parvus Loew, 1862: 214 (Cent. 2, no. 67). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: IL, MI, PA, NH, MA, CT [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
pectinipes Van Duzee, 1923c: 254. HT in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Katmai [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
pensus Aldrich, 1911a: 68. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Craig's Mt. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, ID, UT [Hurley (1985)].
phaeopteryx Hurley, 1985: 73. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Pt. Barrow [Hurley (1995)].
phalarus Hurley, 1985: 74. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Warkworth Cr., nr Churchill. Distribution: AK, YT, AB, SK, MB [Hurley (1995)].
philombrius Wheeler, 1890: 378. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co. Distribution: AK, BC, WA, OR, CA, NT, ID, NV, UT, AZ, AB, MT, WY, CO, NM, SK, MB, ND, SD, NE, KS, TX, MN, IA, AR, MS, WI, ON, MI, IN, QC, NY, NJ, VA, NS [Hurley (1985, personal commun.); Bissett (1987)].
phoca Aldrich, 1911a: 63. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: BC, Vancouver Is., Corfield. Distribution: AK, BC, WA, OR, CA [Hurley (1985)].
spinosus Van Duzee, 1933b: 16; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: OR, Lincoln Co., Boiler Bay.
oregonensis Van Duzee, 1933b: 19; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: OR, Lincoln Co., Boiler Bay.
pilitarsis Malloch, 1919a: 51. ST in CNC (3), INHS (2). Type locality: USA: AK, Teller. Distribution: AK, NT [Hurley (1985)].
plautus Hurley, 1985: 80. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NT, Yellowknife. Distribution: NT, AB, SK [Hurley (1995)].
rhionopous Hurley, 1985: 82. HT in UMSP. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Cold Spring Harbor.
signifer Coquillett, 1899: 344; justified emendation of Hydrophorus signiferus by Foote et al. (1965). HT in USNM. Type locality: Russia: Bering Is. Distribution: AK, YT, NT, MB, QC, NF; Palearctic [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
signiferus Coquillett, 1899: 344; original spelling of Hydrophorus signifer [Negrobov (1979a); Hurley (1985)].
magnicornis Frey, 1915: 4, 58, 70; synonymized by Negrobov (1979a). ST in MZHF. Type localities: Finland: Muonio; Enontekis; Bjäloguba; Kusomen; Kittilä; Kantalaks; Ponoj; Kola [Hurley (1985)].
kolaensis Frey, 1915: 71; as magnicornis variety. HT in ?MZHF. Type locality: Russia: Kola Peninsula, Alexandrovsk [Negrobov (1991)].
nigribarbus Van Duzee, 1923c: 257; synonymized by Hurley (1985). HT in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Katmai.
sodalis Wheeler, 1899: 68. ST in USNM (4), AMNH (3). Type localities: USA: WY, Lusk; Ft. Caspar; Natrona Co.; Dubois; Hunter's Creek; Black Rock Creek. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, UT, AZ, AB, MT, WY, CO, NM, SK, MB, SD, NE, MN, MI [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Hurley (1985)].
trichaspis Hurley, 1985: 86. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Fort Churchill. Distribution: AK, MB [Hurley (1995)].
viridifacies Van Duzee, 1923c: 255. HT in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake. Distribution: AK, NT, CO, MB [Hurley (1985, 1995)].
Genus HYPOCHARASSUS Mik, 1878a
HYPOCHARASSUS Mik, 1878a: 627. Type species: Hypocharassus gladiator Mik [Nearctic], by original designation.
DREPANOMYIA Wheeler, 1898: 217. Type species: Drepanomyia pruinosa Wheeler, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 535.
Hypocharassus shows a disjunct distribution, being known from the Nearctic and the Oriental realms. Both Nearctic species occur along coastal areas of the Southeastern United States, where they are common on beaches near vegetation and occasionally found in immense numbers on floating seaweed. They are very wary and therefore very hard to capture (Robinson, 1964). The larval stages are intertidal and form cocoons of sand in which they pupate.
Becker (1922a); Smith (1952; biology); Robinson (1964; key, southeastern U.S.).
gladiator Mik, 1878a: 629. HT in ?NMW. Type locality: USA: GA. Distribution: GA, FL, NC.
johnsonii (Wheeler), 1898: 219 (Drepanomyia). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: FL, St. Augustine.
pruinosus (Wheeler), 1898: 218 (Drepanomyia). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: FL, St. Augustine. Distribution: GA, FL, MA, RI, VA, NC.
Genus LIANCALUS Loew, 1857a
ANOPLOMERUS Rondani, 1856: 141. Type species: (1) Rondani, 1856: 141 = Hydrophorus regius (Fabricius) by original designation [= virens Scopoli, 1763]; (2) Rondani, 1856: 228 = Hydrophorus notatus (Fabricius), correction (see notes in Ulrich, 1972; Hurley, 1995); preocc. by Anoplomerus Dejean, 1835 (see notes in Ulrich, 1972; Negrobov, 1991) and Anoplomerus Guérin-Menéville, 1844 (see Ulrich, 1972; Hurley, 1995). Synonymy after Rondani, 1861: 11.
ANOPLOPUS Rondani, 1857: 14. Type species: (1) Rondani, 1856: 141 = Hydrophorus regius (Fabricius) [= virens Scopoli, 1763], automatic; (2) Rondani, 1856: 228 = Hydrophorus notatus (Fabricius), automatic; (see notes in Ulrich, 1972, Hurley, 1995); n. name for Anoplomerus Rondani, 1856; preocc. by Anoplopus Wagler, 1830. Synonymy after Rondani, 1861: 11.
LIANCALUS Loew, 1857a: 22. Type species: Musca virens Scopoli, 1763 [Palearctic] [= regius Fabricius, 1805], automatic. N. name for Anoplomerus Rondani, 1856, not Guérin-Menéville, 1844.
Liancalus is known from all realms except Australasia and Oceania. This genus is hygrophilous and is often found in association with vertical seepages. Adults of L. similis are found in moist shaded areas in association with drainage culverts, freshet seeps, and waterfalls. Larvae are known from algal mats (Corpus, 1986b).
Van Duzee (1917a; key).
genualis Loew, 1861a: 70. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: MN to QC and NB, s. to AR, MS, and GA (ON, MI, MO, IL, IN, KY, TN, OH, PA, NY, ME, NJ, NC, SC, WV, VA); MEX [Robinson (1964, 1970b); Hurley (personal commun.)].
hydrophilus Aldrich, 1893c: 569. ST in USNM (22), SEMC (4). Type locality: USA: SD, Black Hills. Distribution: NV, UT, AZ, AB, NM, CO, SD [Hurley (personal commun.)].
limbatus Van Duzee, 1917a: 127. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Berkeley. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, CA, ID [Hurley (personal commun.)].
querulus Osten Sacken, 1877: 318. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CA, Sonoma Co., The Geysers. Distribution: WA, OR, CA, ID, UT, AZ, WY [Hurley (personal commun.)].
similis Aldrich, 1893c: 571. ST in SEMC. Type locality: USA: WA. Distribution: WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, MT; MEX [Hurley (personal commun.)].
Genus MELANDERIA Aldrich, 1922b
MELANDERIA Aldrich, 1922b: 146. Type species: Melanderia mandibulata Aldrich [Nearctic], by original designation.
Melanderia is an intertidal genus only known from the west coast of North America. Adults have highly developed labellae which are used like mandibles (Snodgrass, 1922).
Subgenus MELANDERIA Aldrich, 1922b
crepuscula Arnaud, 1958: 181. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey Co., Pacific Grove, Pt. Pinos.
mandibulata Aldrich, 1922b: 146. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Ilwaco. Distribution: WA, OR, CA [Cole & Schlinger (1969)].
Subgenus WIRTHIA Arnaud 1958
Melanderia, subgenus Wirthia Arnaud, 1958: 184. Type species: Hydrophorus curvipes Van Duzee [Nearctic], by original designation.
californica Harmston, 1972: 155. Listed under the nominate subgenus in Foote et al. (1965). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego.
curvipes (Van Duzee), 1918: 48 (Hydrophorus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego.
Genus PARAPHROSYLUS Becker, 1922a
PARAPHROSYLUS Becker, 1922a: 127. Type species: Aphrosylus praedator Wheeler, designation by Foote et al., 1965: 509. Described as subgenus of Aphrosylus Haliday (1851) by Becker (1922a); listed as synonym of Aphrosylus by Foote et al. (1965), Cole & Schlinger (1969), and Robinson (1970b); given full generic status by Robinson & Vockeroth (1981).
Paraphrosylus is known from the eastern coasts of the Pacific and is related to Melanderia, Cymatopus, Thambemyia, and Acymatopus of the Pacific basin. All are confined to the intertidal zone where they occur mainly on rocky substrates.
Wheeler (1897; rev., larvae); Saunders (1928; biology); Wirth & Stone (1956; biology); Corpus (1983; biology).
californicus (Harmston), 1952: 292 (Aphrosylus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Laguna. new combination.
direptor (Wheeler), 1897: 148 (Aphrosylus); comb. by Corpus (1983). ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Pacific Grove. Distribution: BC, WA, CA [Cole & Schlinger (1969)].
grassator (Wheeler), 1897: 149 (Aphrosylus). ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Pacific Grove. new combination.
nigripennis (Van Duzee), 1924e: 75 (Aphrosylus); comb. by Corpus (1983). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Seward. Distribution: AK, WA, OR [Cole & Schlinger (1969)].
praedator (Wheeler), 1897: 146 (Aphrosylus); comb. by Corpus (1983). ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: CA, Pacific Grove; Point Lobos; San Diego Co., Point Loma and La Jolla. Distribution: BC, WA, CA.
wirthi (Harmston), 1951a: 13 (Aphrosylus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Mateo Co., Moss Beach. new combination.
Genus SCELLUS Loew, 1857a
SCELLUS Loew, 1857a: 22. Type species: Hydrophorus spinimanus Zetterstedt [Palearctic, Nearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 603.
ANOPLOMERUS Rondani, error, see Ulrich (1972) and Hurley (1995).
ANOPLOPUS Rondani, error, see Ulrich (1972) and Hurley (1995).
Scellus is restricted to the Holarctic realm. In the Nearctic, most species are western, except for the widespead species S. exustus. Adults have been collected in swampy, high-mountain meadows, pastures on the plains, and on the bark of trees (Hurley, 1995).
Greene (1924; rev.); Harmston (1939; key to males); Hurley (1995; rev.).
abditus Hurley, 1995: 145. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Jumping Pound Creek, 20 mi W of Calgary. Distribution: AB, MT, WY, SK, ND [Hurley (personal commun.)].
amplus Curran, 1923b: 73. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Saanich. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, ID, MT [Hurley (1995)].
asaroticus Hurley, 1995: 153. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: UT, Brighton. Distribution: ID, UT, CO.
avidus Loew, 1864b: 207. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NT, Fort Resolution. Distribution: AK, YT, BC, NT, AB, SK, WY, CO [Hurley (1995)].
coloradensis Harmston & James in Harmston & Knowlton, 1942b: 82. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, nr Saguache, 12,000 ft. Distribution: MT, WY, CO [Hurley (1995)].
crinipes Van Duzee, 1925b: 177. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: UT, Great Salt Lake, mouth of Bear River. Distribution: ID, UT, WY, CO [Hurley (1995)].
dyscritus Hurley, 1995: 167. HT in MZLU. Type locality: USA: OR, Lake Co., Summer Lake. Distribution: OR, CA, ID, UT, CO.
exustus (Walker), 1852–1853: 211 (Medeterus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: North America. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, ID, UT, MT, CO, SK, MB, ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, WI, IL, MI, OH, ON, QC, NY, VT, ME, MA, PEI, NS [Robinson (1964); Hurley (1995)].
venustus, error by Crampton (1942: 94) [Sabrosky (1978)].
filifer Loew, 1864b: 209. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: NT, Fort Resolution. Distribution: AK, YT, BC, NT, AB, ID, MT, UT, CO, SK, NF.
filiferus Aldrich, 1907: 135, 136; unjustified emendation of Scellus filifer Loew.
knowltoni Harmston, 1939: 71. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Monticello. Distribution: AB, MT, UT, WY, SK [Hurley (1995)].
monstrosus Osten Sacken, 1877: 319. HT in MCZ. Type locality: CAN: BC. Distribution: BC, OR, CA, NV, AB, ID, MT, UT, WY, CO, NM, SK, MB [Hurley (1995)].
spinimanus (Zetterstedt), 1843: 445 (Hydrophorus). LT designated by Hurley (1995: 187) in MZLU. Type locality: Scandinavia: Skalstugan. Distribution: AK, NF, MB, NT, YT; Palearctic [Hurley (1995)].
spinipes, error by Loew (1864b: 207) [Sabrosky (1978)].
varipennis Van Duzee, 1925b: 180. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Modoc Co., Lake City. Distribution: CA, OR [Hurley (1995)].
vigil Osten Sacken, 1877: 318. LT designated by Hurley (1995: 194) in MCZ. Type locality: USA: CA, Sierra Nevada, Webber Lake. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, CA, NV, AB, ID, MT, UT, WY, CO [Hurley (1995)].
virago Aldrich, 1907: 133. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Palo Alto, Stanford University. Distribution: OR, CA, NV, ID, MT, UT, WY [Hurley (1995, personal commun.)].
Genus THAMBEMYIA Oldroyd, 1956
THAMBEMYIA Oldroyd, 1956: 210. Type species: Thambemyia pagdeni Oldroyd [Oriental], by original designation.
CONCHOPUS Takagi, 1965: 49. Type species: Conchopus rectus Takagi, by original designation. Synonymized by Meuffels & Grootaert (1984). Listed by Bickel & Dyte (1989).
PARAPHROSYLUS, authors, not Becker, 1922a, misid, listed by Bickel & Dyte (1989).
Thambemyia is known from the Palearctic and Oriental realms and Hawaiian Islands, but most of the species have been described from coastal Japan (Takagi, 1965). Like Paraphrosylus, species of Thambemyia live exclusively in the intertidal zone of rocky seashores or coral reefs. The predaceous larvae live among barnacles in the littoral zone and pupate in the valves of dead barnacles (Sunose & Satô, 1994a, 1994b). Thambemyia borealis was probably introduced into North America by human-assisted dispersal, taking into account its recent discovery and its disjunct distribution in the Nearctic (Masunaga et al. 1999).
borealis (Takagi), 1965: 55 (Conchopus). HT in EIHU. Type locality: Japan: Otaru, Hokkaido. Distribution: CA, AL; Palearctic [Masunaga et al. (1999)]. new combination.
Genus THINOPHILUS Wahlberg, 1844
THINOPHILUS Wahlberg, 1844: 37. Type species: Rhaphium flavipalpe Zetterstedt [Palearctic, Afrotropical], by monotypy.
THINOPHILUS Schiødte, 1844: 44. Type species: Rhaphium flavipalpe Zetterstedt, by monotypy; preocc. by Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844.
Thinophilus is known from all realms and is found mostly in coastal habitats such as shores and saltmarshes. In contrast to Paraphrosylus and Thambemyia, Thinophilus species are mainly found on wet sand or muddy substrates.
Van Duzee (1926b; key); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
armiger Van Duzee, 1926b: 43. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL, Biscayne Bay. Distribution: TX, FL, NC; MEX [Robinson (1970b)].
bimaculatus Johnson, 1921: 13. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: FL, St. Augustine, Anastasia Is., South Beach. Distribution: FL, NC, MD.
brevipes Van Duzee, 1932a: 10. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: FL, Biscayne Bay.
canities Van Duzee, 1926b: 44. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: KS, Douglas Co., 900 ft. Distribution: NM NE, KS, IA.
cantities; error by Van Duzee (1926b: 36).
delicatus Van Duzee, 1926b: 40. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MT, Atherton. Distribution: MT, MO.
depressus Van Duzee, 1926b: 39. HT in CAS. Type locality: MEX: Baja California, Loreto. Distribution: UT; MEX.
flavicaudatus Robinson, 1964: 128. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TX, Port Isabel, nr Brownsville.
frontalis Van Duzee, 1914b: 406. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: FL, Bradentown, Manatee River. Distribution: LA, FL, NC.
insulanus Van Duzee, 1926b: 49. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego, North Is.
latimanus Van Duzee, 1926b: 37. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Colorado Springs.
magnipalpus Van Duzee, 1926b: 45. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NM, Las Cruces.
neglectus Wheeler, 1899: 70. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NJ, Cape May. Distribution: FL, NJ.
ochrifacies Van Duzee, 1924a: 101. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Cold Spring Harbor. Distribution: NS to MO and FL (MS NY, MA, MD, NC); MEX [Robinson (1964, 1970b)].
pectinifer Wheeler, 1896a: 155. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WY, 12 mi N of Lusk, Old Woman Creek. Distribution: CA, UT, WY, CO, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
prasinus Johnson, 1921: 13. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: MA, Chatham. Distribution: NY, NH, MA, NC, FL.
pruinosus Van Duzee, 1930b: 84. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Grand Junction. Distribution: CO, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
rufibarbis Van Duzee, 1926b: 48. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Saltair, Great Salt Lake.
russelli Curran, 1927a: 89. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NT, Nyarling River.
scopiventris Harmston & Knowlton, 1940e: 108. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Newark.
semipallidus Robinson, 1964: 127. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Carteret Co., narrow beaches along Lennoxville Point nr Beaufort.
spinipes Van Duzee, 1926b: 46. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Baldur. Distribution: NV, UT, CO, NE, MB.
thalassinus Van Duzee, 1926b: 42. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL, Biscayne Bay.
thallasinus; error by Foote et al. (1965: 508). Type locality: USA: FL.
vespertinus Robinson, 1964: 129. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Carteret Co., at Lennoxville Point nr Beaufort.
vinculatus Harmston & Rapp, 1968: 253. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NE, Antioch.
viridifacies Van Duzee, 1924a: 102. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: MA, Edgartown. Distribution: TX, MA, NC.
quadratus (Van Duzee), 1924b: 28 (Chrysotus); preocc. by Diaphorus quadratus Van Duzee, 1915a, now Chrysotus. HT in ?MCZ. Type locality: USA: MA, Edgartown.
nigripilosus Van Duzee, 1926b: 44. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TX, Galveston.
Genus MEDETERA Fischer von Waldheim, 1819
MEDETERA Fischer von Waldheim, 1819: 7. Type species: Medetera carnivora Fischer von Waldheim [Palearctic], by monotypy. [= Musca diadema Linnaeus, 1767].
MEDETERUS Meigen, 1824: 59. Type species: Medetera carnivora Fischer von Waldheim [= Musca diadema Linnaeus, 1767], automatic. Unjustified emendation of Medetera Fischer von Waldheim.
TAECHOBATES Haliday, 1832: 356. Type species: Hydrophorus jaculus Fallén, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 611.
ORTHOBATES Wahlberg, 1844: 109. Type species: Hydrophorus jaculus Fallén, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 581.
ANORTHUS Loew, 1850: 117. Type species: Hydrophorus jaculus Fallén, by monotypy.
OLIGOCHAETUS Mik, 1878b: 7. Type species: Medeterus plumbellus Meigen, by original designation.
SACCOPHERONTA Becker, 1914: 125. Type species: Saccopheronta nudipes Becker, by monotypy. Listed as a subgenus of Medetera in Becker 1923 and Dyte and Smith (1980), but given generic status by Negrobov et al. (1981) and Grichanov (1997b).
MEDETERIUM Berthold, 1927, unjustified emendation listed in Negrobov (1991).
ELONGOMEDETERA Hollis, 1964b: 260. Type species: Elongomedetera thoracica Hollis, by original designation. Synonymized by Bickel (1985).
ASIOLIGOCHAETUS Negrobov, 1966: 877 (as subgenus). Type species: Oligochaetus vlasovi Stackelberg, by original designation. Synonymized by Bickel (1985); listed as a subgenus in Negrobov (1991).
LOREA Negrobov, 1966: 878 (as subgenus). Type species: Oligochaetus spinigera Stackelberg, by original designation. Synonymized by Bickel (1985); listed as a subgenus in Negrobov (1991).
Medetera is known from all realms. Most species are found on tree trunks and other vertical substrates. Larvae of most species live in trees within the galleries of scolytid beetles on which they feed. Some species are associated with grasslands and others are xerophilous and prefer dry, sandy habitats. M. saguaroicola is associated with rotting cactus. The common Palearctic species M. truncorum and M. diadema probably were introduced into North America through human activities.
Bickel (1985; rev.).
aberrans Wheeler, 1899: 22; in Saccopheronta by Grichanov (1997b: 125). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NJ, Avalon. Distribution: MB, MN, IA, QC, ON, WI, MI, IL, TN, MS, GA, FL, OH, NY, NJ, NC [Bickel (1985); Beaulieu & Wheeler (2001)].
lobatus Van Duzee, 1914c: 441; synonymized by Robinson (1964). HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: NJ, Barnegat City Junction.
flavicosta Van Duzee, 1932a: 11; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Cold Spring Harbor.
aeneiventris Van Duzee, 1933c: 152; n. name for Medeterus aeneus Van Duzee. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles. Distribution: CA, AZ, ON, OH, NY, NJ, MA, FL [Robinson (1964); Bickel (1985)].
aeneus Van Duzee, 1919a: 263; preocc. by Medeterus aeneus Meigen, 1838. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles.
obesus Van Duzee, 1919a: 264; preocc. by Medetera obesa Kowarz, 1877. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., East Aurora.
univittata Van Duzee, 1933c: 151; n. name for Medeterus obesus Van Duzee; synonymized by Bickel (1985). Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., East Aurora.
obsoletas Negrobov & Thuneberg, 1970: 143; n. name for Medeterus obesus Van Duzee; synonymized by Bickel (1985). Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., East Aurora.
aequalis Van Duzee, 1919a: 265. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego. Distribution: CA, OR [Bickel (1985)].
aldrichii Wheeler, 1899: 24. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow. Distribution: AK, BC, WA, OR, CA, ID, AB, MT, WY, UT, AZ, CO, NM, SD; MEX [Bickel (1985)].
oregonensis Van Duzee, 1919a: 268; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Ashland.
apicalis (Zetterstedt), 1843: 452 (Hydrophorus). HT in MZLU. Type locality: Sweden: Skåne, Lund. Distribution: AK, NT, BC, WA, OR, CA, ID, AB, UT, AZ, CO, ND, NE, KS, MB, MN, ON, IL, TN, MI, IN, OH, NY, QC, NB, NS, NF, NH, ME, MA, RI, CT, NJ, VA, NC; Palearctic [Bickel (1985); Negrobov (1991)].
aurivittata Wheeler, 1899: 29; synonymized by Bickel (1985). LT designated by Bickel (1985: 44) in AMNH. Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow.
distinctus Van Duzee, 1919a: 266; synonymized with Medetera caerulescens by Robinson (1964). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., East Aurora.
frontalis Van Duzee, 1919a: 265; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Hamburg.
caerulescens Malloch, 1919b: 8; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, White Heath.
bicolor Van Duzee, 1923c: 249; preocc. by Medeterus bicolor Meigen, 1838. ST in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake.
parva Van Duzee, 1923c: 249; synonymized by Bickel (1985). ST in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake.
simplicipes Curran, 1928: 202; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in NYSM. Type locality: USA: NY, Nassau.
venata Curran, 1928: 201; name corrected from “veneta” as listed in Foote et al. (1965: 511) by Sabrosky (1971); synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in NYSM. Type locality: USA: NY, Nassau.
ciliata Van Duzee, 1928a: 37; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: ON, Niagara Falls.
orbiculata Van Duzee, 1932a: 12; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Berkeley.
albiciliata Van Duzee, 1933b: 13; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in ?AMNH (missing) [according to Bickel (1985: 45)]. Type locality: CAN: ON, Arnprior.
arctica Van Duzee, 1933c: 152; n. name for Medetera bicolor Van Duzee; synonymized by Bickel (1985). Type locality: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake.
arnaudi Harmston, 1951a: 12. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Redwood City.
bistriata Parent, 1929a: 183. ST in MLUH. Type locality: USA: GA. Distribution: NT, BC, CA, TX, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, ON, WI, IN, QC, ME, VA, NC; MEX, Neotropics [Bickel (1985)].
californiensis Wheeler, 1899: 27. LT designated by Bickel (1985: 53) in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Palo Alto. Distribution: WA, OR, CA, ID, AZ [Bickel (1985)].
longimana Van Duzee, 1933b: 12; synonymized by Arnaud (1963). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Palo Alto.
canadensis Bickel, 1985: 54. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NB, Doaktown, Highway 8. Distribution: MB, MN, MI, ON, NY, QC, NB, VA.
crassivenis Curran, 1928: 199. HT in NYSM. Type locality: USA: NY, Nassau. Distribution: ID, UT, NY, MD [Bickel (1985)].
idahoensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1943a: 106; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: ID, Sandpoint.
cyanogaster Wheeler, 1899: 27. LT designated by Bickel (1985: 47) in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WA, Colfax. Distribution: WA, CA, ID [Bickel (1985)].
diadema (Linnaeus), 1767: 982 (Musca). HT in LSUK. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: WA, CA, NH, MA, CT, NJ, RI; Palearctic [Bickel (1985); Negrobov (1991)].
rostrata (Fabricius) 1775: 783 (Musca). ST in ZMUC (2). Type locality: Denmark: Hafniae [= Copenhagen].
carnivora Fischer von Waldheim, 1819: 1–11 tab. HT in ?ZIN. Type locality: not given.
aeneivittata (Macquart), 1827: 38 (Hydrophorus). ST in MNHN. Type locality: France.
princeps Wheeler, 1899: 25; synonymized by Bickel (1985). ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NJ, Farmingdale.
ehrenbergi Becker, 1923: 11. HT in ZMHB. Type locality: Egypt.
dorycondylus Bickel, 1985: 30. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Mendocino Co., Inglenook Fen, 4 mi N of Fort Bragg. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, CA, UT.
excipiens Becker, 1922a: 133; Nearctic and Neotropical specimens probably different species. ST in NMW, ZMHB. Type localities: USA: SC; Paraguay: San Bernardino. Distribution: SC; Neotropics (Paraguay).
falcata Van Duzee, 1919a: 261. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Fresno.
longinquus Van Duzee, 1919a: 262; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Sacramento.
flinflon Bickel, 1985: 36. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Flin Flon. Distribution: AK, BC, MB.
furcata Curran, 1928: 200. HT in NYSM. Type locality: USA: NY, Nassau.
gaspensis Bickel, 1985: 40. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Gaspé Co.
halteralis Van Duzee, 1919a: 267. HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: ON, Brule Lake. Distribution: ON, QC; eastern Palearctic [Bickel (1985); Negrobov (1986)].
tarasovae Negrobov in Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1974: 345; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in ZIN. Type locality: Russia: Novosibirskaya oblast, Togutschinski District, Dorf Kayrak.
isobellae Bickel, 1985: 22. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: MA, Lincoln. Distribution: LA, NH, MA, VA, FL.
longinervis Van Duzee, 1928a: 36. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Olney. Distribution: WA, OR, CA [Bickel (1985)].
marylandica Robinson, 1967a: 124. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Montgomery Co., Bethesda.
maura Wheeler, 1899: 23. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NH, Mt. Washington. Distribution: AK NT, QC, VT, NH, MA, NC [Bickel (1985)].
modesta Van Duzee, 1914c: 440. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: NJ, Avon. Distribution: ON, ME, NJ, GA, FL [Bickel (1985)].
neomelancholia Bickel, 1985: 41. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: ON, Kirkwood Twp., Algoma District.
nigripes Loew, 1861a: 73. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: BC, IA, ON to NS, s. to FL (MI, NY, NB, MA, NH) [Robinson (1964); Bickel (1985)].
nova Van Duzee, 1919a: 262. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: VA, Great Falls. Distribution: IL, TN, IN, MI, QC, NY, NH, MA, NJ, MD, VA, NC, SC, GA [Robinson (1964); Bickel (1985)].
petulca Wheeler, 1899: 21. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WA, Colfax. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, CA, WY [Bickel (1985)].
nitidiventris Van Duzee, 1919a: 264; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Francisco.
physothrix Bickel, 1985: 27. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: WA, Okanogan Co., 7 mi SE of Wauconda, 900–1025 m. Distribution: WA, CA, ID.
pinicola Kowarz, 1877: 61. LT designated by Bickel (1985: 39) in UMO. Type locality: Austria: Ramsau. Distribution: BC, WA, ID, AZ, ON, QC, ME, NH, RI, NJ, MD, NC, GA; Palearctic [Bickel (1985); Negrobov (1991)].
platythrix Bickel, 1985: 26. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: CO, 5 mi S of Boulder, 5800 ft. Distribution: BC, WA, CA, MT, CO.
postminima Steyskal, 1967: 224; n. name for Medetera minima Van Duzee. Type locality: USA: CA, Felton, St. Cruz Mts. Distribution: CA, ?AK [Bickel (1985)].
minima Van Duzee, 1925e: 180; preocc. by Medetera minima de Meijere, 1916. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: CA, Felton, St. Cruz Mts.
potomac Bickel, 1985: 24. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: DC, Washington, Roosevelt Is. Distribution: IL, MD, DC, VA, NC.
pseudosibirica Bickel, 1985: 45. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Invermere. Distribution: BC, QC.
saguaroicola Bickel, 1985: 45. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: AZ, Pima Co., Saguaro National Monument. Distribution: AZ; MEX.
signaticornis Loew, 1857b: 51. HT in ZMHB. Type locality: ?Germany. Distribution: AK, YT, NT, BC, WA, OR, ID, AB, WY, MB, ON, MI, IN, QC, NY, PA, NB, ME, PEI; Palearctic [Bickel (1985); Negrobov (1991)].
viridifacies Van Duzee, 1923c: 248; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake.
trisetosa Van Duzee, 1924c: 246; synonymized by Bickel (1985). ST in CNC (2). Type locality: CAN: AB, Banff.
vanduzeei Curran, 1928: 203; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Aylmer.
similis Van Duzee, 1919a: 261. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles [Bickel (1985)].
cuneiformis Van Duzee, 1919a: 263; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles.
subsignaticornis Bickel, 1985: 35. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NH, Bethlehem.
truncorum Meigen, 1824: 67. HT in MNHN. Type locality: Germany: Hamburg region. Distribution: BC, WA, OR; Palearctic [Bickel (1985); Negrobov (1991)].
tuktoyaktuk Bickel, 1985: 53. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NT, 20 mi E of Tuktoyaktuk, Mackenzie Delta.
utahensis Bickel, 1985: 28. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: UT, Cache Co., W. Hodges Canyon.
veles Loew, 1861a: 73. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: FL. Distribution: throughout Canada and U.S., Bermuda; MEX, Palearctic [Bickel (1985); Woodley & Hilburn (1994)].
appendiculatus Wheeler, 1899: 29; preocc. by Medeterus appendiculatus Macquart, 1827, now Sybistroma. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WY, Lance Creek.
bilineata Frey, 1915: 52; synonymized by Bickel (1985). ST in MZHF. Type localities: Finland: Karislojo; Sammatti; Pyhäjärvi; Messuby; Systemä; Muonio; Enonteris; Palmen; Kantalaks.
albosetosa Van Duzee, 1928a: 36; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: TX, Galveston.
intermedia Van Duzee, 1928b: 40; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: SK, Fort à la Conne.
wheeleri Foote et al., 1965: 511; n. name for Medeterus appendiculatus; synonymized by Bickel (1985). Type locality: USA: WY, Lance Creek.
sphaeropyga Negrobov in Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1974: 340; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in ZIN. Type locality: Russia: Maritime Territory, Ussuri Region, Ugodzina River, Road Spassk-Jakovlevka.
vidua Wheeler, 1899: 24. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WA, Olympia. Distribution: AK, YT, NT, BC, WA, OR, ID, ON, NY, ME, NS, NB, NF [Bickel (1985)].
emarginata Van Duzee, 1914c: 439; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: ON, Kearney.
vittata Van Duzee, 1919a: 268. HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: ON, Kearney. Distribution: WA, AB, MT, MB, MN, IA, KS, OK, AR, MO, WI, IL, TN, IN, MI, OH, ON, QC, NY, PA, MA, NH, ME, NS, NB, VA, WV, NC, GA [Bickel (1985); O'Neill (2001)].
vockerothi Bickel, 1985: 32; in Saccopheronta by Grichanov (1997b: 125). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Beechgrove. Distribution: BC, NT, AB, CO, MB, MN, ON, MI, OH, NY, QC, VT, ME, MA.
walschaertsi Gosseries, 1988: 306; n. name for Medetera alpina Harmston & Knowlton. Type locality: USA: CA, Alpine.
alpina Harmston & Knowlton, 1941b: 95; preocc. by Medeterus alpinus Haliday, 1833, now Campsicnemus. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: CA, Alpine.
xerophila Wheeler, 1899: 28. LT designated by Bickel (1985: 29) in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey Co., Pacific Grove.
obscuripennis Van Duzee, 1919a: 266; synonymized by Bickel (1985). HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: CA, Alameda Co., on Berkeley Hills.
Genus SYSTENUS Loew, 1857a
SYSTENUS Loew, 1857a: 34. Type species: Rhaphium adpropinquans Loew [Palearctic], designation by Foote et al., 1965: 517. [= pallipes (Roser), 1840]; listed in Rhaphiinae by Foote et al. (1965).
Systenus is known from the Holarctic, Neotropics, and Australia. Most species have not been captured in the wild as adults, but reared from larvae found in moist tree holes, ulcerated or decaying wood, and sap runs.
Wirth (1952; rev.); Steyskal (1970).
albimanus Wirth, 1952: 240. HT in USNM. Type localities: USA: VA, Falls Church. Distribution: TX, AL, TN, VA.
apicalis Wirth, 1952: 237. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: VA, Falls Church. Distribution: AL, VA, MD.
californicus Harmston, 1968: 16. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Marin Co., Mill Valley.
eucercus Steyskal, 1970: 107. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: CT, Manchester. Distribution: ON, CT [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
minutus (Van Duzee), 1913b: 60 (Neurigona). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: PA, Philadelphia. Distribution: KY, TN, AL, PA.
shannoni Wirth, 1952: 240. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Potomac River, Plummer's Is. Distribution: ON, NH, MD [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
Genus THRYPTICUS Gerstäcker, 1864
THRYPTICUS Gerstäcker, 1864: 43. Type species: Thrypticus smaragdinus Gerstäcker [Palearctic], by monotypy.
APHANTOTIMUS Wheeler, 1890: 375. Type species: Aphantotimus willistoni Wheeler, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 508.
XANTHOTRICHA Aldrich, 1896b: 339. Type species: Xanthotricha cupulifera Aldrich, designation by Robinson, 1970b: 21.
SUBMEDETERUS Becker, 1917–1918: 360. Type species: Submedeterus cuneatus Becker, by monotypy.
Thrypticus occurs in all realms and is well represented in the New World. The Nearctic fauna is comprised of small species occurring on herbaceous vegetation on stream banks and margins. Larval stages of Thrypticus are phytophagous and feed as miners of Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Juncaceae, and Pontederiaceae (Dyte, 1993).
Van Duzee (1921b; key); Parent (1929a; key); Robinson (1964; key, eastern North America).
abdominalis (Say), 1829–1830: 169 (also in LeConte, 1859: 362) (Chrysotus). ST destroyed. Type locality: USA: IN. Distribution: KS to IN, MI, and PA, s. to LA, and NC; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
cupulifer (Aldrich), 1896b: 339 (Xanthotrichia). ST in SEMC (3). Type locality: St. Vincent Is.
aurinotatus Van Duzee, 1915c: 87. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Okefenokee Swamp, Billy's Is.
comosus Van Duzee, 1915c: 86. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: NY, Ellis; CAN: ON, Toronto. Distribution: MI, ON, NY.
deficiens Robinson, 1980: 469. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Prince Georges Co., Patuxent Wildlife Refuge.
dissectus Robinson, 1964: 118. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: NC, Franklin, ca. 2000 ft.
fosteri Robinson, 1980: 470. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Prince Georges Co., Patuxent Wildlife Refuge.
fraterculus (Wheeler), 1890: 376 (Aphantotimus). ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co. Distribution: AK, MN to ON and MA, s. to CA, TN, and FL (UT, WY, CO, AZ, NE, TX, IA, WI, VA, NC, NS), Bermuda; MEX, Neotropics, Palearctic (Siberia) [Robinson (1970b); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987); Woodley & Hilburn (1994); Bickel (personal commun.); Robinson (personal commun.)].
grogani Robinson, 1980: 472. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Prince Georges Co., Patuxent Wildlife Refuge. Distribution: MD, VA [Robinson (personal commun.)].
longicauda Van Duzee, 1921b: 126. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Francisco.
minutus Parent, 1929a: 186. HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: TX. Distribution: CA, TX, PA; MEX, Neotropics (West Indies) [Robinson (1964; 1975); Dyte (1993)].
insulanus Van Duzee, 1933b: 14; synonymized by Dyte (1993). HT in AMNH. Type locality: St. Lucia, Windward Is.
insularis; error by Bennet (1968).
muhlenbergiae Johannsen & Crosby, 1913: 164. ST in CUIC, USNM (1). Type locality: USA: NY, Ithaca, Cornell University Campus, Cascadilla Creek. Distribution: CO, TX, MO, TN, ON, OH, NY, QC, MD, NC, GA [Bickel (personal commun.)].
nigripes Van Duzee, 1921b: 125. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: CA, NV, UT, CO [Bickel (personal commun.)].
squamiciliatus Harmston & Rapp, 1968: 250. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NE, Crawford.
tectus Van Duzee, 1915c: 87. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., East Aurora. Distribution: IA, ON, QC to CT, s. to GA (IL, IN, KY, NY, PA, DC, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964); Bickel (personal commun.)].
vietus Van Duzee, 1915c: 86. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: FL, Bradentown.
violaceus Van Duzee, 1927e: 5. HT in AMNH. Type locality: Puerto Rico: Arecibo. Distribution: TX, NC, FL; Neotropics (West Indies) [Robinson (1970b); Bickel (personal commun.)].
setosus Robinson, 1964: 118; listed as synonym by Robinson (1970b). HT in FSCA. Type locality: USA: FL, Gainesville [Robinson (1964, 1970b)].
willistoni (Wheeler), 1890: 376 (Aphantotimus). ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co. Distribution: BC, WY, MB, IA, WI, ON, QC, PA, NB, MA, and NS, s. to TN, MO, and NC; ?Neotropics [Robinson (1970b); Bickel (personal commun.)].
Genus DACTYLOMYIA Aldrich, 1894
DACTYLOMYIA Aldrich, 1894: 151. Type species: Dactylomyia gracilipes Aldrich [Nearctic], by monotypy [= lateralis (Say), 1829–1830]; listed as synonym of Neurigona by Foote et al. (1965) and Robinson (1970b); given generic status by Bickel (1998b).
COELINIUM Parent, 1939: 148. Type species: Coelinium bicolor Parent, by original designation [= Dactylomyia parenti Naglis, 2002]. Synonymized by Bickel (1998b).
Dactylomyia is known from eastern North America, Central America, the Lesser Antilles, and Hawaiian Islands.
Naglis (2002; key to world species).
lateralis (Say), 1829–1830: 169 (also in LeConte, 1859: 362) (Medeterus); listed under Neurigona in Foote et al. (1965) and Poole (1996). NT designated by Naglis (2002: 490, 492) in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: CO, NE, SD, MB, IA, ON, IL, IN, MI, QC, NH, MA, DC, NC, FL [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
superbiens (Loew), 1861a: 76 (Saucropus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: FL.
gracilipes Aldrich, 1894: 151; listed under Neurigona in Foote et al. (1965) and Poole (1996). ST in USNM (5), SEMC (4). Type locality: USA: SD, Brookings; FL [Bickel (1998b)].
Genus NEURIGONA Rondani, 1856
NEURIGONA Rondani, 1856: 142. Type species: Musca quadrifasciata Fabricius [Palearctic], by original designation.
SAUCROPUS Loew, 1857a: 41. Type species: Musca quadrifasciata Fabricius, automatic. Unjustified n. name for Neurigona Rondani, 1856.
NEUROGONA Oldenberg, 1904: 80. Type species: Musca quadrifasciata Fabricius, automatic. Unjustified emendation.
NEUROGONIA, error by Van Duzee (1925e: 179).
NEUROGONUS, error listed in Bickel & Dyte (1989).
Neurigona is known from all realms and like many members of the Sciapodinae and Medeterinae, occurs on tree trunks and low vegetation. The Nearctic Neurigona fauna is very diverse compared to that of the Palearctic and Neotropics, although the latter undoubtedly contains a large number of undescribed species (Naglis, 2003b).
Van Duzee (1913b; rev.); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
aestiva Van Duzee, 1913b: 50. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Lancaster. Distribution: IA, ON, MI, NY, VT, MD, DC [Robinson (personal commun.)].
albospinosa Van Duzee, 1913b: 59. ST in USNM (11), CAS (3). Type localities: USA: WA, Wenatchee; CA, Stanford University; ID, Lewiston and Julietta. Distribution: BC, WA, CA, ID.
aldrichii Van Duzee, 1913b: 40. ST in USNM (6), CAS (1). Type locality: USA: KS, Lawrence. Distribution: NE, KS, IA, MI, NY [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
arcuata Van Duzee, 1913b: 45. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 271) in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora. Distribution: ON, MI, TN, NY, NS [Bissett (1987)].
australis Van Duzee, 1913b: 59. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: NM, Cloudcroft.
bivittata Van Duzee, 1913b: 51. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO. Distribution: BC, CO.
californica Harmston, 1972: 154. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Santa Cruz Co., Greyhound Rock.
carbonifer (Loew), 1869b: 177 (Cent. 9, no. 84) (Saucropus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: NE and MN to QC, s. to SC (IA, TN, MI, NY, PA, NH, MA, RI, NJ, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
ciliata Van Duzee, 1913b: 56. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Doe Bay.
cilimanus Van Duzee, 1924c: 245. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Aweme.
deformis Van Duzee, 1913b: 46. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 271) in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Little Valley. Distribution: ON, NY, NH, ME.
dimidiata (Loew), 1861a: 75 (Saucropus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: FL. Distribution: NH, VT, s. to FL (TN, DC, VA) [Robinson (1964)].
disjuncta Van Duzee, 1913b: 42. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 272) in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora. Distribution: IA to ON and NS, s. to GA (MI, NY, VT, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987)].
flava Van Duzee, 1913b: 40. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Lewiston. Distribution: WA, OR, ID, UT [Turner (1987)].
uinta Harmston & Knowlton, 1942b: 80; synonymized by Turner (1987). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Uintah Co., White Rocks Canyon.
floridula Wheeler, 1899: 72. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: IL, Riverside; NJ, Dover; MD, Grant Falls. Distribution: WI to ME, s. to NC (ON, MI, OH, NY, PA, VT, NH, MA, NJ, DE, MD, VA) [Robinson (1964)].
infuscata Van Duzee, 1913b: 39; listed as a variety by Foote et al. (1965). LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 272) in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Little Valley [Poole (1996)].
fuscalaris Harmston, 1968: 26. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: AZ, Santa Catalina Mts.
georgianus Harmston & Knowlton, 1963: 234. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: GA, Atlanta.
lienosa Wheeler, 1899: 73. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey.
maculata Van Duzee, 1913b: 36. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 273) in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Little Valley. Distribution: WI to QC and NS, s. to NC (MI, NY, PA, NH, MA, NC) [Bissett (1987)].
nigrimanus Van Duzee, 1930c: 70. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: AB, Banff.
nigritibialis Robinson, 1964: 115. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Knoxville, Tyson Park.
nitida Van Duzee, 1913b: 33. ST in USNM (4). Type localities: USA: WI, Polk Co.; NH, Franconia. Distribution: WI, VT, ME, NH.
ornata Van Duzee, 1930c: 55. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: AB, Edmonton.
pectoralis Van Duzee, 1913b: 49. ST in USNM (3), CAS (1). Type localities: USA: NM, Las Vegas; White Mountains, 6500 ft. Distribution: NM, ?ON.
perbrevis Van Duzee, 1913b: 57. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: NM, Alamogordo.
perplexa Van Duzee, 1913b: 29. ST in USNM (1). Type localities: USA: PA, Lehigh Gap; ME, Capens. Distribution: MI, PA, NH, ME.
planipes Van Duzee, 1924c: 245. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Waterton. Distribution: BC, AB.
rubella (Loew), 1861a: 76 (Saucropus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: VA. Distribution: NE and IA to NH, s. to KS and SC (NY, PA, MA, CT, NJ, DC, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964, personal commun.); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
scutitarsis Robinson in Steyskal & Robinson, 1970: 449. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Prince Georges Co., nr Laurel, Patuxent Wildlife Refuge.
smithi Robinson in Steyskal & Robinson, 1970: 452. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Prince Georges Co., nr Laurel, Patuxent Wildlife Refuge. Distribution: MD, DC [Robinson (personal commun.)].
spiculifera Robinson in Steyskal & Robinson, 1970: 451. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Prince Georges Co., nr Laurel, Patuxent Wildlife Refuge.
tarsalis Van Duzee, 1913b: 51. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 274) in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora. Distribution: MI to VT, s. to DC and NC [Robinson (personal commun.)].
tenuis (Loew), 1864b: 228 (Saucropus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: MO, MI, NY, MA to NC, ?NM [Robinson (1964)].
terminalis Van Duzee, 1924c: 244. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Keremeos.
torrida Harmston, 1951a: 14. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Indio.
transversa Van Duzee, 1913b: 41. ST in USNM (2). Type locality: USA: CA, Mono Lake.
tridens Van Duzee, 1913b: 34. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA (as Idaho, error), Orcas Is., Mt. Constitution. Distribution: WA, BC.
valgusa Harmston & Rapp, 1968: 248. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NE, Creighton.
zionensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1942b: 81. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Zion Canyon.
Genus VIRIDIGONA Naglis, 2003a
VIRIDIGONA Naglis, 2003a: 564. Type species: Neurigona viridis Van Duzee [Nearctic], by original designation.
Viridigona is primarily distributed in the Neotropics. Only 1 of the 28 recently recognized species occurs in the eastern United States.
Naglis (2003a; rev.; key, Neotropics).
viridis (Van Duzee), 1913b: 43 (Neurigona); comb. by Naglis (2003a). LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 274) in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, South Wales. Distribution: TN, NY, NH, VA.
Genus CHRYSOTIMUS Loew, 1857a
CHRYSOTIMUS Loew, 1857a: 48. Type species: Chrysotimus pusio Loew [Nearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 524. Listed in Sympycninae by Foote et al. (1965).
Chrysotimus is known from all realms except the Afrotropical. Despite its wide distribution, this genus comprises only a small number of species. Chrysotimus is most diverse in southern temperate forests of Australia, New Zealand, and Patagonia, where it is often abundant. Many species await description from these regions. Species of Chrysotimus are generally found on vegetation, especially on broad-leaved trees.
Curran (1923c; key); Robinson (1964; key, North America north of Mexico).
arizonicus Robinson, 1967a: 125. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AZ, Grand Canyon National Park (north rim).
delicatus Loew, 1861a: 74. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON to ME, s. to GA (NY, VA, NC, TN) [Robinson (1964)].
flavicornis Van Duzee, 1916a: 24. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Richmond Hill. Distribution: UT, WI, NY, SC.
luteopalpus Curran, 1923c: 190. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Aweme. Distribution: WI, MB [Robinson (1964)].
luteus Curran, 1930b: 52. HT in ?AMNH. Type locality: USA: NY, Tuxedo, Harriman Interstate Park. Distribution: NY, MD, SC, GA.
occidentalis Harmston, 1951b: 109. HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: AZ, Huachuca Mts., Sunnyside Canyon.
pusio Loew, 1861a: 74. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: NY, NC, VA [Robinson (1964)].
Genus MICROMORPHUS Mik, 1878b
MICROMORPHUS Mik, 1878b: 6. Type species: Hydrophorus albipes Zetterstedt [all zoogeographical regions], by original designation. Listed in Sympycninae by Foote et al. (1965).
Micromorphus is known from all realms. Species of Micromorphus are hygrophilous and occur in marshlands, saltmarshes, and along river banks.
Robinson (1964; key, eastern North America).
albipes (Zetterstedt), 1843: 454 (Hydrophorus). ST in MZLU. Type localities: Sweden: Ostrogothia; Lärketorp. Distribution: MD, SC, FL; MEX, Neotropics, Palearctic, Oriental, North Africa, New Zealand [Robinson (1964; 1975); Dyte (1975); Bickel & Dyte (1989)].
caudatus (Aldrich), 1902: 93 (Achalcus); synonymized by Robinson (1975). ST in ?BMNH. Type locality: Grenada Is.
panamensis Van Duzee, 1931a: 180. HT in AMNH. Type locality: Panama: Corozal [Robinson (1970b)].
bifrons Robinson, 1964: 121. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IA, 4 mi E of Gilbert.
fulvosetosus Parent, 1929a: 193. HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: TX. Distribution: TX, FL, MD, SC; MEX [Robinson (1970b)].
knowltoni Robinson, 1967b: 331. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Clear Creek Canyon. Distribution: UT, TX [Bickel (personal commun.)].
leucostoma Robinson, 1967b: 330. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: WA, Grant Co., O'Sullivan Dam.
longilamellatus Robinson, 1964: 122. HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: GA, Rabun Co., Warwoman Creek. Distribution: TN, GA, NC.
minimus (Van Duzee), 1925e: 179 (Neurigona). HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: NY, Ithaca. Distribution: ON, NY, QC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
Genus NANOMYINA Robinson, 1964
NANOMYINA Robinson, 1964: 119. Type species: Nanomyina litorea Robinson [Nearctic, Neotropical], by original designation. [= barbata (Aldrich), 1902].
barbata (Aldrich), 1902: 91 (Chrysotimus); comb. by Robinson (1970b). ST in ?BMNH. Type locality: Grenada Is. Distribution: east coast of U.S. (NC, MA, CT), Bermuda; Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b); Woodley & Hilburn (1994); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
litorea Robinson, 1964: 119; synonymized by Robinson (1970b). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Carteret Co., Lennoxville Point nr Beaufort [Robinson (1970b)].
Genus NEPALOMYIA Hollis, 1964a
NEPALOMYIA Hollis, 1964a: 110. Type species: Nepalomyia dytei Hollis [Palearctic], by original designation.
NEURIGONELLA Robinson, 1964: 119. Type species: Neurigona nigricornis Van Duzee [Nearctic], by original designation. Synonymized by Runyon & Hurley (2003).
Nepalomyia includes 27 species reported from the Holarctic and Oriental realms (Yang & Saigusa, 2001b). Adults seem to be hygrophilous and prefer shaded habitats with seepages on moss-covered rocks (Runyon & Hurley, 2003).
Runyon & Hurley (2003: rev.; key, North America).
dilaticosta Runyon & Hurley, 2003: 410. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: ON, Ottawa. Distribution: ON, NY.
hesperia Runyon & Hurley, 2003: 410. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Humboldt Co., McKinleyville. Distribution: CA, OR.
nigricornis (Van Duzee), 1914c: 433 (Neurigona). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Colden. Distribution: ON, QC, AR, TN, KY, OH, NY, MA, CT, PA, WV, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL [Robinson (1964); Runyon & Hurley (2003); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
sombrea (Harmston & Knowlton), 1945: 77 (Neurigona). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MI, Midland Co. Distribution: NM, MI, IN, KY, TN, PA, VA, NC, GA [Robinson (1964); Runyon & Hurley (2003); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
Genus PELOROPEODES Wheeler, 1890
PELOROPEODES Wheeler, 1890: 373. Type species: Peloropeodes salax Wheeler [Nearctic], by monotypy. Listed in Rhaphiinae by Foote et al. (1965).
ANOMALOPYGA Oldenberg, 1916: 187. Type species: Anomalopyga acuticornis Oldenberg, by monotypy. Synonymized by Robinson (1970b).
KOPHOSOMA Van Duzee, 1926a: 39. Type species: Sympycnus falco Aldrich, by original designation.
PACHYPYGA Parent, 1928: 173. Type species: Pachypyga costaericae Parent, by monotypy.
NEORHAPHIUM Botosaneanu & Vaillant, 1973: 418. Type species: Neorhaphium spinitarse Botosaneanu & Vaillant, by monotypy. Synonymized by Robinson (1975).
Peloropeodes is known from the Palaeartic, Nearctic, Neotropical, and Afrotropical realms. Adults are found on low herbaceous vegetation, moist soil, and on rock surfaces near or on stream banks.
Van Duzee (1926a; as Kophosoma); Robinson (1964; key, southeastern U.S.).
aldrichi Robinson, 1970b: 26; n. name for Peloropeodes acuticornis (Van Duzee). Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: UT to ON to DC, s. to GA (NE, IA, IN, MI, NY, VA, NC, SC); MEX [Robinson (1964, 1970b); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
acuticornis (Van Duzee), 1926a: 44 (Kophosoma); preocc. by Anomalopyga acuticornis Oldenberg, 1916, now Peloropeodes. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette.
apicalis Harmston & Knowlton, 1946c: 139; name corrected from apicales by Sabrosky (1978). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Coeur d'Alene.
bicolor (Van Duzee), 1926a: 41 (Kophosoma). HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: PA, Swarthmore. Distribution: IA to PA, s. to SC (IN, TN, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
brevis (Van Duzee), 1926a: 45 (Kophosoma). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, East Aurora. Distribution: ON to NS and CT, s. to NE and GA (TN, NY, PA, NJ, VA, DC, NC, SC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987)].
crassitibia (Van Duzee), 1930a: 1 (Campsicnemus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CT, Avon, Avon Old Farms.
cornutus (Van Duzee), 1926a: 42 (Kophosoma). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles; Fresno. Distribution: BC, WA, CA, OR, ID, NE, MI; MEX [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Turner (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
discolor Robinson, 1964: 126; n. name for Peloropeodes frater Robinson. Type locality: USA: NC, Durham, Duke Gardens.
frater Robinson, 1960: 271; preocc. by Sympycnus frater Aldrich, 1902, now Peloropeodes. HT in ?USNM (Robinson collection). Type locality: USA: NC, Durham, Duke Gardens.
fuscipes (Van Duzee), 1926a: 40 (Kophosoma). HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: NM, Alamogordo. Distribution: ID, NM; MEX.
magnicornis Harmston & Rapp, 1968: 248. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NE, Plymouth.
pygidus Harmston & Rapp, 1968: 249. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NE, Mills.
salax Wheeler, 1890: 374. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Milwaukee Co. Distribution: WI to VA, s. to TN and NC [Robinson (1964)].
flavipes Van Duzee, 1914c: 437. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: VA, Falls Church.
Genus PLAGIONEURUS Loew, 1857b
PLAGIONEURUS Loew, 1857b: 43. Type species: Plagioneurus univittatus Loew [Nearctic, Neotropical], by monotypy.
univittatus Loew, 1857b: 43. HT in MCZ. Type locality: Cuba. Distribution: SD, ON, and MI to MA, s. to MS and FL (KS, IA, IL, LA, AL, GA, PA, VA, NJ, NC, SC); Neotropics [Robinson (1964); Bickel (personal commun.); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
Genus NEMATOPROCTUS Loew, 1857a
NEMATOPROCTUS Loew, 1857a: 40. Type species: Porphyrops annulata Macquart [Palearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 574. [= distendens (Meigen), 1824].
Nematoproctus is known from the Holarctic and Oriental realms. Adults are hygrophilous and occur on river banks and in humid deciduous forests, where they can be found on herbaceous foliage.
Van Duzee (1930f; key); Robinson (1964; key, North America).
cylindricus (Van Duzee), 1924c: 248 (Diaphorus). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Hull. Distribution: ON, QC.
flavicoxa Van Duzee, 1930f: 168. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CT, Avon, Avon Old Farms. Distribution: CT, VA.
jucundus Van Duzee, 1927b: 53. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: PA, Benvenue, Amity Hall. Distribution: PA, NC.
junctus; error by Van Duzee (1930f: 168).
metallicus Van Duzee, 1930f: 169. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: PA, Benvenue, nr Amity Hall. Distribution: MI, PA, NC, ?IN, ?TN.
terminalis (Van Duzee), 1914b: 405 (Leucostola). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: VA, Great Falls. Distribution: OH, NY, VA.
varicoxa Van Duzee, 1930f: 170. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CT, Avon, Avon Old Farms.
venustus Melander, 1900: 142. HT in ?AMNH. Type locality: USA: NJ, Westville. Distribution: NJ, ?IA.
venustus (Malloch); error by Johannsen (1928: 774) (Leucostola).
Genus RHAPHIUM Meigen, 1803
RHAPHIUM Meigen, 1803: 272. Type species: Rhaphium macrocerum Meigen [Palearctic], designation by Curtis, 1835: pl. 568.
HYDROCHUS Fallén, 1823: 5 (includes Hydrochus laticornis Fallén, 1823, H. longicornis Fallén, 1823, H. nasutus Fallén, 1823, and H. tarsatus Fallén, 1823); preocc. by Hydrochus Leach, 1817.
ANGLEARIA Carlier, 1835: 659. Type species: Anglearia antennata Carlier, by monotypy.
XIPHANDRIUM Loew, 1857a: 36. Type species: Rhaphium quadrifilatum Loew, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 621. [= ensicorne Meigen, 1824; as “quadrifilum”, lapsus by Coquillett, 1910c].
PORPHYROPS authors, not Meigen, misid. listed in Foote et al. (1965).
XYPHANDRIUM, error by Bigot (1890: 270).
Rhaphium is known from all realms except Australasia and Oceania and reaches its highest species number in the temperate and arctic areas of the Holarctic. In the Nearctic, it is the third largest genus next to Dolichopus and Chrysotus (see Table 2). Many species emerge early in the season and are found in moist habitats such as humid woodlands, river banks, and pond margins.
Curran (1926b, 1927b; rev.); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
aequale Van Duzee, 1927a: 147. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: ID, Moscow.
albibarba (Van Duzee), 1924f: 10 (Porphyrops); see note by Sabrosky (1971: 185). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Anchorage.
aldrichi (Van Duzee), 1922a: 86 (Xiphandrium). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Healy.
arboreum Curran, 1924b: 140. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Megantic. Distribution: IN, QC.
armatum Curran, 1924b: 136. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Hull. Distribution: QC, NY, NS, VA, NC [Bissett (1987)].
atkinsoni Curran, 1926b: 257, key (descr. 1927b: 156). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 156–157, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 70) in CNC. Type locality: CAN: SK, Saskatoon. Distribution: AB, SK, CO, MI [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
banksi Van Duzee in Curran, 1926b: 257, key (descr. 1927b: 109). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: VA, Dyke. Distribution: VA, NC.
barbipes (Van Duzee), 1923a: 239 (Porphyrops). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: ME, Machias.
beringiense Negrobov & Vockeroth in Negrobov, 1979b: 486. HT in ZIN. Type locality: Russia: Magadanskaya oblast, Hazjin river. Distribution: AK; Palearctic [Negrobov (1991)].
boreale (Van Duzee), 1923c: 246 (also 1924f: 9) (Porphyrops). HT in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake. Distribution: AK; Palearctic [Negrobov (1991)].
brachyceras Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999: 292; n. name for Rhaphium brevicorne (Van Duzee). Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River.
brevicorne (Van Duzee), 1923a: 241 (Porphyrops); preocc. by Rhaphium brevicorne Curtis, 1835. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 281) in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River.
brevilamellatum Van Duzee in Curran, 1926b: 254, key (descr. 1927b: 119). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: VA, Mt. Vernon. Distribution: NS, VA [Bissett (1987)].
browni Curran, 1931: 5. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Natashquan. Distribution: QC, NS [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
calcaratum Van Duzee, 1928c: 167. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Ithaca.
campestre Curran, 1924b: 133. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Treesbank. Distribution: BC, AB, SK, MB [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
canadense Curran, 1924b: 137. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Hull. Distribution: OH to QC, s. to GA (NY, VA, TN, NC) [Robinson (1964)].
caudatum Van Duzee in Curran, 1926b: 254, key (descr. 1927b: 117). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Colden. Distribution: NY, ON.
ciliatum Curran, 1929a: 30. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Agassiz. Distribution: BC, CO [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
coloradense Curran, 1926b: 256, key (descr. 1927b: 162); n. name for Rhaphium longicorne Van Duzee. Type locality: USA: CO, Grant Co., Geneva Park, 9000 ft.
longicorne Van Duzee, 1922a: 85; preocc. by Rhaphium longicorne Meigen, 1824. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Grant Co., Geneva Park, 9000 ft.
colute Harmston & James in Harmston & Knowlton, 1942b: 83. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Pingree Park. Distribution: UT, CO.
commune (Meigen), 1824: 52 (Porphyrops). ST in ?MNHN. Type locality: ?Germany: Aachen. Distribution: North America; Palearctic [Negrobov (1991)].
bivittatum Roser, 1840: 56. HT in ?SMNS. Type locality: ?Germany [Negrobov (1991)].
spinicoxa Loew, 1850: 101. ST in ?ZMHB. Type localities: Denmark; Germany.
consobrinum Zetterstedt, 1843: 471. ST in MZLU. Type localities: Sweden: “Scania ad Lomma; Jonsberg Ostrogothiae; Lapponia Tornensi”; Norway: “alpe Dovre; Levanger Norvegiae”. Distribution: AK; Palearctic.
?discolor Zetterstedt, 1838: 704; synonymy questionable pending examination of female syntypes. ST in MZLU. Type localities: Sweden: “Lapponia Umensi; Lycksele; ripa lacus Borgsjoe; Åsele; Lapponia meridionalis” [Chandler (1998)].
riparium, not (Meigen); misid. by Parent (1938), subsequently followed by Negrobov (1991). Not Nearctic [Chandler (1998)].
crassipes (Meigen), 1824: 50 (Porphyrops). ST in ?MNHN. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: AK, YT, NT BC, AB to QC; Palearctic [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
dubium (Van Duzee), 1922a: 85 (Xiphandrium); as femineum variety. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Gasport. Distribution: ON, NY, QC.
effilatum (Wheeler), 1899: 34 (Porphyrops). ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: WY, Buck Creek; Little Wind River; WI, Milwaukee. Distribution: BC, AB, SK, MB to NS, s. to CA, UT, CO, NE, and WI [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
affilatum; error by Knowlton & Harmston (1937).
elegantulum (Meigen), 1824: 51 (Porphyrops). ST in ?MNHN. Type locality: Germany: Hamburg region. Distribution: AK, OR, ID, CO, QC to NS and NB, s. to NY and NH; Palearctic [Robinson (1964)].
slossonae (Johnson), 1906: 59 (Leucostola); synonymized by Negrobov (1979b). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NH, Mt. Washington.
elongatum Van Duzee, 1933a: 4. ST in CNC (4), CAS (2). Type locality: CAN: QC, Thunder River.
exile Curran, 1926b: 257, key (descr. 1927b: 165). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 165, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 71) in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: IN, TN.
fascipes (Meigen), 1824: 54 (Porphyrops). ST in ?MNHN. Type locality: Germany: Hamburg region. Distribution: AK, AB, KS, MI, IN, ON, QC, NY; Palearctic [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
femineum (Van Duzee), 1922a: 84 (Xiphandrium). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Rochester. Distribution: ON, QC, MI, IN, NY [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
femoratum (Van Duzee), 1922a: 81 (Xiphandrium). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: AK, NV, UT, MT, WY, AB, MB, QC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
firsovi Stackelberg & Negrobov in Negrobov, 1976: 862. HT in ZIN. Type locality: Russia: Maritime Territory, Suchan Region, Tigrovaya. Distribution: AK; Palearctic [Negrobov (1991)].
flavicoxa (Van Duzee), 1922a: 84 (Xiphandrium). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: GA, Floyd Co., Lavender. Distribution: TN, GA.
foliatum Curran, 1926b: 256, key (descr. 1927b: 150). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OH, Sugar Grove. Distribution: TN, OH, NY, VA.
fuscicosta Van Duzee, 1928c: 167. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Little Valley.
furcifer Curran, 1931: 2. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Tabatiere. Distribution: QC, NS [Bissett (1987)].
gibsoni Curran, 1926a: 171. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NS, Smith's Cove.
glaciale (Ringdahl), 1920: 25 (Porphyrops). ST in ?NHRS. Type localities: Sweden: Lappland, nr Torneträsk; Jämtland, Wällista. Distribution: North America; Palearctic [Negrobov (1991)].
gracile Curran, 1924e: 228. LT designated by Curran (1927b: 139–140, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 71) in USNM. Type locality: USA: MA, Beverley.
grande (Curran), 1923d: 210 (Porphyrops). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Agassiz. Distribution: BC, CA, MT, WY.
hirtimanus Van Duzee, 1933a: 6; see note by Sabrosky (1971: 85). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: OR, Alsea Mount, Rock Creek.
impetuum Curran, 1926b: 254, key (descr. 1927b: 172). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 172–173, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 72) in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Plummer's Is. Distribution: MD, SC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
insolitum Curran, 1926b: 256, key (descr. 1927b: 151). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 151–152, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 72) in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL. Distribution: MD, NC, FL, ?ON.
johnsoni (Van Duzee), 1923a: 240 (Porphyrops). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NJ, Ocean Co., Lahaway. Distribution: NH, RI, NJ, VA.
latifacies Van Duzee, 1930c: 53. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: AB, Laggan, Lake Agnes, 6800 ft.
longibara Van Duzee, 1930c: 53. HT in USNM. Type locality: CAN: AB, Banff.
longipalpe Curran, 1926b: 253, key (descr. 1927b: 148). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 148–149, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 72) in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Tennessee Pass, 10,240 ft. Distribution: BC, ID, UT, CO [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
longipes (Loew), 1864a: 95 (Cent. 5, no. 92) (Porphyrops). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NH, White Mts. Distribution: NB to NY, NH, CT.
lugubre Loew, 1861a: 49. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: Carolina. Distribution: NY, PA, CT, NJ, MD, NC [Robinson (1964)].
macalpini Negrobov, 1986: 162. HT in ZIN. Type locality: Russia: Sakhalin, Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinskiï, Tymovskiï. Distribution:YT; Palearctic.
melampus (Loew), 1861a: 50 (Porphyrops). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: NE and MI to QC, s. to TN and SC (ON, NJ, NC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
americanus (Van Duzee), 1914b: 404 (Systenus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: NC, Black Mountains.
montanum (Van Duzee), 1920: 47 (Porphyrops). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Fresno Co., Huntington Lake, 7000 ft.
nasutum (Fallén), 1823: 6 (Hydrochus). ST in NHRS. Type locality: Sweden: “Svecia meridionali”. Distribution: AK, WA, AB, ON, QC; Palearctic [Negrobov (1979a); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
nudum (Van Duzee), 1924f: 9 (Porphyrops); synonymized by Negrobov (1979a). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Fairbanks.
nigribarbatum (Becker), 1900: 38 (Porphyrops). HT in ?MZHF. Type locality: Russia: Kantaika. Distribution: NT, UT, CO; Palearctic.
unistylatum Vockeroth, 1952: 276; synonymized by Negrobov (1979b). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NT, Mackenzie Delta, Reindeer Depot.
nigricoxa (Loew), 1861a: 51 (Porphyrops). HT in ?MCZ. Type locality: USA: MD. Distribution: ME to MD.
nigrociliatum Curran, 1926b: 252, key (descr. 1927b: 99). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 99–101, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 72) in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Tennessee Pass, 10,240 ft.
nigrovittatum Curran, 1926b: 254, key (descr. 1927b: 121). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 121–122, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 72) in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Juliaetta.
nigrum (Van Duzee), 1923c: 245 (Porphyrops). ST in OSU. Type localities: USA: AK, Katmai; Savonoski, Naknek Lake.
obtusum Van Duzee, 1928c: 166. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NV, Reno. Distribution: NV, MT.
occipitale Curran, 1927b: 171. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: LA, Opelousas.
orientale Curran, 1926b: 254, key (descr. 1927b: 113). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 113–114, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 73) in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NB, Barber Dam. Distribution: NB, MA.
ornatum (Van Duzee), 1923a: 242 (Porphyrops). LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 282) in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Colden. Distribution: ON, NY, QC, VT.
petchi Curran, 1924b: 138. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Hemmingford.
palpale Curran, 1926b: 256, key (descr. 1927b: 149). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 149–150, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 73) in USNM. Type locality: USA: NJ, Woodbury. Distribution: NJ, SC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pollex (Van Duzee), 1922a: 82 (Xiphandrium); as femoratum variety. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: AK, OR, ID, NV, UT.
punctitarse Curran, 1924b: 135. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Hull. Distribution: MB, MI, QC, NS [Bissett (1987)].
robustum Curran, 1926b: 256, key (descr. 1927b: 145). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 145–146, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 73) in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Lewiston.
rossi Harmston & Knowlton, 1940d: 60. HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, Golconda.
rotundiceps (Loew), 1861a: 51 (Porphyrops). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: DC. Distribution: IA, MI, IN, QC to FL [Robinson (1964)].
fumipennis (Loew), 1861a: 51 (Porphyrops). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”.
septentrionale Curran, 1931: 4. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Natashquan.
shannoni Curran, 1926b: 257, key (descr. 1927b: 155). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 155–156, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 74) in USNM. Type locality: USA: MD, Plummer's Is. Distribution: MA to PA and VA (NJ, MD) [Robinson (1964)].
signiferum (Osten Sacken), 1878: 242 (Porphyrops). ST in MCZ. Type localities: USA: NY, Manlius; Tarrytown. Distribution: ON, MI, TN, PA, NY, MA, NS, VA, NC [Robinson (1964)].
simplicipes Curran, 1926b: 256, key (descr. 1927b: 169). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 169–170, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 74) in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Tennessee Pass, 10,240 ft.
spinitarse Curran, 1924b: 139. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: MB, Strathclair. Distribution: CA, NV, AB, UT, CO, MB.
steyskali Robinson, 1967a: 116. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL, Liberty Co., Sweetwater Creek, nr old “Camp Torreya”.
subarmatum Curran, 1924e: 228. LT designated by Curran (1927b: 124–125, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 74) in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NB, Oromocto. Distribution: NB, NH, NC.
subfurcatum Van Duzee, 1932a: 8. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WY, Carbon Co.
temerarium (Becker), 1922a: 151 (Xiphandrium). ST in NMW. Type locality: USA: CO. Distribution: YT, UT, CO, MB.
terminale (Van Duzee), 1924f: 7 (Porphyrops). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Nenana. Distribution: AK, NT; Palearctic (as different subspecies) [Negrobov (1986)].
triangulatum (Van Duzee), 1922a: 83 (Xiphandrium). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: AZ, Oak Creek Canyon, 6000 ft. Distribution: AZ, UT, CO.
tricaudatum (Van Duzee), 1923c: 243 (Porphyrops). ST in OSU. Type localities: USA: AK, Savonoski, Naknek Lake; Katmai.
tripartitum (Frey) in Lundström & Frey, 1913: 13 (Porphyrops). ST in ?MZHF. Type localities: northern Russia ?Finland: Kambalnista. Distribution: NT; Palearctic.
umbripenne (Frey), 1915: 44 (Xiphandrium). ST in ?MZHF. Type localities: Finland: Mäntsälä, Metsäpirtti, Paadama, Yläne, Tavastehus, Kuopio, Tuovilanlahti, Ilomantsi, Jacobstad, Säräisniemi, Kuusamo, Muonio, Enontekis, Kantalaks, Ponoj, Fl. Voronje; Russia: Kola Peninsula. Distribution: North America; Palearctic [Negrobov (1991)].
vanduzeei Curran, 1926b: 253, key (descr. 1927b: 104). LT designated by Curran (1927b: 104–105, see Arnaud and Owen, 1981: 74) in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette. Distribution: NM NE, IN, TN, ON, NY, QC, MD, NC; MEX [Robinson (1964)].
vockerothi Robinson, 1964: 147; not Rhaphium vockerothi Negrobov, 1979b: 479 (Palearctic species). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NC, Swain Co., Great Smoky Mountain Mts. National Park, Mingus Creek nr Cherokee, 2000 ft. Distribution: NC, SC.
wheeleri Van Duzee, 1932a: 9. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WI, Wilwaukee.
xipheres (Wheeler), 1899: 34 (Porphyrops). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: PA, Delaware Co.
Genus AMBLYPSILOPUS Bigot, 1888a
AMBLYPSILOPUS Bigot, 1888a: xxiv. Type species: Psilopus psittacinus Loew [Nearctic, Neotropical], by original designation, as pistacinus Fabricius.
GNAMPTOPSILOPUS Aldrich, 1893b: 48. Type species: Psilopus scintillans Loew, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 547. Synonymized by Bickel & Dyte (1989).
LEPTORHETHUM Aldrich, 1893b: 50. Type species: Leptorhethum angustatum Aldrich, by monotypy. Synonymized by Bickel (1994).
SCIOPOLINA Curran, 1924f: 216. Type species: Sciopolina fasciata Curran, by monotypy. Synonymized by Bickel (1994).
AUSTRALIOLA Parent, 1932c: 127. Type species: Australiola tonnoiri Parent, by original designation [= Sciapus zonatus Parent, 1932c]; synonymized by Bickel & Dyte (1989).
LABENEURA Parent, 1937: 126. Type species: Labeneura barbipalpis Parent, by monotypy [= Sciapus lenga Curran, 1929b]; originally treated as subgenus of Sciapus; synonymized by Bickel (1994).
AGONOSOMA authors, not Guérin-Méneville, misid. listed in Bickel (1994).
CHRYSOSOMA authors, not Guérin-Méneville, misid. listed in Bickel (1994).
CONDYLOSTYLUS authors, not Bigot, misid. listed in Bickel (1994).
SCIAPUS authors, not Zeller, misid. listed in Bickel (1994).
Amblypsilopus is a large pan-tropical genus that is probably polyphyletic (Bickel, 1994). Except for A. dimidiatus, all current Nearctic species were previously listed under Sciapus in Foote et al. (1965), but were transferred to Amblypsilopus by Bickel (1994).
bicolor (Loew), 1861a: 96 (Psilopus); comb. by Bickel (1994). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: NC.
bradleii (Van Duzee), 1915b: 24 (Sciapus); comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, St. Simon Is. Distribution: NC, GA, FL.
californicus (Steyskal), 1966b: 290 (Sciapus); comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Orange Co., Villa Park.
costalis (Aldrich), 1904: 286 (Agonosoma); comb. by Bickel (1994). ST in USNM (3). Type locality: USA: GA, Tifton. Distribution: SC, GA, FL [Bickel (personal commun.)].
dimidiatus (Loew), 1862: 216 (Cent. 2, no. 70) (Psilopus); listed under Condylostylus in Foote et al. (1965), comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in ?MCZ. Type locality: MEX. Distribution: AZ; MEX, Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
dorsalis (Loew), 1866a: 180 (Cent. 6, no. 85) (Psilopus); comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in MCZ. Type locality: Cuba. Distribution: MO, DC, SC, FL; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
viridivittatus (Robinson), 1960: 272 (Condylostylus). HT in ?USNM (Robinson collection). Type locality: USA: DC, Rock Creek Park nr Silver Spring. new combination.
floridanus (Harmston), 1971: 85 (Sciapus); comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in FSCA. Type locality: USA: FL, Monro Co., Everglades National Park, Middle Cape Sable.
fuscinervis (Van Duzee), 1926e: 56 (Psilopus); comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: ON, Point Pelee.
infumatus (Aldrich), 1901: 365 (Gnamptopsilopus); comb. by Bickel (1994). ST in ?BMNH. Type localities: MEX: Guerrero: Amula and Chilpancingo. Distribution: AZ; MEX.
pollinosus (Van Duzee), 1915b: 22, key (descr., 1915d: 93) (Sciapus); comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Billy's Is.
psittacinus (Loew), 1861a: 96 (Psilopus); comb. by Bickel (1994). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: FL. Distribution: NJ, SC, GA, FL; Neotropics [Bickel (personal commun.)].
rotundiceps (Aldrich), 1904: 286 (Agonosoma); comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: FL, Biscayne Bay.
scintillans (Loew), 1861a: 94 (Psilopus); comb. by Bickel (1994). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: WY, NE, MN, IA, IN, ON, NY, PA, NH, VA, NC; Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
angustatus (Enderlein), 1912: 405 (Psilopus). HT in ZMPA. Type locality: Brazil [Robinson (1970b)]. new combination.
fulgidus (Parent), 1929a: 242 (Sciapus). HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: NH. new combination.
dubiosus (Van Duzee), 1932b: 8 (Sciapus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Cold Spring Harbor. new combination.
unicoiensis (Robinson), 1964: 114 (Sciapus); comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Unicoi Co., beside State route 81 NW of Erwin. Distribution: TN, IN, NY, VA, NC, SC.
unifasciatus (Say), 1823: 85 (also in LeConte, 1859: 75) (Dolichopus); comb. by Bickel (1994). ST destroyed. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: ON and MI to RI, s. to LA and FL (IL, PA, NJ, NC, SC, GA); Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b)].
sayi (Wiedemann), 1830: 219 (Psilopus). ST in NMW. Type locality: USA: PA. new combination.
ungulivena (Walker), 1857–1860: 149 (Psilopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA. new combination.
amabilis (Parent), 1929a: 239 (Sciapus); synonymized by Steyskal (1966b). HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: GA. new combination.
plumosa (Van Duzee), 1932a: 1 (Chrysosoma); synonymized by Foote et al. (1965). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: IL, Chicago. new combination.
variegatus (Loew), 1861a: 95 (Psilopus); comb. by Bickel (1994). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: FL. Distribution: TX, NJ, NC, SC, GA, FL; Neotropics [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
Genus CONDYLOSTYLUS Bigot, 1859
CONDYLOSTYLUS Bigot, 1859: 215. Type species: Psilopus bituberculatus Macquart [Neotropical], by original designation.
AEDIPSILOPUS Bigot, 1859: 215 (lapsus for Oedipsilopus).
DASYPSILOPUS Bigot, 1859: 215. Type species: Psilopus pilipes Macquart, by original designation.
EUROSTOMERUS Bigot, 1859: 215. Type species: “Psilopus coerulus” Macquart, nomen nudum (= Eurostomerus coerulus Bigot validated by generic description). Synonymized by Bickel (1994).
OEDIPSILOPUS Bigot, 1859: 224. Type species: Psilopus posticatus Wiedemann, by original designation.
TYLOCHAETUS Bigot, 1888a: xxiv. Type species: Psilopus bituberculatus Macquart, by original designation.
LAXINA Curran, 1934: 230. Type species: Dolichopus patibulatus Say, by original designation.
AGONOSOMA authors, not Guérin-Méneville, misid. listed in Dyte (1975).
CHRYSOSOMA authors, not Guérin-Méneville, misid. listed in Bickel & Dyte (1989).
PSILOPODINUS authors, not Bigot, misid. listed in Foote et al. (1965).
PSILOPUS authors, not Meigen, misid. listed in Foote et al. (1965).
SCIAPUS authors, not Zeller, misid. listed in Foote et al. (1965).
Condylostylus has been recorded from the Nearctic, Neotropical, Afrotropical, and Oriental realms as well as Polynesia, and is primarily a tropical genus. Species of this and allied genera represent the majority of Dolichopodidae in the tropics. Condylostylus is most diverse in the Neotropics.
Van Duzee (1915b; key, as Sciapus); Becker (1922a); Parent (1929c; key); Curran (1942; key, as Laxina); Robinson (1964; key, North America north of Mexico).
acuminatus Van Duzee, 1930g: 89; erroneously listed as a nomen nudum by Stone et al. (1965). HT in ?BMNH. Type locality: Argentina, Misiones Territory, Bompland. Distribution: Arlington, U.S.; Neotropics [Parent (1933c)].
banksii (Van Duzee), 1915b: 23 (Sciapus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: VA, Falls Church. Distribution: NY, MA, VA [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
brimleyi Robinson, 1964: 111. HT in EDNC. Type locality: USA: NC, Raleigh.
calcaratus (Loew), 1861a: 93 (Psilopus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: Carolina. Distribution: IA to QC, s. to VA, NC, and SC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
caudatus (Wiedemann), 1830: 224 (Psilopus). LT designated by Bickel (2003) in NMW. Type locality: USA: GA, Savannah. Distribution: CA to MB, ON, QC, and NS, s. to TX, MS, and FL (NE, IL, KY, OH, NY, MA, NC, SC, GA); MEX, ?Neotropics [Robinson (1970b); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bickel (personal commun.); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
virgo (Wiedemann), 1830: 224 (Psilopus). ST in NMW. Type locality: USA: NY.
albicoxa (Walker), 1848–1849: 651 (Psilopus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). ST in BMNH (1). Type localities: North America; USA: OH; MA; CAN: NS.
caudatulus (Loew), 1861a: 93 (Psilopus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: MS [MO according to Loew (1864b)].
quintusflavus Gunther, 1980: 1; synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, Tazewell Co., Spring Lake Township.
clavatus (Van Duzee), 1929: 15 (Psilopus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: Panama: Ancon. Distribution: ?MA [the MA record of Parent (1933c: 168) is likely a mistake or labelling error (Bickel, personal commun.)]; Neotropics.
coloradensis Van Duzee, 1932b: 4. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CO, Wray, at about 3700 ft. Distribution: CO, NE, MN, TX.
comatus (Loew), 1861a: 89 (Psilopus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: NE, KS, IA, PA, NJ, VA, LA, MS, FL; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
comatus Schiner; error of authors, listed in Foote et al. (1965).
chalybeus (Van Duzee), 1914a: 390 (Sciapus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: PA, Philadelphia.
connectans (Curran), 1942: 61 (Laxina). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CT, Avon Old Farms. Distribution: CT, MA, NC.
crinitus (Aldrich), 1904: 283 (Psilopodinus). ST in USNM (11), SEMC (3). Type localities: USA: KS, Lawrence, University of Kansas; FL, Biscayne Bay, Lake Worth. Distribution: KS, GA, FL; Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b)].
debilis Becker, 1922a: 356; synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in ZMHB. Type locality: USA: GA.
albiapicatus Parent, 1929a: 206; synonymized by Robinson (1964). HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: GA.
erectus Becker, 1922a: 296. LT designated by Bickel (2003) in SMTD. Type locality: Paraguay: Asuncion. Distribution: ?NY; Neotropics (Nearctic and Neotropical specimens probably different species) [Robinson (1964)].
femoratus (Say), 1823: 86 (also in LeConte, 1859: 76) (Dolichopus). ST destroyed. Type locality: USA: PA.
flavipes (Aldrich), 1904: 284 (Psilopodinus). ST in USNM (23). Type localities: USA: SD, Brookings; MA, New Bedford. Distribution: MB to ME, s. to NE and FL (SD, ON, QC, NY, MA, NJ, NC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
femoratus, not (Say); misid. by Say (1829–1830: 168) (also in LeConte, 1859: 361).
parvicauda (Van Duzee), 1927c: 72 (Psilopus); synonymized by Arnaud (1979) after Harmston (in litt.). HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: ON, Wainfleet.
furcatus (Van Duzee), 1915b: 21, key (descr., 1915d: 90) (Sciapus). ST in CAS (2), CUIC. Type localities: USA: GA, Billy's Is.; FL, Bradentown.
fusitarsis Van Duzee, 1933a: 2. HT in ? Type locality: USA: NY, New York City.
graenicheri (Van Duzee), 1927c: 73 (Psilopus). HT in CNC. Type locality: USA: FL, Miami. Distribution: TX, FL; MEX, Neotropics.
tenuimanus Van Duzee 1931b: 2; synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in AMNH. Type locality: Honduras: La Ceiba.
inermis (Loew), 1861a: 93 (Psilopus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: WI to QC and MA, s. to NC, SC, GA [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
inornatus (Aldrich), 1901: 356 (Psilopus). ST in USNM (1). Type localities: MEX: Guerrero, Morelos, and Tepetlapa. Distribution: AZ, NM, TX; MEX [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
leonardi (Van Duzee), 1915b: 19, key (descr., 1915d: 89) (Sciapus); comb. by Foote et al. (1965). HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: GA, Billy's Is. Distribution: GA, FL.
longicornis (Fabricius), 1775: 783 (Musca). ST in ZMUC (2). Type locality: America. Distribution: CA, GA, FL, NC, Bermuda; MEX, Neotropics, French Polynesia (Austral Is., Society Is.) [Bickel & Dyte (1989); Bickel (1994); Woodley & Hilburn (1994)].
radians (Macquart), 1834: 450 (Psilopus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). ST in MNHN. Type locality: North America.
nigripes (Macquart), 1842: 181 (1842: 121) (Psilopus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in MNHN. Type locality: Chile
flavimanus (Macquart), 1842: 182 (1842: 122) (Psilopus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in MNHN. Type locality: Brazil, north of the jurisdiction of São Paulo.
chrysoprasi (Walker), 1848–1849: 646 (Psilopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: West Indies [Robinson (1964)].
metallifer (Walker), 1848–1849: 647 (Psilopus); synonymized by Parent (1934a). HT in BMNH. Type locality: Brazil.
chrysoprasius (Loew), 1861a: 80 (Psilopus); unjustified emendation of Psilopus chrysoprasi Walker.
zonatulus (Thomson), 1869: 509 (Psilopus); synonymized by Bickel (1998a). LT designated by Bickel (1998a: 63) in NHRS. Type Locality: Ecuador, Puna.
trichosoma (Bigot), 1890: 285 (Psilopus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in UMO. Type locality: Brazil.
chrysoprasinus; error by Verrill (1903: 337).
chrysoprasus; error by Verrill (1903: 337).
xanthoprasius, error by Parent (1926b: 216).
grisoprasius; error or unjustified emendation by van der Wulp (1882: 120).
ciliipes (Aldrich), 1901: 355 (Psilopus). ST in USNM (7). Type localities: MEX: Acapulco; Tierra Colorada; Medellin; Ver Cruz; Cuernavaca; N Yucatan.
dentaticauda Van Duzee, 1933e: 66; synonymized by Bickel & Sinclair (1997). HT in CAS. Type locality: Ecuador: Galápagos Islands.
longitalus (Van Duzee), 1923d: 72 (Psilopus). HT in ?Type locality: USA: LA, Winnfield.
melampus (Loew), 1862: 215 (Cent. 2, no. 69) (Psilopus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: MEX. Distribution: NV to CO, AZ, NM; MEX [Bickel (personal commun.)].
currani Parent, 1929a: 219; synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: CO, Colorado Springs (Parent, 1933a: 5, as “Colo Spr. Col. H.F. Wickham”, but misinterpreted as the source of the Colo River, Australia) [Sabrosky (1967)].
mundus (Wiedemann), 1830: 227 (Psilopus). ST in NMW. Type locality: USA: GA, Savannah. Distribution: TX, GA, NC, SC, FL; MEX, Neotropics [Robinson (1964); Bickel (personal commun.)].
peractus (Walker), 1857–1860: 287 (Psilopus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in BMNH. Type locality: MEX.
ciliatus (Loew), 1861a: 88 (Psilopus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: FL.
nigrofemoratus (Walker), 1848–1849: 650 (Psilopus). ST in BMNH. Type localities: North America; CAN: NS. Distribution: CO and NE to QC, NB, and NS, s. to GA (ON, NY, IL, TN, VA, NC) [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
nigrifemoratus; error by Becker (1922a: 357).
scutellatus (Harris), 1835: 597 (Psilopus); nomen nudum.
scobinator (Loew), 1861a: 91 (Psilopus). ST in MCZ, CNC (1). Type localities: USA: IL; NY.
scrobinator; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
cockerelli (Van Duzee), 1927c: 73 (Psilopus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Boulder.
occidentalis (Bigot), 1888b: xxix (also 1890: 290) (Psilopodinus). LT designated by Bickel (2003) in UMO. Type locality: USA: CA. Distribution: BC, WA, CA, ID, UT, AZ; MEX [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pilicornis (Aldrich), 1904: 282 (Psilopodinus). LT designated by Bickel (2003) in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Lewiston. [Robinson (1970b)].
filicornis; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
patibulatus (Say), 1823: 87 (also in LeConte, 1859: 76) (Dolichopus). ST destroyed. Type locality: USA: FL. Distribution: MB, QC, ON, and NY, s. to NE, NC, SC, and FL, ?AB; MEX, Neotropics [Robinson (1970b); Hagley (1975); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
amatus (Walker), 1848–1849: 648 (Psilopus). ST in BMNH. Type localities: USA: NY, Trenton Falls.
inficitus (Walker), 1848–1849: 649 (Psilopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: MEX [Robinson (1970b)].
carolinensis (Bigot), 1888b: xxix (also 1890: 291) (Psilopodinus). HT in ?UMO. Type locality: USA: Carolina.
portoricensis (Macquart), 1834: 450 (Psilopus); listed as nomen dubium by Bickel (2003). HT in MNHN. Type locality: Puerto Rico. Distribution:? FL; Neotropics (FL record doubtful as species is based on an unrecognizable female type; see Parent, 1926b: 210).
pruinosus (Coquillett), 1904: 186 (Sciapus); listed under Sciapus in Foote et al. (1965). ST in USNM (4). Type locality: USA: FL, Miami, Biscayne Bay. Distribution: GA, FL; Neotropics (Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic) [Robinson (1964); Poole (1996); Bickel (personal commun.)].
quadricolor (Walker), 1848–1849: 649 (Psilopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: Brazil. Distribution: TX, ?MA, ?PA; MEX, Neotropics.
jucundus (Loew), 1861a: 87 (Psilopus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). ST in MCZ. Type locality: Cuba.
astequinus (Bigot), 1888b: xxx (Psilopodinus). ST in UMO. Type locality: MEX.
similis (Aldrich), 1901: 359 (Psilopus); synonymized by Parent, 1934a: 28. ST in USNM (1), BMNH (1). Type localities: MEX: Guerrero, Venta de Zopilote; Morelos, Cuernavaca; Medellin nr Vera Cruz; Tabasco, Teapa, and Frontera; Orizaba; N Yucatan; Brazil: Rio de Janeiro.
digitatus (Van Duzee), 1914a: 391 (Sciapus), synonymized by Bickel (2003). ST in CAS (2), OSU. Type locality: Cuba.
nigritibia Van Duzee, 1932c: 183; synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in CAS. Type locality: Cuba, Santiago de los Vegas.
sipho, not Say; misid. listed under jucundus in Foote et al. (1965).
scaber (Loew), 1861a: 85 (Psilopus) removed from synonymy with C. sipho (Say) by Bickel (2003). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: southeast USA, FL [Robinson (1964)].
trisetosus (Van Duzee), 1932a: 2 (Sciapus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: FL, Gotha.
sipho (Say), 1823: 84 (also in LeConte, 1859: 75) (Dolichopus). ST destroyed. Type locality: USA: “United States”. Distribution: southeast Canada (QC), s. to NE, TX and FL; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b); Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bickel (personal commun.)].
gemmifer (Walker), 1848–1849: 646 (Psilopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: NY, Trenton Falls.
tonsus (Aldrich), 1901: 364 (Psilopus). HT in ?BMNH. Type locality: MEX: Tabasco, Frontera. Distribution: NC, FL; MEX.
villosus Parent, 1928: 175. ST in ZMUH, destroyed. Type locality: Costa Rica: La Caja. Distribution: TX; Neotropics.
semicomatus (Van Duzee), 1929: 4 (Psilopus); synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in USNM. Type locality: Guatemala: Obispo, La Providencia.
viridicoxa (Aldrich), 1904: 284 (Psilopodinus). ST in USNM (22), CNC (2). Type locality: USA: LA, Opelousas. Distribution: MO, IN, NJ, LA, MS [Bickel (personal commun.)].
viridis Parent, 1929a: 238. HT in MLUH. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: PA, FL [Bickel (personal commun.)].
Genus MESORHAGA Schiner, 1868
MESORHAGA Schiner, 1868: 217. Type species: Mesorhaga tristis Schiner [Neotropical], by original designation.
APTORTHUS Aldrich, 1893b: 48. Type species: Aptorthus albiciliatus Aldrich, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 509.
Mesorhaga has a worldwide distribution, but it is most diverse in the Australasian realm. The habits of the Nearctic species are unknown.
Parent (1929b; key); Robinson (1964; key, U.S.).
albiciliata (Aldrich), 1893b: 48 (Aptorthus). ST in USNM (2). Type locality: USA: NJ, Westville. Distribution: NJ, NC, GA; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b)].
borealis (Aldrich), 1893b: 49 (Aptorthus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MN, Ramsey Co.
caerulea Van Duzee, 1930a: 1. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CT, Avon, Avon Old Farms. Distribution: ON, CT [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
caudata Van Duzee, 1915d: 94. ST in CUIC, CAS (1). Type locality: USA: GA, Billy's Is.
clavicauda Van Duzee, 1925c: 154. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: MI, Muskegon. Distribution: IL, MI.
flavipes Van Duzee, 1932b: 9. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Cold Spring Harbor.
jucunda Becker, 1922a: 377. ST in HNHM, ZMHB. Type localities: USA: GA; Paraguay: Asuncion. Distribution: GA; Neotropics (specimen from Paraguay probably different species).
nigripes (Aldrich), 1893b: 49 (Aptorthus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA.
ornatipes Van Duzee, 1932c: 184. HT in CAS. Type locality: Cuba: Manacas Station. Distribution: ?GA; Neotropics [Robinson (1964, 1970b)].
pallidicornis Van Duzee, 1925e: 178. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OH, Sandusky. Distribution: MB, NE, KS, IL, ON, s. to TX [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pallicornis; error listed by Foote et al. (1965).
tricorniflavrai Gunther, 1982: 2; synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in INHS. Type locality: USA: IL, Tazewell Co., Springlake Township.
townsendii (Aldrich), 1893b: 50 (Aptorthus). HT in the USNM. Type locality: USA: AZ, Aztec. Distribution: AZ, UT, ?MA, ?NJ.
varipes Van Duzee, 1917a: 123. HT in ?MCZ. Type locality: USA: MA, Eastham. Distribution: MA, NJ.
Genus SCIAPUS Zeller, 1842
LEPTOPUS Fallén, 1823: 23 (includes Leptopus longulus Fallén, 1823 and L. wiedemanni Fallén, 1823); preocc. by Leptopus Latreille, 1809.
PSILOPUS Meigen, 1824: 35. Type species: Dolichopus platypterus Fabricius, designation by Westwood, 1840: 134; preocc. by Psilopus Poli, 1795.
SCIAPUS Zeller, 1842: 831. Type species: Dolichopus platypterus Fabricius [Palearctic], automatic. N. name for Psilopus Meigen, 1824.
STENARUS Gistel, 1848: 152. Type species: Dolichopus platypterus Fabricius, automatic. Unnecessary n. name for Psilopus Meigen, 1824.
PSILOPODIUS Rondani, 1861: 11. Type species: Dolichopus platypterus Fabricius, automatic. Unnecessary n. name for Psilopus Meigen, 1824.
PSILOPODINUS Bigot, 1888a: xxiv (also 1888b: xxix). Type species: Dolichopus platypterus Fabricius, by original designation.
PSILOPIELLA Van Duzee, 1914c: 438. Type species: Psilopiella rutila Van Duzee, by original designation. Synonymized by Bickel (1994).
AGASTOPLAX Enderlein, 1936: 114. Type species: Psilopus flavicinctus Loew, by monotypy. Synonymized by Bickel (1994).
DACTYLODISCIA Enderlein, 1936: 114. Type species: Psilopus calceolata Loew, by original designation. Synonymized by Bickel (1994).
DACTYLORHIPIS Enderlein, 1936: 114. Type species: Psilopus bellus Loew, by monotypy. Synonymized by Bickel (1994).
PLACANTICHIR Enderlein, 1936: 114 (unavailable name, genus proposed after 1930 without designation of type species from the five included species).
PLACANTICHIR Bickel, 1994: 88. Type species: Dolichopus nervosus Lehmann, by original designation. Synonymized by Bickel (1994): “for description to validate proposal of new genus, see generic characters cited for Placantichir by Enderlein (1936: 114).”
AGONOSOMA authors, not Guérin-Méneville, misid. listed in Foote et al. (1965).
SCIOPUS, error listed in Foote et al. (1965).
Sciapus is known from the Nearctic, Palearctic, and Oriental realms (Bickel, 1994). In the Palearctic region, species of this genus are found in abundance in dry sandy areas and dry forests (Pollet, unpubl. data). Most species occur on tree trunks and other vertical surfaces, whereas other species are mainly soil-dwelling in dry habitats like coastal dunes and dry heathland. Two species, S. pallens and S. wiedemanni, occur in both the Nearctic and Palearctic regions. The distribution of S. wiedemanni suggests accidental human introduction.
Aldrich (1904; key); Becker (1922a; key); Van Duzee (1915b; rev.); Robinson (1964; key, North America north of Mexico); Steyskal (1966b; key; 1973c, amendments to 1966b key); Bickel, (1994; generic review).
delicatus (Walker), 1848–1849: 645 (Psilopus); listed under Condylostylus in Foote et al. (1965), but placed in Sciapus by Parent (1932b) and Steyskal (1966b). ST in BMNH. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: ON, QC, IN, NY, NC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pallescens (Bigot), 1888b: xxix (also 1890: 289) (Psilopodinus). HT in ?UMO. Type locality: USA: NC [Steyskal (1966b)].
noveboracensis Van Duzee, 1915b: 25; synonymized by Steyskal (1966b). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Gowanda.
filipes (Loew), 1861a: 99 (Psilopus). HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: MN, ON, QC, CT, VA, NC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
nebraskaensis (Harmston & Rapp), 1968: 251 (Psilopiella). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NE, Halsey, U.S. National Forest, Bessey Division.
ogilvii Malloch, 1932: 124; listed under Condylostylus in Foote et al. (1965). HT in BMNH. Type locality: Bermuda: Agr. Sta., Elba Beach, south shore.
pallens (Wiedemann), 1830: 219 (Psilopus). ST in NMW. Type locality: USA: NY. Distribution: MI, NY, MA to MD, DC, and NC; Palearctic [Robinson (1964); Negrobov (1991)].
albonotatus (Loew), 1857a: 4 (Psilopus); established synonym, omitted in Foote et al. (1965). HT in ?ZMHB. Type locality: Greece.
rutilus (Van Duzee), 1914c: 439 (Psilopiella). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: FL, Bradentown. Distribution: NE, FL.
tener (Loew), 1862: 217 (Cent. 2, no. 71) (Psilopus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: ON, MI, QC, and ME to NC, GA, and FL; Neotropics [Robinson (1970b); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
wiedemanni Fallén, 1823: 24 (Leptopus). ST in MZLU, NHRS. Type locality: Sweden. Distribution: WA, ON; W. Palearctic.
divergens Van Duzee, 1933a: 3; synonymized by Bickel (2003). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WA, Pierce Co., Summer.
Genus SYMPYCNIDELPHUS Robinson, 1964
SYMPYCNIDELPHUS Robinson, 1964: 149. Type species: Sympycnidelphus sharpi Robinson [Nearctic], by original designation.
Robinson (1964) makes the following remark about this genus: “The occurrence of a member of this apparently tropical genus in the Southern Appalachians follows the pattern seen in many plant types. Dr. A. J. Sharp, Department of Botany, University of Tennessee, has long called attention to such distributions and has suggested that the locality of the southern Appalachians has served as a refuge for many tropical types since the more generally tropical conditions in the pre-Pleistocene.” Sympycnidelphus is restricted to the New World.
californicus Harmston, 1968: 23. HT in UCDC. Type locality: USA: CA, Amador Co., Fiddletown.
sharpi Robinson, 1964: 150. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TN, Unicoi Co., NW of Erwin, in small ravine next to State Route 81.
texanus Harmston, 1968: 21. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: TX, Corpus Christi.
Genus CALYXOCHAETUS Bigot, 1888a
CALYXOCHAETUS Bigot, 1888a: xxiv. Type species: Sympycnus nodatus Loew [Nearctic], by original designation. [As “notatus”, error]. Treated as subgenus of Sympycnus by Van Duzee (1930e). Listed as synonym of Sympycnus by Dyte & Smith (1980), but treated as valid genus by Robinson & Vockeroth (1981).
NOTHOSYMPYCNUS Wheeler, 1899: 51. Type species: Nothosympycnus vegetus Wheeler, designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 576.
NOTOSYMPYCNUS, error or unjustified emendation listed in Foote et al. (1965).
Calyxochaetus is a New World genus and is most diverse in the Nearctic. Adults are common in shady areas and frequently hover over moist rocks and falling water.
Van Duzee (1930e; rev.); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
arizonicus (Harmston), 1968: 24 (Sympycnus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: AZ, Santa Catalina Mts. new combination.
binodatus (Harmston & Knowlton), 1940c: 397 (Sympycnus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Leeds. new combination.
cilifemoratus (Van Duzee), 1924f: 12 (Nothosympycnus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Anchorage. Distribution: AK, UT, CO.
fuscitibialis (Harmston & Knowlton), 1940c: 400 (Sympycnus); synonymized by Foote et al. (1965) after Harmston (in litt.). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Duchesne Co., Currant Creek.
clavicornis (Van Duzee), 1930e: 55 (Sympycnus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Mono Lake.
distortus (Van Duzee), 1930e: 55 (Sympycnus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Soldier Summit, 7454 ft.
fortunatus (Wheeler), 1899: 52 (Nothosympycnus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: PA, Natrona. Distribution: ON to NS and ME, s. to NC (NY, NJ, PA, New England) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987)].
frontalis (Loew), 1861a: 67 (Sympycnus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: IA to NS and ME, s. to TN and SC (MO, IN, NY, PA, MA, DC, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964); Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
hardyi (Harmston & Knowlton), 1940c: 397 (Sympycnus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Hooper. Distribution: UT, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)]. new combination.
hastatus (Van Duzee), 1930e: 57 (Sympycnus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego Co., on edge of Colorado Desert. Distribution: CA; MEX.
inornatus (Van Duzee), 1917b: 340 (Nothosympycnus). ST in CUIC, CAS (1). Type locality: USA: CA, Contra Costa Co., San Pablo, Wild Cat Canyon.
insolitus (Van Duzee), 1932b: 20 (Sympycnus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CO, Aspen, at about 8000 ft. Distribution: ID, UT, CO [Turner (1987)].
isoaristus (Harmston & Knowlton), 1940c: 402 (Sympycnus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Cedar Breaks. Distribution: UT, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)]. new combination.
luteipes (Van Duzee), 1923d: 63 (Nothosympycnus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: ME, Bar Harbor. Distribution: ON, QC, NY, ME [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
tarsalis (Curran), 1924a: 108 (Nothosympycnus). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: ON, Orillia.
millardi Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999: 290; n. name for Calyxochaetus monticola (Van Duzee). Type locality: USA: CO, La Plata Co., Electric Lake, at about 8400 ft.
monticola (Van Duzee), 1932b: 20 (Sympycnus); preocc. by Sympycnus monticolus Becker, 1919. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CO, La Plata Co., Electric Lake, at about 8400 ft.
nodatus (Loew), 1862: 215 (Cent. 2, no. 68) (Sympycnus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL. Distribution: MB to NY, s. to TX (NE, KS, MN, IA, MO, AR, MS, ON, WI, IL, IN, OH) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
notatus; error by Bigot (1888a: xxiv).
abbreviatus (Van Duzee), 1917b: 341 (Nothosympycnus); synonymized by Harmston & Miller (1966). HT in SEMC. Type locality: USA: KS, Douglas Co.
oreas (Wheeler), 1899: 55 (Nothosympycnus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WY, Buck Creek. Distribution: CA, UT, WY.
spatulatus (Harmston & Knowlton), 1940c: 398 (Sympycnus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Hanksville.
pennarista (Harmston & Knowlton), 1940c: 399 (Sympycnus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Manila. new combination.
pictipes (Harmston & Knowlton), 1940c: 401 (Sympycnus). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Kanosh Canyon. new combination.
sobrinus (Wheeler), 1899: 54 (Nothosympycnus). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: ID, Lewiston. Distribution: CA, ID.
tripilus (Van Duzee), 1930e: 52 (Sympycnus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego Co., on edge of Colorado Desert. Distribution: CA, UT. new combination.
vegetus (Wheeler), 1899: 53 (Nothosympycnus). ST in AMNH, CNC (1). Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey Co. Distribution: OR, CA, ID, UT, NE, ?NS [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
Genus CAMPSICNEMUS Haliday, 1851
CAMPTOSCELES Haliday, 1832: 357 (subgenus of Medeterus; suppressed by I.C.Z.N. 1958: 349).
LEPTOPEZINA Macquart, 1835: 554. Type species: Diastata gracilis Meigen, 1820, by monotypy. Nomen oblitum (see Evenhuis, 2003).
CAMPSICNEMUS Haliday, 1851: 187. Type species: Dolichopus scambus Fallén [Palearctic]. By validation of I.C.Z.N. (1958: 351) (Opinion 531) [Name No. 1316 on Official list of Generic Names in Zoology]. Nomen protectum (see Evenhuis, 2003).
ECTOMUS Mik, 1878b: 8. Type species: Medeterus alpinus Haliday, by original designation.
EMPEROPTERA Grimshaw in Grimshaw & Speiser, 1902: 81. Type species: Emperoptera mirabilis Grimshaw, by monotypy.
CAMPTOSCELUS Kertész, 1909: 306. Type species: Dolichopus scambus Fallén, automatic. Unjustified emendation of Camptosceles Haliday, 1832.
EMPEROTERA, error by Hardy & Kohn (1964: 98).
Campsicnemus has been recorded from all realms except the Neotropical and has undergone a huge species radiation on the Hawaiian Islands with more than 130 described species. Elsewhere it is relatively poor in species. Species of Campsicnemus are generally hygrophilous and soil-dwelling. They mainly occur near open water in forests, marshlands, and on banks of all kinds of water bodies while a number of species are restricted to humid heathland. Like Hydrophorus, they have been observed skating on the water surface and some species are active during winter.
Curran (1933; key); Harmston & Knowlton (1942a; rev.); Robinson (1964; key, southeastern U.S.).
alaskensis Harmston & Miller, 1966: 88. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: AK, Sterling Highway, Clam Beach.
alexanderi Harmston & Miller, 1966: 89. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: AK, Taylor Highway, West Fork Dennisan River, Mile Post 49.
americanus Van Duzee, 1924f: 3. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Healy. Distribution: AK, CO, ON, QC, MI, NY, ME, MA [Beaulieu & Wheeler (2001)].
arcuatus Van Duzee, 1917a: 125. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Victor, 9800 ft. Distribution: CO, WY.
bryanti Malloch, 1932: 121. HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: MB, Fort Churchill. Distribution: MT, SK, WY, MB.
cinctipus Harmston, 1968: 17. HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: NT, Aklavik.
claudicans Loew, 1864b: 194. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK to CA, ID, MT, and CO.
clandicans; error by Van Duzee (1923c: 241).
coloradensis Harmston & Miller, 1966: 90. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Ward.
curvispina Van Duzee, 1930a: 2; n. name for Campsicnemus calcaratus Van Duzee. Type locality: USA: AK, Fairbanks.
calcaratus Van Duzee, 1924f: 3; preocc. by Campsicnemus calcaratus Grimshaw, 1901. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: AK, Fairbanks.
degener Wheeler, 1899: 58. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: CA, Pacific Grove; ID, Vollmer. Distribution: AK and WA to CA, CO, NE, ON, QC, NS, ne. U.S. [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987)].
hirtipes Loew, 1861a: 68. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: PA. Distribution: NE and KS to MI, QC, NY, and NS, s. to VA, NC, GA, and FL [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Bissett (1987); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
latipes (lapsus) Curran, 1934: 218, fig. 2 [Sabrosky (1971)].
melanus Harmston & Knowlton, 1942a: 11. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Torrey.
milleri Harmston, 1966b: 226. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Boi-Cope State Park.
montanus Harmston & Knowlton, 1942a: 14. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: MT, Gardiner. Distribution: MT, WY.
nigripes Van Duzee, 1917a: 126. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Sacramento. Distribution: MT to CA and CO.
oedipus Wheeler, 1899: 60. ST in AMNH, USNM (1). Type locality: USA: WY, Two-gwo-te-ee Pass. Distribution: OR, UT, WY, CO.
oregonensis Harmston & Miller, 1966: 88. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Barview State Park.
philoctetes Wheeler, 1899: 59. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: WY, Lusk; Little Wind River canyons; Hunter's Creek; Jackson Lake; SD. Distribution: WA, OR, ID, UT, WY, SD, MN.
thersites Wheeler, 1899: 61. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: WY, Natrona Co.; Wind River Mts.; Two-gwo-te-ee Pass. Distribution: MT, ID, UT, WY.
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1942a: 13. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Heber. Distribution: UT, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
vanduzeei Curran, 1933: 6. HT in AMNH. Type locality: CAN: MB, Churchill.
wheeleri Van Duzee, 1923d: 64. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: ME, Machias. Distribution: QC, ME, NS [Bissett (1987)].
variabilis (Van Duzee), 1932a: 9 (Thinophilus). HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Natashquan.
GENUS EREBOMYIA Runyon & Hurley, 2004
EREBOMYIA Runyon & Hurley, 2004: 1. Type species: Erebomyia exalloptera Runyon & Hurley [Nearctic], by monotypy.
Erebomyia exalloptera is found within large, dark cavities formed by overhanging rocks near streams. Three more Erebomyia species await description (Runyon & Hurley, 2004).
exalloptera Runyon & Hurley, 2004: 114. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: AZ, Santa Cruz Co., Madera Canyon, 5100 ft.
Genus LAMPROCHROMUS Mik, 1878b
LAMPROCHROMUS Mik, 1878b: 7. Type species: Chrysotus elegans Meigen [Palearctic], by original designation. [= bifasciatus (Macquart), 1827; see Chandler (1998)].
LAMPROCHOMUS, error by Parent (1944: 122).
Lamprochromus is found exclusively in the Holarctic and has only a few species. In the Palearctic, L. bifasciatus and L. strobli are almost entirely restricted to reed marshes (Pollet, 2000). The habits of the Nearctic species are unknown.
Robinson (1964; key, North America).
canadensis (Van Duzee), 1917b: 339 (Sympycnus). HT in CAS. Type locality: CAN: ON, Ft. Erie. Distribution: WA, ON, NY, NC, ?UT [Turner (1987)].
brevicornis (Robinson), 1960: 271 (Telmaturgus). HT in ?USNM (Robinson collection). Type locality: USA: NC, Durham, Duke Gardens.
occidentalis Robinson, 1967a: 123. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: NV, ID.
satrapa (Wheeler), 1890: 359 (Diaphorus); comb. by Foote et al. (1965). HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NE, Saline Co.
Genus NEOPARENTIA Robinson, 1967c
NEOPARENTIA Robinson, 1967c: 252. Type species: Neoparentia bisetosa Robinson [Neotropical], by original designation.
caudata (Van Duzee), 1917b: 338 (Sympycnus); listed as Sympycnus in Foote et al. (1965) and as Parasyntormon by Harmston & Miller (1966); comb. by Robinson (1967c). HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: CA, Contra Costa Co., San Pablo, Wild Cat Canyon. Distribution: CA, WA [Turner (1987)].
Genus PARASYNTORMON Wheeler, 1899
PARASYNTORMON Wheeler, 1899: 41. Type species: Parasyntormon asellus Wheeler [Nearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 585. Listed in Rhaphiinae by Foote et al. (1965).
NEOSYNTORMON Curran, 1934: 230. Type species: Parasyntormon montivagum Wheeler, by original designation.
Parasyntormon is only known from the New World, with most species described from western North America. Blacklith et al. (1995) have questioned the validity of this genus.
Van Duzee (19n22b).
appendiculatum Harmston & Knowlton, 1943b: 63. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Manila.
asellus Wheeler, 1899: 42. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Coronado, San Diego Bay. Distribution: CA, CO.
classicum Harmston & Knowlton, 1943b: 64. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, San Juan Co., Bluff.
emarginatum Wheeler, 1899: 45. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: CA, Monterey; San Diego.
emarginicorne Curran, 1923c: 192. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: AB, Banff. Distribution: BC, AB, SK, MB [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
flavicoxa Van Duzee, 1922b: 89. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Berkeley.
fraterculus Van Duzee, 1922b: 88. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles Co., Watts. Distribution: CA, NV.
hendersoni Harmston & Knowlton, 1939a: 256. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Monticello. Distribution: OR, UT [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
hinnulus Wheeler, 1899: 44. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WY, Lusk. Distribution: WY, SD.
lagotis Wheeler, 1899: 43. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey.
lepus Van Duzee, 1918: 45. LT designated by Arnaud (1979: 277) in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Los Angeles Co., Los Cerritos.
longicorne Van Duzee, 1933b: 4. ST in AMNH, CAS (1). Type locality: USA: OR, Kiger Is.
montivagum Wheeler, 1899: 46. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: WY, Lusk; Wind River Mts., Hunter's Creek, 7000–8000 ft. Distribution: CA, UT, WY.
mulinum Van Duzee, 1922b: 89. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego Co., Carrizo Creek.
nigripes Harmston & Knowlton, 1943b: 64. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Iron Co., Little Salt Lake.
occidentale (Aldrich), 1894: 153 (Sympycnus). ST in SEMC (2). Type locality: USA: WY. Distribution: NV, UT, MT, WY.
petiolatum Van Duzee, 1933b: 5. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey Co., Del Monte.
rotundicorne Van Duzee, 1926e: 57. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: NS, Smith's Cove.
utahnum Van Duzee, 1933d: 64. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: UT, Great Salt Lake, Saltair.
virens Harmston & Knowlton, 1943b: 65. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Wayne Co., Henry Mts., about 15 mi S of Hanksville.
Genus SYMPYCNUS Loew, 1857a
SYMPYCNUS Loew, 1857a: 42. Type species: Porphyrops annulipes Meigen [Palearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 610. [S. annulipes wrongly synonymized with S. pulicarius (Fallén, 1823) by Meuffels (1981), followed by Negrobov (1991); see Chandler (1998)].
GYMNOCEROMYIA Bigot, 1890: 293. Type species: Gymnoceromyia andicola Bigot, by monotypy.
SYMPICNUS, error by Bigot (1890: 282).
Although Sympycnus species are recorded from all over the world, this genus is most diverse in the temperate Neotropics. Robinson (1964) considers the behavior of Sympycnus unusual for the family. Although most long-legged flies seek direct sunlight and spend little time in flight, most species (and also those of Calyxochaetus) are more common in deep shade and frequently hover over moist rocks and falling water (Foote et al., 1965).
Van Duzee (1930e; rev.); Parent (1932a); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
aldrichi Van Duzee, 1930e: 39. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette.
annulipes (Meigen), 1824: 56 (Porphyrops). ST in ?MNHN. Type locality: Germany: Hamburg region. Distribution: CA; Palearctic [Parent (1932d)].
aurifacies Van Duzee, 1923c: 248. ST in OSU. Type locality: USA: AK, Savonski, Naknek Lake.
basistylatus Parent, 1929a: 196. HT in MLUH. Type locality: CAN: BC, Vancouver Island, Victoria.
brevicauda Van Duzee, 1932b: 19. ST in CNC (2). Type locality: CAN: QC, Natashquan.
brevipes Van Duzee, 1933b: 6. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Cold Spring Harbor.
breviventris Van Duzee, 1930e: 40. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, San Diego Co., edge of Colorado Desert. Distribution: CA, UT.
calcaratus Van Duzee, 1930e: 41. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Colorado Springs. Distribution: UT, NM, CO.
clavatus Van Duzee, 1913a: 271. HT in ANSP. Type locality: USA: NM, Alamogorda. Distribution: UT, NM, CO, NE, AZ; MEX [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
cuprinus Wheeler, 1899: 50. ST in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey. Distribution: AK, CA, UT, AB.
fasciventris Van Duzee, 1917b: 337. HT in CUIC. Type locality: USA: CA, St. Cruz Mts., Fulton. Distribution: CA, OR, CO.
fatuus Parent, 1932d: 230. HT in MLUH. Type locality: CAN: BC, Victoria.
globulicauda Van Duzee, 1930e: 43. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Colorado Springs.
inaequalis Van Duzee, 1930e: 44. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Lake Co., Clear Lake, Konocti Bay.
laevigatus Van Duzee, 1930e: 45. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Berkeley.
latitarsis Van Duzee, 1930e: 46. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: UT, Wendover.
jamesi (Harmston & Knowlton), 1939a: 257 (Peloropeodes); synonymized by Foote et al. (1965) after Harmston (in litt.). HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Blue Creek, R.R. Station.
lineatus Loew, 1861a: 67. ST in MCZ. Type localities: USA: NY; VA. Distribution: MN to QC, s. to NE, KS, LA, and FL, also Bermuda [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Woodley & Hilburn (1994)].
longinervis Van Duzee, 1932b: 18. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NY, Long Is., Cold Spring Harbor.
marcidus Wheeler, 1899: 48. ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: WY, Little Wind River Canyon; Dinwiddie Creek; Buck Creek; Dubois, 7200 ft. Distribution: OR, CA, AB, UT, WY, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983); Turner (1987)].
minuticornis Van Duzee, 1932b: 17. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: CO, Aspen.
montanus Van Duzee, 1930e: 47. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: ID, Mount Moscow.
pectoralis Van Duzee, 1933b: 7. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: NY, Cold Spring Harbor. Distribution: ON, NY [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
pilosicornis (Walker), 1848–1849: 653 (Porphyrops); listed as unplaced by Foote et al. (1965); however, placement in Sympycnus indicated by Parent (1934a). HT in BMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Hudson's Bay, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls. new combination.
pugil Wheeler, 1899: 51. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: WA, Seattle. Distribution: BC, WA, OR, CA, UT [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
kesseli (Hendrickson), 1961: 278 (Neurigona); synonymized by Bickel (1998b). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Humboldt Co., Van Duzen River, west of Grizzly Creek.
pulvillus Van Duzee, 1930e: 49. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Tennessee Pass, 10,240 ft. Distribution: CA, CO.
setosus Van Duzee, 1930e: 50. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CO, Victor, at about 10,000 ft.
tertianus Loew, 1864b: 187. ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK, WA [Turner (1987)].
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1939a: 258. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Cedar Breaks.
Genus SYNTORMON Loew, 1857a
PLECTROPUS Haliday, 1832: 353. Type species: Musca pallipes Fabricius, designation by Westwood, 1840: 134 [as “pallidus Meig.”]; preocc. by Plectropus Kirby, 1826.
SYNTORMON Loew, 1857a: 35. Type species: Rhaphium metathesis Loew [Palearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 611. Listed in Rhaphiinae by Foote et al. (1965).
SYNARTHRUS Loew, 1857a: 35. Type species: Musca pallipes Fabricius, by monotypy [once as tarsatum; error listed by Foote et al. (1965)].
EUTARSUS Loew, 1857a: 45. Type species: Porphyrops aulicus Meigen, by monotypy.
BATHYCRANIUM Strobl, 1892: 103. Type species: Dolichopus bicolorellum Zetterstedt, by monotypy. Synonymized by Blackith et al. (1995).
DRYMONOECA Becker, 1907: 108. Type species: Drymonoeca calcarata Becker, by monotypy [= aulicus (Meigen), 1824].
SYNARTHUS, error by Negrobov (1991: 53).
Syntormon has a worldwide distribution, with its main radiation in the Holarctic. Most species are riparian and mainly occur on the banks of stagnant or running water bodies, and in open, well-lit, humid habitats such as marshlands and saltmarshes.
Van Duzee (1925a; rev.); Robinson (1964; key, eastern U.S.).
affine (Wheeler), 1899: 38 (Synarthrus). ST in AMNH, CNC (1). Type locality: USA: CA, Monterey Co. Distribution: CA, NV, UT, AZ.
bisinuatum Van Duzee, 1925a: 282. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: OR, Hood River. Distribution: OR, CA.
californicum Harmston, 1951a: 15. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: CA, Modoc Co., 2 mi E of Canby.
cinereiventre (Loew), 1861a: 48 (Synarthrus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: “Middle States”. Distribution: AB and ID to ON and QC, s. to TX and FL (NE, IA, MO, WI, TN, IN, NY, MD, NC) [Robinson (1964); Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
clavatum Van Duzee, 1925a: 281. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: NV, UT, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
dissimilipes Van Duzee, 1925a: 283. HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NV, Wells. Distribution: NV, ID, UT.
femoratum Van Duzee, 1925a: 280. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette.
flexibile Becker, 1922b: 55; as flexibilis. ST in HNHM, DEI. Type localities: Taiwan: Taihorka; Anping; Tainan. Distribution: western Canada, northwestern U.S.; Palearctic, Afrotropical (St. Helena Is.), Australasia and Oceania, Oriental [Dyte (1967); Bickel (1999)].
miritarsis Parent, 1926a: 133; synonymized by Bickel (1995b). ST in NMW. Type locality: China, Zi-Ka-Wei.
flavomaculatus Parent, 1926a: 134; as miritarsis variety; synonymized by Bickel (1995b). ST in NMW. Type locality: China, Zi-Ka-Wei.
distortitarsis Van Duzee, 1933f: 338; synonymized by Dyte (1967). HT in BPBM. Type locality: Hawaii, Oahu, Tantalus, Hering Valley.
myklebusti Harmston & Miller, 1966: 90; synonymized by Bickel (1995b). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: WA, Ilwaco.
mycklebusti; error by Bickel (1995b).
lindneri Negrobov, 1975: 660; synonymized by Bickel (1995b). HT in ZIN. Type locality: Russia: Far East, Primorsky krai, Primorye, Komarovo-zapovednoe.
kennedyi Harmston & Knowlton, 1942d: 23. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Cameron Pass. Distribution: UT, CO.
nubilum Van Duzee, 1933b: 3. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: QC, Bradore Bay.
oregonense Harmston & Knowlton, 1942d: 25. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: OR, Portland.
ornatipes Van Duzee, 1925a: 277. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CO, Marshall Pass. Distribution: MT, UT, CO.
palmare (Loew), 1864b: 135 (Synarthrus). ST in MCZ. Type locality: USA: AK, Sitka. Distribution: AK, WA, CA, ID, UT, CO, MI, QC [Beaulieu & Wheeler (2001)].
simplicitarse Van Duzee, 1925a: 286. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Lafayette.
strataegum (Wheeler), 1899: 39 (Synarthrus). ST in AMNH. Type localities: USA: CA, Monterey; WY, Lusk. Distribution: OR, CA, ID, UT, MT, CO, NE [Harmston & Rapp (1983)].
strataegrum; error by Knowlton & Harmston (1937).
tricoloripes Curran, 1923d: 209. HT in CNC. Type locality: CAN: BC, Cranbrook. Distribution: BC, OR, ID, MT, ON, MI, QC.
uintaense Harmston & Knowlton, 1940b: 130. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Altonah.
utahense Harmston & Knowlton, 1942d: 24. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Marysvale.
vanduzeei Curran, 1931: 1. HT in AMNH. Type locality: CAN: ON, Arnprior.
variegatum Harmston, 1952: 291. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: CA, Smith River.
Genus TELMATURGUS Mik, 1874
TELMATURGUS Mik, 1874: 349. Type species: Sympycnus tumidulus Raddatz [Palearctic], by original designation.
Telmaturgus is only known from the Palearctic, Nearctic, and the Neotropics, with only three described species. The single Palearctic species, T. tumidulus, prefers humid heathland and peatbog areas (Pollet, 2000). The habits of T. parvus are unknown.
parvus (Van Duzee), 1924b: 45 (Chrysotus). HT in CAS. Type locality: USA: NY, Erie Co., Protection. Distribution: BC, ON, MI, QC, TN, NY, PA [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
perparvus; error by Johannsen (1928: 773).
Genus TEUCHOPHORUS Loew, 1857a
TEUCHOPHORUS Loew, 1857a: 44. Type species: Dolichopus spinigerellus Zetterstedt [Palearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 613.
TEUCOPHORUS, error by Jacobs (1906: 45).
Teuchophorus has been recorded from all realms except the Neotropical. The number of species is low in the Holarctic but numerous species have been described from Papua New Guinea (Meuffels & Grootaert, 1986). Species of this genus are hygrophilous and, like Sympycnus, occur in rather shaded conditions where they can be found, sometimes in large numbers, on muddy soils.
Harmston & Knowlton (1946a; key).
clavigerellus Wheeler, 1899: 57. HT in AMNH. Type locality: USA: SD. Distribution: SD, ON, MI, QC [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
condylus Harmston & Knowlton, 1946a: 671. HT in ?USNM. Type locality: USA: IN, Terre Haute. Distribution: IN, ON, CT, ?NY, ?VA [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
diminucosta Harmston & Knowlton, 1942c: 21. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Logan Canyon. Distribution: UT, PA [Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1942c: 20. HT in USNM. Type locality: USA: UT, Roosevelt. Distribution: WA, UT [Turner (1987)].
Genus XANTHOCHLORUS Loew, 1857a
XANTHOCHLORUS Loew, 1857a: 42. Type species: Medeterus ornatus Haliday [Palearctic], designation by Coquillett, 1910c: 620.
Xanthochlorus is restricted to the Holarctic region, with most species known from the eastern Palearctic. The single Nearctic species has a wide distribution. In western Europe, X. ornatus and X. tenellus are also widely distributed and occur mainly in dry forests.
helvinus Loew, 1861a: 75. HT in MCZ. Type locality: USA: IL, Chicago. Distribution: WI to NS, s. to IA, IL, and GA (MI, TN, ON, QC, NY, VT, VA, NC) [Robinson (1964); Vockeroth (personal commun.)].
contingens Walker, 1852–1853: 213 (Dolichopus). HT in BMNH. Type locality: USA.
nubilus Say, 1829–1830: 168 (also in LeConte, 1859: 361) (Chrysotus). ST destroyed. Type locality: IN.
scutellaris Loew in Parent, 1929a: 173 (Sciopus); nomen nudum.
viridifemora Macquart, 1850: 428 (1850: 124) (Chrysotus). HT in ?MNHN. Type locality: North America.
Amblypsilopus lectus (Becker), 1922a: 366 (Sciapus); listed under Sciapus in Foote et al. (1965), but placed in Amblypsilopus by Bickel (1994: 372). HT in ZMHB. Type locality: America. Probably mislabelled and from Australasian realm (Bickel, personal commun.).
Condylostylus diffusus (Wiedemann), 1830: 221 (Psilopus). ST in NMW. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro (as Savannah, Georgia, error, see Loew, 1864b: 234). Distribution: Brazil, Puerto Rico.
Condylostylus guttula (Wiedemann), 1830: 222 (Psilopus). ST in NMW. Type locality: Brazil (as Savannah, Georgia, error, see Loew, 1864b: 237).
guttulus; error by Foote et al. (1965: 484).
Condylostylus hirsutus Becker, 1922a: 307. HT in NMW. Type locality: “Brazil”.
Condylostylus superbus (Wiedemann), 1830: 223 (Psilopus). ST in NMW. Type locality: Uruguay, Montevideo.
Dolichopus micropygus Wahlberg, 1851: 216. HT in ?NHRS. Type locality: Sweden. Distribution: ?CO; Palearctic (northern Europe); the CO record is based on two females from CO which were tentatively identified as this species by Van Duzee (1921c: 295). Ringdahl (1949: 54) has shown that D. micropygus is an intersex of D. fraterculus Zetterstedt, the latter being unknown from the Nearctic region. The females attributed to D. micropygus thus were clearly misidentified (Dyte, personal commun.).
Dolichopus ungulatus (Linnaeus), 1758: 598 (Musca). HT in LSUK. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Palearctic; WI record in Van Duzee & Curran (1934a, 1934b) and Foote et al. (1965) refers to D. bruesi Van Duzee (Dyte, personal commun.).
Hydrophorus praecox (Lehmann), 1822: 42 (also 1824: 243) (Dolichopus). HT in ?ZMUH. Type locality: Germany. Distribution: Palearctic; removed from synonymy with H. aestuum Loew and H. eldoradensis Wheeler by Hurley (1985).
Mesorhaga tristis Schiner, 1868: 217. ST in ?NMW. Type locality: Colombia.
Sciapus pressipes Parent, 1929a: 244; synonymized with Krakatauia evulgata Becker by Bickel & Dyte (1989); Caroline Is. wrongly interpreted as “Carolina”. HT in MLUH. Type locality: Caroline Is. (Australasian realm).
This catalog could not have been completed without the help and support of a large number of people. We are indebted to Doreen Watler, who kindly provided superb lodging facilities and warm hospitality to the first and second authors while they were in Ottawa during July 1999. We thank Richard Vockeroth, Jim O'Hara (Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada), and Terry Wheeler (Lyman Museum, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Canada) for their helpful advice and discussions on dolichopodids, cataloging, and nomenclatural issues. Terry Wheeler also kindly provided the essential computer and laboratory facilities during the start of this project (July 1999). We are grateful to Dan Bickel (Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia), Peter Dyte (Datchet, UK), Neal Evenhuis (Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI, USA), Richard Hurley and Justin Runyon (Montana State University, Bozeman, USA), Tam Nguyen (American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA), Harold Robinson, Chris Thompson, and Norm Woodley (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA), Andreas Stark (Halle/S., Germany), and Jason Weintraub (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA) who provided pertinent references, checked details, added new species records, assisted with the location of certain type specimens, or helped us solve a number of taxonomic problems. Peter Dyte and Richard Vockeroth also kindly provided critical information on the distribution of Holarctic Dolichopus species. We are grateful to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for permission to publish the frontispiece. Financial support for the first author during his visit to the Canadian National Collection of Insects was provided by the Canacoll Foundation. Funding for the second author was partially provided by a research grant awarded to Terry Wheeler from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Additional funding to support the second author during his visit to Belgium (July 2000) was provided in part by the Dipterology Fund and by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (Brussels, Belgium, c/o Patrick Grootaert). We are also very grateful to Dan Bickel, Peter Dyte, Richard Hurley, Henk Meuffels (Vilt, The Netherlands), Harold Robinson, Richard Vockeroth, and an anonymous reviewer who critically reviewed the manuscript. Last but not least, we thank Anja, Carole, and Susan for their lasting interest, belief, and especially patience in their respective partners during the course of this project and hopefully many more to come.
The following index provides an alphabetical list of the Nearctic genus- and species-group names included in this catalog. All valid names and synonyms are included as well as errors, emendations, and misidentifications. This index also includes the names of taxa that have been erroneously recorded from North America. Valid generic and subgeneric names are in boldface, valid species names are in Roman type, and both genus- and species-group synonyms are italicized. A dagger (†) before a page number refers to a misidentification, error, misspelling, or unjustified emendation, which are also italicized. For the purpose of the index, errors are assigned the authorship of the correct names, as they are usually cited in the literature. Names of non-Nearctic generic type species and non-Nearctic senior homonyms of preoccupied names are not included in the index.
abaftanus Harmston, Dolichopus, 27
abbreviatus Loew, Pelastoneurus, 44
abbreviatus (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
abbreviatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 27
abditus Hurley, Scellus, 53
abdominalis (Say), Argyra, 19
abdominalis (Say), Thrypticus, 59
aberrans Robinson, Paraclius, 43
aberrans Wheeler, Medetera, 56
aboriginis Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 27
abrasus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 27
abruptus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 27
absconus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, †, 27
absonus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 27
accidentalis Harmston & Knowlton,Dolichopus, 27
Accradocera Becker, †, 18
Achalchus Loew, †, 17
Achalcus Loew, 17
Achradocera Becker, 18
Acradocera Becker, †, 18
Acrodocera Becker, †, 18
acricola Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 27
acuminatus Loew, Dolichopus, 27
acuminatus Van Duzee, Condylostylus, 69
acuticornis Wiedemann, Dolichopus, †, 33
acuticornis (Van Duzee), Peloropeodes, 63
acutus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 27
adaequatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 27
adjacens Walker, Dolichopus, 27
adultus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 27
adustus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
Aedipsilopus Bigot, †, 69
aeneiventris Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
aeneivittata (Macquart), Medetera, 57
aeneus Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
aequale Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 64
aequalis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
aequalis Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
aeratus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
aestiva Van Duzee, Neurigona, 60
aestuans Loew, Hydrophorus, †, 49
aestuum Loew, Hydrophorus, 49
aethiops Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
affilatum (Wheeler), Rhaphium, †, 65
affine (Wheeler), Syntormon, 78
affinis Loew, Chrysotus, 21
affinis Walker, Dolichopus, 28
afflictus (Osten Sacken), Dolichopus, 33
affluens Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
agalma Wheeler, Hydrophorus, 49
agalmus Harmston & Rapp, Chrysotus, 21
Agastoplax Enderlein, 72
agilis Aldrich, Dolichopus, 30
Agonosoma Guérin-Méneville, †, 68, 69, 73
agronomus Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 28
Ahercostomus Yang & Saigusa, 42
ainsliei Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
alacer Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
alaskensis Harmston & Miller, Campsicnemus, 75
alberecrus Gunther, Dolichopus, 37
albertensis Curran, Dolichopus, 28
albiapicatus Parent, Condylostylus, 70
albibarba (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 64
albicans Loew, Argyra, 19
albiceps Loew, Gymnopternus, 39
albiciliata (Aldrich), Mesorhaga, 72
albiciliata Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
albiciliatus Loew, Dolichopus, 28
albicinctum Van Duzee, Keirosoma, 27
albicoxa Aldrich, Dolichopus, 28
albicoxa Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
albicoxa (Walker), Condylostylus, 69
albifacies (Parent), Chrysotus, 21
albimanus Wirth, Systenus, 58
albipes (Zetterstedt), Micromorphus, 62
albipodus Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
albiventris Loew, Argyra, 19
albivestitarsis Robinson, Dolichopus, 28
alboflorens (Walker), Hydrophorus, 49
albohirtus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 21
albomaculatus (Van Duzee), Hydatostega, 49
albonotatus (Loew), Sciapus, 73
albonotatus (Loew), Tachytrechus, 46
albosetosa Van Duzee, Medetera, 58
albospinosa Van Duzee, Neurigona, 60
aldrichi Johnson, Argyra, 19
aldrichi Robinson, Gymnopternus, 39
aldrichi Robinson, Peloropeodes, 63
aldrichi (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 21
aldrichi Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 25
aldrichi Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 44
aldrichi (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 64
aldrichi Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
aldrichii Van Duzee, Neurigona, 60
aldrichii (Wheeler), Dolichopus, 28
aldrichii Wheeler, Medetera, 56
alexanderi Harmston & Miller, Campsicnemus, 75
algens Wheeler, Hydrophorus, 49
algens Wheeler, Hydrophorus, †, 50
alienus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
alpina Harmston & Knowlton, Medetera, 58
alpinus Wahlberg, Hydrophorus, 49
alter Parent, Hydrophorus, 50
alternans (Loew), Paraclius, 43
altivagus Aldrich, Hydrophorus, 49
alutifer (Haliday), Hercostomus, 42
amabilis (Parent), Amblypsilopus, 69
amatus (Walker), Condylostylus, 71
Amblypsilopus Bigot, 67
americanum (Wheeler), Achradocera, 18
americanus Van Duzee, Campsicnemus, 75
americanus (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 66
Ammobates Stannius, †, 45
ammophilus Loew, Asyndetus, 20
amnicola (Melander & Brues), Dolichopus, 28
amphericus Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 28
amplectens Aldrich, Hydrophorus, 50
amplipennis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
amplus Curran, Scellus, 53
ampullaceus Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 50
anarmostus (Melander), Gymnopternus, 39
Anchineura Thomson, 20
andersoni Curran, Dolichopus, 28
Anglearia Carlier, 64
angulatus Robinson, Pelastoneurus, 44
angulatus (Van Duzee), Tachytrechus, 46
angustata Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
angustatus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 28
angustatus (Enderlein), Amblypsilopus, 68
angusticornis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
angustifacies Becker, Achradocera, 18
angustifacies Hurley, Hydrophorus, 50
angustipennis Loew, Tachytrechus, 46
annaclareii Gunther, Dolichopus, 38
annulatus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
annulatus Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 39
annulipes (Meigen), Sympycnus, 77
annulipes Robinson, Gymnopternus, 39
annulipes Zetterstedt, Dolichopus, 37
annulitarsis Ringdahl, Dolichopus, 28
anomalocerus Robinson, Gymnopternus, 39
Anomalopyga Oldenberg, 63
anomalus Malloch, Chrysotus, 21
Anoplomerus Rondani, 52
Anoplomerus Rondani, †, 53
Anoplopus Rondani, 52
Anoplopus Rondani, †, 53
anormostus (Melander), Gymnopternus, †, 39
Anorthus Loew, 55
Aphantotimus Wheeler, 59
apheles Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 28
Aphrozeta Perris, 49
apicales Harmston & Knowlton, Peloropeodes, †, 63
apicalis (Aldrich), Achradocera, 18
apicalis Harmston & Knowlton, Peloropeodes, 63
apicalis Wirth, Systenus, 59
apicalis (Zetterstedt), Medetera, 56
appendiculatum Harmston & Knowlton, Parasyntormon, 76
appendiculatus Loew, Asyndetus, 20
appendiculatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
appendiculatus Wheeler, Medetera, 58
approximatus (Aldrich), Chrysotus, 24
Aptorthus Aldrich, 72
aquatilis Aldrich, Hydrophorus, 50
aquitilis Aldrich, Hydrophorus, †, 50
arboreum Curran, Rhaphium, 64
arboreus Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 45
archboldi Robinson & Deyrup, Asyndetus, 20
arctica Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
arcuata (Van Duzee), Achradocera, 18
arcuata Van Duzee, Neurigona, 60
arcuatus Van Duzee, Campsicnemus, 75
argentatus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 21
argentatus (Van Duzee), Hydatostega, 49
argentifacies Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
argentifacies Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 50
argentipes Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
argentiventris Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
Argyra Macquart, 18
argyropus Becker, Tachytrechus, 46
arizonica Robinson, Enlinia, 47
arizonicus Harmston, Dolichopus, 28
arizonicus (Harmston), Calyxochaetus, 74
arizonicus Robinson, Chrysotimus, 62
arkansensis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 21
armatum Curran, Rhaphium, 64
armiger Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 54
arnaudi Harmston, Medetera, 56
arnaudi Hurley, Hydrophorus, 50
asaroticus Hurley, Scellus, 53
asciaeformis Becker, Pelastoneurus, 44
asellus Wheeler, Parasyntormon, 76
Asioligochaetus Negrobov, 55
Asphyrotarsus Oldenberg, 48
astequinus (Bigot), Condylostylus, 71
Asyndetus Loew, 20
atkinsoni Curran, Rhaphium, 64
atratus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 21
atricornis Harris, Dolichopus, 31
atrovirens Harris, Dolichopus, 28
auratus (Aldrich), Tachytrechus, 46
auratus Loew, Chrysotus, 21
aurifacies Aldrich, Dolichopus, 28
aurifacies Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 44
aurifacies Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
aurifer (Thomson), Hercostomus, 42
aurifex Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
aurinotatus Van Duzee, Thrypticus, 59
aurivittata Wheeler, Medetera, 56
Australiola Parent, 68
australis Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
australis Van Duzee, Neurigona, 60
avidus Loew, Scellus, 53
badius Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 21
bakeri Cole, Dolichopus, 28
bakeri Robinson, Diaphorus, 25
banksi Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 64
banksii (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 69
barbaricus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
barbata (Aldrich), Nanomyina, 62
barbata (Loew), Achradocera, 18
barbatulus Loew, Gymnopternus, 39
barbicauda Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 28
barbipes Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
barbipes Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 21
barbipes Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
barbipes (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 64
barri Harmston, Pelastoneurus, 44
barycnemus Coquillett, Dolichopus, 29
basalis Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
basalis Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
basistylatus Parent, Sympycnus, 77
Bathycranium Strobl, 78
batillifer Loew, Dolichopus, 30
beameri Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 29
beatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
bellulus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 21
bellus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 21
beringiense Negrobov & Vockeroth, Rhaphium, 65
bermudensis Johnson, Chrysotus, 22
bicolor (Loew), Amblypsilopus, 68
bicolor Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
bicolor (Van Duzee), Peloropeodes, 63
bifractus Loew, Dolichopus, 29
bifrons Robinson, Micromorphus, 62
bifrons (Walker), Pelastoneurus, 44
bilineata Frey, Medetera, 58
bimaculata Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
bimaculatus Johnson, Thinophilus, 54
binodatus (Harmston & Knowlton), Calyxochaetus, 74
binodatus Loew, Tachytrechus, 46
bipunctatus Greene, Tachytrechus, 46
bisetosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
bisinuatum Van Duzee, Syntormon, 78
bistriata Parent, Medetera, 56
bivittata Van Duzee, Neurigona, 60
bivittatum Roser, Rhaphium, 65
blandus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
boharti Harmston, Tachytrechus, 46
bolsteri Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
boreale (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 65
borealis (Aldrich), Mesorhaga, 72
borealis (Takagi), Thambemyia, 54
boreus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 33
bovatus Hurley, Hydrophorus, 50
brachyceras Meuffels & Grootaert, Rhaphium, 65
Brachypus Meigen, 25
bracteatus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
bradleii (Van Duzee), Amblypsilopus, 68
braycnemus Coquillett, Dolichopus, †, 29
bredini Robinson, Asyndetus, 20
brevicauda Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
brevicauda Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 50
brevicauda Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
breviciliatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
breviciliatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
brevicorne (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 65
brevicornis (Robinson), Lamprochromus, 76
brevilamellatum Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 65
brevimanus Loew, Dolichopus, 29
brevinervis Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
brevipennis Meigen, Dolichopus, 29
brevipes Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
brevipes (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 39
brevipes Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
brevipes Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 54
brevipilosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
brevis Robinson, Pelastoneurus, 44
brevis (Van Duzee), Peloropeodes, 63
breviseta (Thomson), Hydrophorus, 50
breviventris Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
brimleyi Robinson, Condylostylus, 69
browni (Curran), Hydatostega, 49
browni Curran, Rhaphium, 65
browni (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 41
bruesi Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
bruneifacies Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
brunneifacies (Robinson), Gymnopternus, 39
brunneus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 29
brunneus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, †, 29
bryanti Malloch, Campsicnemus, 75
bryanti Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
burnesi Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
cacheae Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
caerulea Van Duzee, Mesorhaga, 72
caerulescens Malloch, Medetera, 56
caerulus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
calainus Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 29
calcaratum Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 65
calcaratus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 29
calcaratus (Loew), Condylostylus, 69
calcaratus Van Duzee, Campsicnemus, 75
calcaratus Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
calceata Loew, Argyra, 19
calcitrans Loew, Argyra, 19
californica Harmston, Melanderia (Wirthia), 53
californica Harmston, Neurigona, 60
californica Robinson & Arnaud, Enlinia, 47
californica Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
californicum Harmston, Syntormon, 78
californicus (Harmston), Paraphrosylus, 53
californicus Harmston, Sympycnidelphus, 73
californicus Harmston, Systenus, 59
californicus (Harmston & Knowlton), Tachytrechus, 46
californicus Harmston & Knowlton, Tachytrechus, 46
californicus Hurley, Hydrophorus, 50
californicus Pollet & Cumming, Achalcus, 18
californicus (Steyskal), Amblypsilopus, 68
californicus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
californicus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
californicus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
californicus Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 39
californiensis Wheeler, Medetera, 56
calvimontis James, Dolichopus, 29
Calyxochaetus Bigot, 73
campestre Curran, Rhaphium, 65
campsicnemoides Robinson, Gymnopternus, 39
Campsicnemus Haliday, 75
Camptosceles Haliday, 75
Camptoscelus Kertész, 75
canacolli Brooks, Tachytrechus, 46
canadense Curran, Rhaphium, 65
canadensis Bickel, Medetera, 56
canadensis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
canadensis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
canadensis (Van Duzee), Lamprochromus, 76
canaliculatus Thomson, Dolichopus, 29
canescens (Wheeler), Hydrophorus, 50
canites Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, †, 50
canities Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 50
canities Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 54
canus Robinson, Diaphorus, 25
cantities Van Duzee, Thinophilus, †, 54
carbonifer (Loew), Neurigona, 60
carnivora Fischer von Waldheim, Medetera, 57
carolinensis (Bigot), Condylostylus, 71
carolinensis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
caroliniensis Robinson, Chrysotus, 22
castor (Wheeler), Tachytrechus, †, 46
castus (Wheeler), Tachytrechus, 46
caudata Van Duzee, Mesorhaga, 72
caudata (Van Duzee), Neoparentia, 76
caudatulus (Loew), Condylostylus, 69
caudatum Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 65
caudatus (Aldrich), Micromorphus, 62
caudatus Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 20
caudatus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
caudatus (Wiedemann), Condylostylus, 69
cavatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
celeripes Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 29
cerutias (Loew), Hydatostega, 48
chaetilamellus Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
chalcochrus Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
chalybeus (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 70
chetifer (Walker), Hercostomus, 42
chlanoflavus Harmston & Knowlton, Chrysotus, 22
chloricus Wheeler, Chrysotus, †, 22
choricus Wheeler, Chrysotus, 22
chrysolgus (Walker), Hydrophorus, †, 50
chrysologus (Walker), Hydrophorus, 50
chrysolygus (Walker), Hydrophorus, †, 50
chrysoprasi (Walker), Condylostylus, 70
chrysoprasinus (Walker), Condylostylus, †, 70
chrysoprasius (Loew), Condylostylus, †, 70
chrysoprasus (Walker), Condylostylus, †, 70
Chrysosoma Guérin-Méneville, †, 68, 69
chrysostomus Loew, Dolichopus, 29
Chrysotimus Loew, 62
Chrysotus Meigen, 21
ciliata Robinson, Enlinia, 48
ciliata Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
ciliata Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
ciliata Van Duzee, Neurigona, 60
ciliatum Curran, Rhaphium, 65
ciliatus (Aldrich), Dolichopus, 35
ciliatus (Loew), Condylostylus, 71
ciliatus Malloch, Chrysotus, 22
ciliatus Walker, Dolichopus, 35
cilifemoratus (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
ciliipes (Aldrich), Condylostylus, 70
cilimanus Van Duzee, Neurigona, 60
cinctipus Harmston, Campsicnemus, 75
cinereiventre (Loew), Syntormon, 78
cingulata (Loew), Argyra, 19
clandicans Loew, Campsicnemus, †, 75
claripennis Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 50
classicum Harmston & Knowlton, Parasyntormon, 76
claudicans Loew, Campsicnemus, 75
clavatum Van Duzee, Syntormon, 78
clavatus (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 69
clavatus Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
clavicauda Van Duzee, Mesorhaga, 72
clavicornis (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
claviculatus Loew, Paraclius, 43
clavigerellus Wheeler, Teuchophorus, 79
clypeatus Robinson, Chrysotus, 22
cobaltinus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
cockerelli (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 71
Coelinium Parent, 60
coercens Walker, Dolichopus, 29
cognatus Loew, Pelastoneurus, 44
cognatus (Melander & Brues), Dolichopus, 33
Collinellula Aldrich, 47
coloradense Curran, Rhaphium, 65
coloradensis Aldrich, Dolichopus, 30
coloradensis Harmston, Hercostomus, 42
coloradensis Harmston & James, Scellus, 53
coloradensis Harmston & Miller, Campsicnemus, 75
coloradensis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
coloradensis Van Duzee, Condylostylus, 69
colute Harmston & James, Rhaphium, 65
comatus (Loew), Condylostylus, 69
comatus Loew, Dolichopus, 30
comatus Robinson, Pelastoneurus, 44
comatus Schiner, Condylostylus, †, 70
commune (Meigen), Rhaphium, 65
communis (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 24
comosus Van Duzee, Thrypticus, 59
compactus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 30
completus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 30
comptus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 30
Conchopus Takagi, 54
condomina Harmston & Knowlton, Argyra, 19
Condylostylus Bigot, 69
Condylostylus Bigot, †, 68
condylus Harmston & Knowlton, Teuchophorus, 79
confinis Walker, Dolichopus, 30
Congophora Philippi, †, 46
connectans (Curran), Condylostylus, 70
consanguineus (Harmston), Gymnopternus, 39
consanguineus Harmston & Knowlton, Diaphorus, 25
consanguineus (Wheeler), Dolichopus, 30
consobrinum Zetterstedt, Rhaphium, 65
consors (Walker), Paraclius, 43
conspectus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 30
conspicuus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, †, 30
constrictus Robinson, Gymnopternus, 39
conterminus Walker, Dolichopus, 30
contiguus Aldrich, Diaphorus, 25
contiguus Walker, Dolichopus, 30
contingens Walker, Dolichopus, 80
convergens Aldrich, Dolichopus, 30
convergens Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
convergens (Van Duzee), Hercostomus, 42
coquiletti Aldrich, Dolichopus, †, 30
coquilletti Aldrich, Dolichopus, 30
corax Osten Sacken, Dolichopus, 30
cornutus Loew, Dolichopus, †, 30
cornutus Loew, Chrysotus, 22
cornutus Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 20
cornutus (Van Duzee), Peloropeodes, 63
correus Steyskal, Dolichopus, 30
costalis (Aldrich), Amblypsilopus, 68
costalis Loew, Chrysotus, 22
costalis Van Duzee, Hercostomus, 42
costatus Loew, Chrysotus, †, 22
coxalis Loew, Gymnopternus, 39
crassicauda Loew, Gymnopternus, 39
crassicornis Aldrich, Dolichopus, 30
crassipes (Meigen), Rhaphium, 65
crassipodus Harmston, Asyndetus, 20
crassitibia Robinson, Dolichopus, 30
crassitibia (Van Duzee), Peloropeodes, 63
crassivenis Curran, Medetera, 57
crenatus (Osten Sacken), Dolichopus, 30
crepuscula Arnaud, Melanderia (Melanderia), 53
cressoni Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
cretifer Walker, Hercostomus, †, 42
criddlei Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 50
crinipes Robinson, Diaphorus, 26
crinipes Van Duzee, Scellus, 53
crinitus (Aldrich), Condylostylus, 70
cristatus Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 45
crosbyi Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
cryptus Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
cumberlandensis Robinson, Gymnopternus, 39
cuneicornis Robinson, Gymnopternus, 40
cuneiformis Van Duzee, Medetera, 58
cuniculus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 36
cupreus Say, Dolichopus, 30
cuprinus Wheeler, Sympycnus, 77
cuprinus Wiedemann, Dolichopus, 30
cupulifer (Aldrich), Thrypticus, 59
currani Parent, Condylostylus, 71
currani Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
currani Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
currani (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 40
curvipes (Van Duzee), Melanderia (Wirthia), 53
curvispina Van Duzee, Campsicnemus, 75
cyaneus Wheeler, Pelastoneurus, 44
cyanogaster Wheeler, Medetera, 57
cylindrica Loew, Argyra, 19
cylindricus (Van Duzee), Nematoproctus, 64
czekanovskii Stackelberg, Dolichopus, 30
czekanowskii Stackelberg, Dolichopus, †, 30
Dactylodiscia Enderlein, 72
Dactylomyia Aldrich, 60
Dactylorhipis Enderlein, 72
dakotensis Aldrich, Dolichopus, 30
dakotensis Harmston, Chrysotus, 22
dakotensis Harmston & Knowlton, Argyra, 19
Dasyarthrus Mik, 41
dasyops Malloch, Dolichopus, 30
dasypodus Coquillett, Dolichopus, 30
Dasypsilopus Bigot, 69
debilis Becker, Condylostylus, 70
debilis Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
decorus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 30
defectus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 30
deficiens Robinson, Thrypticus, 59
deflectus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, †, 31
deformis Van Duzee, Neurigona, 60
degener Wheeler, Campsicnemus, 75
delicatus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 31
delicatus Loew, Chrysotimus, 62
delicatus Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 54
delicatus (Walker), Sciapus, 73
demissus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
dentaticauda Van Duzee, Condylostylus, 70
depressus Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 54
deremptus Walker, Chrysotus, 22
despicatus Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
detersus Loew, Dolichopus, 31
diadema (Linnaeus), Medetera, 57
Diaphora Macquart, 25
Diaphorus Meigen, 25
difficilis Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
diffusus (Wiedemann), Condylostylus, 80
digitatus (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 71
digitus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
dilaticosta (Van Duzee), Tachytrechus, 46
dilaticosta Runyon & Hurley, Nepalomyia, 63
dimidiata (Loew), Neurigona, 60
dimidiatus (Loew), Amblypsilopus, 68
diminucosta Harmston & Knowlton, Teuchophorus, 79
dioktes Hurley, Hydrophorus, 50
Diostracus Loew, 48
direptor (Wheeler), Paraphrosylus, 53
discessus Walker, Dolichopus, 31
discifer Stannius, Dolichopus, 34
discolor Loew, Chrysotus, 22
discolor Robinson, Peloropeodes, 63
discolor Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
discolor Zetterstedt, Rhaphium, 65
disjuncta Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
disjunctus (Van Duzee), Diaphorus, 26
dissectus Robinson, Thrypticus, 59
dissimilipes Van Duzee, Syntormon, 78
dissimilipes Wheeler, Pelastoneurus, 44
distinctus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
distinctus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
distinctus Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
distortitarsis Van Duzee, Syntormon, 78
distortus (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
distractus Walker, Dolichopus, 31
divergens Van Duzee, Sciapus, 73
diversipennis Curran, Dolichopus, 31
dividuus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
divigatus Harmston, Dolichopus, 31
Dolichopus Latreille, 27
dolosus Parent, Dolichopus, 31
domesticus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
dorsalis (Loew), Amblypsilopus, 68
dorsalis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
dorsalis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
dorsalis (Van Duzee), Hercostomus, 43
dorycerus Loew, Dolichopus, 31
dorycondylus Bickel, Medetera, 57
dreisbachi Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
dreisbachi Harmston & Knowlton, Hydrophorus, 50
Drepanomyia Wheeler, 52
Drymonoeca Becker, 78
dubiosus (Van Duzee), Amblypsilopus, 68
dubium (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 65
dubius Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
duplicatus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 31
duplicatus Harmston, Tachytrechus, 46
dyscritus Hurley, Scellus, 53
dytei Pollet & Cumming, Achalcus, 18
Ectomus Mik, 75
edactylus Loew, Dolichopus, †, 31
effilatum (Wheeler), Rhaphium, 65
ehrenbergi Becker, Medetera, 57
eldoradensis Wheeler, Hydrophorus, 50
elegans Aldrich, Dolichopus, 31
elegantulum (Meigen), Rhaphium, 65
elongatum Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 65
Elongomedetera Hollis, 55
emarginata Van Duzee, Medetera, 58
emarginatum Wheeler, Parasyntormon, 76
emarginatus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
emarginicorne Curran, Parasyntormon, 76
Emperoptera Grimshaw, 75
Emperotera Grimshaw, †, 75
enigma Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 31
Enlinia Aldrich, 47
epakter Hurley, Hydrophorus, 49
Erebomyia Runyon & Hurley, 76
erectus Becker, Condylostylus, 70
eucercus Steyskal, Systenus, 59
eudactylus Loew, Dolichopus, 31
Eudolichopus Frey, 27
Eurostomerus Bigot, 69
Eutarsus Loew, 78
evolvens Parent, Dolichopus, 31
exalloptera Runyon & Hurley, Erebomyia, 76
excipiens Becker, Medetera, 57
excisus Aldrich, Chrysotus, 22
exclusus Walker, Dolichopus, 31
exiguus Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
exiguus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
exile Curran, Rhaphium, 65
exilis Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
exilis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
extrarius Aldrich, Hydrophorus, 50
exunguis (Thomson), Chrysotus, 24
exustus (Walker), Scellus, 54
facirecedens Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 31
factivittatus Harmston, Dolichopus, 31
falcata Van Duzee, Medetera, 57
falcatus Aldrich, Pelastoneurus, 45
fallax Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
fascipes (Meigen), Rhaphium, 65
fasciventris Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
fasciventris Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
fatuus Parent, Sympycnus, 77
femineum (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 65
femoralis Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
femoratum (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 66
femoratum Van Duzee, Syntormon, 78
femoratus (Say), Condylostylus, 70
femoratus (Say), Condylostylus, †, 70
femoratus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
ferruginus Hurley, Hydrophorus, 50
festinans Zetterstedt, Dolichopus, 36
filicornis (Bigot), Condylostylus, †, 71
filifer Aldrich, Paraclius, 43
filifer Loew, Scellus, 54
filiferus Aldrich, Scellus, †, 54
filipes (Loew), Sciapus, 73
fimbriatus Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
finitus Walker, Dolichopus, 31
firsovi Stackelberg & Negrobov, Rhaphium, 66
flabellifer (Osten Sacken), Tachytrechus, 46
flagellatus (Harmston), Paraclius, 43
flagellitenens Wheeler, Dolichopus, 31
flava Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
flavicauda Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
flavicaudatus Robinson, Thinophilus, 54
flaviciliatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
flaviciliatus Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 40
flavicornis Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
flavicornis Van Duzee, Chrysotimus, 62
flavicornis (Van Duzee), Hercostomus, 42
flavicosta Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
flavicoxa Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
flavicoxa Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
flavicoxa Van Duzee, Nematoproctus, 64
flavicoxa Van Duzee, Parasyntormon, 76
flavicoxa (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 66
flavifacies Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
flavihirtus Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 50
flavilacertus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 31
flavimanus (Macquart), Condylostylus, 70
flavipalpus Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 20
flavipennis Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
flavipes (Aldrich), Condylostylus, 70
flavipes Stannius, Dolichopus, 31
flavipes Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
flavipes Van Duzee, Mesorhaga, 72
flavipes Van Duzee, Peloropeodes, 63
flavisetus Malloch, Chrysotus, 22
flavitarsis (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 40
flavitibialis (Van Duzee), Tachytrechus, 46
flaviventris Robinson, Gymnopternus, 40
flavohirtus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, †, 22
flavomaculatus Parent, Syntormon, 78
flavus Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
flexibile Becker, Syntormon, 78
flinflon Bickel, Medetera, 57
floridanus (Harmston), Amblypsilopus, 68
floridanus Wheeler, Pelastoneurus, 44
floridensis Aldrich, Tachytrechus, 46
floridensis Robinson, Gymnopternus, 40
floridensis Robinson, Paraclius, 43
floridula Wheeler, Neurigona, 61
flutatus Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
foliatum Curran, Rhaphium, 66
footei Harmston, Dolichopus, 31
formosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
fortis Aldrich, Dolichopus, 32
fortunatus (Wheeler), Calyxochaetus, 74
fosteri Robinson, Thrypticus, 59
frater Robinson, Peloropeodes, 63
fraterculus Van Duzee, Parasyntormon, 76
fraterculus (Wheeler), Thrypticus, 59
fraterculus Zetterstedt, Dolichopus, 32
fraternus Van Duzee, Paraclius, 43
frauditor Loew, Dolichopus, †, 32
frequens Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
frontalis (Loew), Calyxochaetus, 74
frontalis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
frontalis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
frontalis Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
frontalis Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
fucatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
fulgerus Harmston, Dolichopus, 32
fulgidus (Parent), Amblypsilopus, 68
fulvipes Loew, Dolichopus, 32
fulvohirtus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
fulvosetosus Parent, Micromorphus, 62
fumipennis (Loew), Rhaphium, 67
fumipennis Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
fumosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
funditor Loew, Dolichopus, 32
funeralis Parent, Diaphorus, 25
furcata Curran, Medetera, 57
furcatus Robinson, Chrysotus, 22
furcatus (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 70
furcifer Curran, Rhaphium, 66
furcifer Loew, Pelastoneurus, 44
fuscalaris Harmston, Neurigona, 61
fuscicosta Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 66
fuscinervis (Van Duzee), Amblypsilopus, 68
fuscipes (Van Duzee), Peloropeodes, 63
fuscitibialis (Harmston & Knowlton), Calyxochaetus, 74
fuscus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
fusitarsis Van Duzee, Condylostylus, 70
gaigei Steyskal, Dolichopus, 32
gaspensis Bickel, Medetera, 57
gemmifer (Walker), Condylostylus, 71
genualis Loew, Liancalus, 52
genualis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
georgianus Harmston & Knowlton, Neurigona, 61
germanus Wheeler, Dolichopus, 38
gibbosus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
gibsoni Curran, Rhaphium, 66
gilvipes Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
glaber (Walker), Hydrophorus, 51
glaber (Walker), Hydrophorus, †, 50
glabor (Walker), Hydrophorus, †, 50
glaciale (Ringdahl), Rhaphium, 66
gladiator Mik, Hypocharassus, 52
gladius Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
globulicauda Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
Gnamptopsilopus Aldrich, 68
Gongophora Philippi, 45
Gongrophora Philippi, †, 46
gracile Curran, Rhaphium, 66
gracilipes Aldrich, Dactylomyia, 60
gracilis Aldrich, Dolichopus, 38
graenicheri (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 70
grande (Curran), Rhaphium, 66
grandis Aldrich, Dolichopus, 32
granditarsis Greene, Tachytrechus, 46
grassator (Wheeler), Paraphrosylus, 53
gratiolus Steyskal, Dolichopus, 32
gratus Loew, Dolichopus, 32
grayi Robinson, Argyra, 19
greenei Foote, Coulson & Robinson, Tachytrechus, 46
greenei Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
grisoprasius (Walker), Condylostylus, †, 70
groenlandicus Zetterstedt, Dolichopus, 32
grogani Robinson, Thrypticus, 59
guttula (Wiedemann), Condylostylus, 80
guttulus (Wiedemann), Condylostylus, †, 80
Gymnoceromyia Bigot, 77
Gymnopternus Loew, 39
halteralis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
halteralis Van Duzee, Medetera, 57
Hammobates Stannius, †, 45
harbecki Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
harbeckii Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 20
hardyi Harmston, Dolichopus, 32
hardyi (Harmston & Knowlton), Calyxochaetus, 74
hardyi Robinson, Asyndetus, 20
harmstoni Hurley, Hydrophorus, 51
harmstoni Meuffels & Grootaert, Chrysotus, 23
harmstoni Meuffels & Grootaert, Tachytrechus, 46
Harmstonia Robinson, 48
hastatus Loew, Dolichopus, 32
hastatus (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
hastatus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
hebes (Walker), Pelastoneurus, 44
helenae James, Dolichopus, 32
helvinus Loew, Xanthochlorus, 79
hendersoni Harmston & Knowlton, Parasyntormon, 76
henshawi Wheeler, Dolichopus, 36
Hercostomus Loew, 41
hesperia Runyon & Hurley, Nepalomyia, 63
hesperius Hurley, Hydrophorus, 51
heteroneurus (Macquart), Pelastoneurus, †, 44
heteronevrus (Macquart), Pelastoneurus, 44
heteropterus (Macquart), Pelastoneurus, †, 44
hilburni Woodley, Chrysotus, 23
hinnulus Wheeler, Parasyntormon, 76
hirpicifer Hurley, Hydrophorus, 51
hirsutitarsis Harmston, Dolichopus, 32
hirsutus Becker, Condylostylus, 80
hirsutus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
hirta Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
hirtimanus Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 66
hirtipes Loew, Campsicnemus, 75
hirtipes Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
hirtipes Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 49
humeralis Loew, Gymnopternus, †, 40
humilis Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
humilis Parent, Chrysotus, 23
humilis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
hybridus Melander, Paraclius, 43
hybridus Robinson, Gymnopternus, 40
Hydatostega Philippi, 48
Hydroceleuthus Aldrich, †, 27
Hydrochus Fallén, 64
hydrophilus Aldrich, Liancalus, 52
Hydrophorus Fallén, 49
Hygroceleuthus Loew, 27
Hypocharassus Mik, 52
idahoensis (Aldrich), Dolichopus, 32
idahoensis Harmston & Knowlton, Medetera, 57
idahoensis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
idahona Harmston & Knowlton, Argyra, 19
idoneus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
imperfectus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
impetuum Curran, Rhaphium, 66
impudicus Wheeler, Hercostomus, 42
inaequalis Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
inaequalis Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
incertus Walker, Chrysotus, 23
incisuralis Loew, Dolichopus, 32
incongruus Wheeler, Dolichopus, 32
indentus Aldrich, Hydatostega, †, 49
indianus Harmston, Hercostomus, 43
indianus Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 32
indianus (Harmston & Knowlton), Tachytrechus, 46
indigenus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 32
ineptus (Walker), Pelastoneurus, 44
inermis (Loew), Condylostylus, 70
inficitus (Walker), Condylostylus, 71
inflatus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 32
infumatus (Aldrich), Amblypsilopus, 68
infuscata Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
infuscatus (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 23
innotatus Loew, Hydrophorus, 51
inornatus (Aldrich), Condylostylus, 70
inornatus (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
inornatus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 25
insolitum Curran, Rhaphium, 66
insolitus (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
insulanus Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
insulanus Van Duzee, Thrypticus, 59
insularis Van Duzee, Thrypticus, †, 59
integripes Parent, Dolichopus, 32
intentus (Aldrich), Hydatostega, 49
intentus Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 32
interjectus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 33
intermedia Van Duzee, Medetera, 58
intermedius Robinson, Diaphorus, 26
interruptus (Loew), Asyndetus, 20
intricata Robinson, Harmstonia, 48
intrudus Harmston, Chrysotus, 23
involuta Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
iowaensis Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 33
iowensis Robinson, Diaphorus, 26
irrasus (Walker), Pelastoneurus, 44
isoaristus (Harmston & Knowlton), Calyxochaetus, 74
isobellae Bickel, Medetera, 57
ivanovi Stackelberg, Dolichopus, 33
jamesi (Harmston & Knowlton), Sympycnus, 77
jaquesi Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 33
johnsoni Aldrich, Dolichopus, 33
johnsoni Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
johnsoni Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 21
johnsoni Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
johnsoni (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 66
johnsonii (Wheeler), Hypocharassus, 52
jucunda Becker, Mesorhaga, 72
jucundus (Loew), Condylostylus, 71
jucundus Van Duzee, Nematoproctus, 64
jugalis Tucker, Dolichopus, 33
junctus Coquillett, Tachytrechus, 47
junctus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
junctus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
junctus Van Duzee, Nematoproctus, †, 64
kansensis Aldrich, Dolichopus, 33
kansensis (Aldrich), Pelastoneurus, 44
kansensis Harmston, Chrysotus, 23
keiferi (Van Duzee), Tachytrechus, 47
Keirosoma Van Duzee, 26
kennedyi Harmston & Knowlton, Syntormon, 79
kesseli (Hendrickson), Sympycnus, 78
kleini Curran, Dolichopus, 33
knowltoni Harmston, Scellus, 54
knowltoni Robinson, Micromorphus, 62
kolaensis Frey, Hydrophorus, 51
Kophosoma Van Duzee, 63
kyphotus Harmston, Dolichopus, 33
Labeneura Parent, 68
laciniatus Coquillett, Dolichopus, 33
lacustris Bickel, Gymnopternus, 40
laetus Loew, Pelastoneurus, 44
laevigatus Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
laevigatus Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
laffooni Robinson, Diaphorus, 26
laffooni Robinson, Gymnopternus, 40
lagotis Wheeler, Parasyntormon, 77
lamellatus Loew, Diaphorus, 26
lamellatus Loew, Pelastoneurus, 45
lamellicornis Thomson, Dolichopus, 33
lamellifer Robinson, Chrysotus, 23
lamellipes Walker, Dolichopus, 33
Lamprochomus Mik, †, 76
Lamprochromus Mik, 76
lateralis (Say), Dactylomyia, 60
laticornis Loew, Dolichopus, 33
laticrus Van Duzee, Tachytrechus, 47
latifacies Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
latifacies Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 45
latifacies Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 66
latimanus Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
latipennis Fallén, Dolichopus, 33
latipes (Loew), Dolichopus, 33
latipes Curran, Campsicnemus, †, 75
latitarsis (Parent), Tachytrechus, †, 47
latitarsis Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
latitarsus (Parent), Tachytrechus, 47
latronis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 33
latus Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 21
Laxina Curran, 69
lectus (Becker), Amblypsilopus, 80
leonardi (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 70
Leptocorypha Aldrich, 43
Leptopezina Macquart, 75
Leptopus Fallén, 72
Leptorhethum Aldrich, 68
Leptorhethum Aldrich, †, 43
lepus Van Duzee, Parasyntormon, 77
leucacra James, Dolichopus, 33
Leucodolichopus Frey, 27
Leucostola Loew, 18
leucostoma (Loew), Chrysotus, 23
leucostoma Robinson, Micromorphus, 62
Liancalus Loew, 52
lienosa Wheeler, Neurigona, 61
limbatus Van Duzee, Liancalus, 52
lindneri Negrobov, Syntormon, 79
lineatus Loew, Sympycnus, 77
litoralis Robinson, Chrysotus, 23
litoralis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 33
litorea Robinson, Nanomyina, 62
lividifrons Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 40
lividipes Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 50
lobatus Loew, Dolichopus, 33
lobatus Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
lobipennis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 39
longibara Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 66
longicauda Loew, Pelastoneurus, 45
longicauda Van Duzee, Thrypticus, 59
longicorne Van Duzee, Parasyntormon, 77
longicorne Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 65
longicornis (Fabricius), Condylostylus, 70
longicornis Stannius, Dolichopus, 33
longihirtus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
longilamellatus Parent, Pelastoneurus, 45
longilamellatus Robinson, Micromorphus, 62
longilamellus Harmston, Diaphorus, 26
longilamellus Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
longimana Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
longimanus Loew, Chrysotus, 23
longimanus Loew, Dolichopus, 33
longinervis Van Duzee, Medetera, 57
longinervis Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 77
longinquus Van Duzee, Medetera, 57
longipalpe Curran, Rhaphium, 66
longipennis Loew, Dolichopus, 33
longipes (Loew), Rhaphium, 66
longitalus (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 70
longus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 33
Lorea Negrobov, 55
lugubre Loew, Rhaphium, 66
lugubris Loew, Pelastoneurus, 45
lundbecki Curran, Dolichopus, 33
lunifer Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
luteipennis Loew, Dolichopus, 33
luteipes (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
luteopalpus Curran, Chrysotimus, 62
luteus Curran, Chrysotimus, 62
Lyroneurus Loew, 21
macalpini Negrobov, Rhaphium, 66
Macellocerus Mik, 46
Macrodolichopus Stackelberg, 27
maculata Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
maculipennis Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
maculipennis Zetterstedt, Dolichopus, 34
maculipes (Walker), Pelastoneurus, 45
maculitarsis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
maculiventris (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 40
magdalenae Wheeler, Hydrophorus, 51
magistri (Aldrich), Enlinia, 48
magnantenna James, Dolichopus, 34
magnicornis Frey, Hydrophorus, 51
magnicornis Harmston & Rapp, Peloropeodes, 63
magnicornis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
magnicornis Van Duzee, Paraclius, 43
magnipalpus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 22
magnipalpus Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
major Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
mandibulata Aldrich, Melanderia (Melanderia), 53
manicatus Collin, Hydrophorus, 51
manicula Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
mannerheimi Zetterstedt, Dolichopus, 34
marcidus Wheeler, Sympycnus, 78
marginatus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 34
marylandica Robinson, Medetera, 57
maura Wheeler, Medetera, 57
mchughi Harmston, Diostracus, 48
mchughi Harmston, Tachytrechus, 47
Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 55
Medeterium Berthold, †, 55
Medeterus Meigen, †, 55
medusae Gosseries, Argyra, 19
megalocerus Meuffels & Grootaert, Chrysotus, 23
melampus (Loew), Condylostylus, 71
melampus (Loew), Rhaphium, 66
melanderi Becker, Dolichopus, 35
melanderi Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
Melanderia Aldrich, 52
Melanderia (Melanderia) Aldrich, 53
Melanderia (Wirthia) Arnaud, 53
melanocerus Loew, Dolichopus, 34
Melanodolichopus Frey, 27
melanus Harmston & Knowlton, Campsicnemus, 75
meniscoides Robinson, Gymnopternus, 40
meniscus Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
mercieri Parent, Dolichopus, 34
Meringopherusa Becker, 20
Mesorhaga Schiner, 72
metallicus Van Duzee, Nematoproctus, 64
metallifer (Walker), Condylostylus, 70
Metapelastoneurus Aldrich, 44
metatarsalis (Thomson), Hercostomus, 42
michiganus Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 37
Microhercostomus Stackelberg, 42
Micromorphus Mik, 62
micropygus Wahlberg, Dolichopus, 80
millardi Meuffels & Grootaert, Calyxochaetus, 74
millardi Meuffels & Grootaert, Chrysotus, 23
millardi Meuffels & Grootaert, Diaphorus, 26
Millardia Curran, 48
milleri Harmston, Campsicnemus, 75
milleri Harmston, Tachytrechus, 47
minima Van Duzee, Medetera, 57
minimus Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
minimus (Van Duzee), Micromorphus, 62
minuta Loew, Argyra, 19
minuticornis Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 78
minutus Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
minutus Parent, Thrypticus, 59
minutus Van Duzee, Paraclius, 43
minutus Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 44
minutus (Van Duzee), Systenus, 59
mirificus Melander, Gymnopternus, 40
miritarsis Parent, Syntormon, 78
misellus Melander, Dolichopus, 35
modesta Van Duzee, Medetera, 57
moechus Loew, Tachytrechus, 47
monarchus Harmston, Dolichopus, 34
monstrosus Osten Sacken, Scellus, 54
montanum (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 66
montanus Harmston & Knowlton, Campsicnemus, 75
montanus Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 78
monticola (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
monticola Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
montivagum Wheeler, Parasyntormon, 77
muhlenbergiae Johannsen & Crosby, Thrypticus, 59
mulinum Van Duzee, Parasyntormon, 77
multisetosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
mundus (Loew), Chrysotus, 23
mundus (Wiedemann), Condylostylus, 71
Munroiana Curran, 25
mycklebusti Harmston & Miller, Syntormon, †, 78
myklebusti Harmston & Miller, Syntormon, 78
myllomerus Hurley, Hydrophorus, 51
myosotus Osten Sacken, Dolichopus, 34
mysticus (Becker), Tachytrechus, 47
Nanomyina Robinson, 62
nasutum (Fallén), Rhaphium, 66
nebraskaensis (Harmston & Rapp), Sciapus, 73
neglectus Wheeler, Pelastoneurus, 45
neglectus Wheeler, Thinophilus, 55
Nematoproctus Loew, 64
neocryptus Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
neomelancholia Bickel, Medetera, 57
neomexicanus Harmston, Dolichopus, 34
Neoparentia Robinson, 76
neopicticornis Robinson, Chrysotus, 23
Neorhaphium Botosaneanu & Vaillant, 63
Neosyntormon Curran, 76
Nepalomyia Hollis, 62
Neurigona Rondani, 60
Neurigonella Robinson, 63
Neurogona Oldenberg, †, 60
Neurogonia Rondani, †, 60
Neurogonus Rondani, †, 60
nevadensis Harmston, Asyndetus, 21
nigrescens Wheeler, Pelastoneurus, 44
nigriapicalis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, †, 36
nigribarbatum (Becker), Rhaphium, 66
nigribarbus Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
nigribarbus Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
nigricans Meigen, Diaphorus, 26
nigricauda Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
nigricera Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, †, 40
nigriciliatus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
nigricomus Robinson, Gymnopternus, 40
nigricornis Meigen, Dolichopus, 34
nigricornis (Van Duzee), Nepalomyia, 63
nigricornis Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 45
nigricornis (Van Duzee), Tachytrechus, 47
nigricoxa (Loew), Rhaphium, 66
nigricoxa Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
nigricoxa Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
nigricoxa Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 40
nigrifacies (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 40
nigrifemoratus (Walker), Condylostylus, †, 71
nigrifemoratus (Van Duzee), Tachytrechus, 47
nigrifrons Parent, Chrysotus, 23
nigrilineatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
nigrimanus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
nigrimanus Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
nigrinervis Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 50
nigripalpis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
nigripennis (Van Duzee), Paraphrosylus, 53
nigripes (Aldrich), Mesorhaga, 72
nigripes Harmston & Knowlton, Parasyntormon, 77
nigripes Loew, Argyra, 19
nigripes Loew, Medetera, 57
nigripes (Macquart), Condylostylus, 70
nigripes Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 21
nigripes Van Duzee, Campsicnemus, 75
nigripes Van Duzee, Thrypticus, 59
nigripilosus Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
nigritibia Van Duzee, Condylostylus, 71
nigritibialis Robinson, Neurigona, 61
nigriventris Van Duzee, Argyra, 19
nigroapicalis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 36
nigrocaudatus Van Duzee, Paraclius, 43
nigrociliatum Curran, Rhaphium, 66
nigrofemoratus (Walker), Condylostylus, 71
nigropleurus Harmston, Dolichopus, 34
nigrovittatum Curran, Rhaphium, 66
nigrum (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 66
nimius (Aldrich), Tachytrechus, 47
nitida Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
nitidiventris Van Duzee, Medetera, 57
nitidus (Van Duzee), Tachytrechus, 47
nodatus (Loew), Calyxochaetus, 74
nodipennis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
nomadus Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 34
notatus (Loew), Calyxochaetus, †, 74
Nothosympycnus Wheeler, 74
Notosympycnus Wheeler, †, 74
nova Van Duzee, Medetera, 57
noveboracensis Van Duzee, Sciapus, 73
nubifer Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
nubilum Van Duzee, Syntormon, 79
nubilus Say, Chrysotus, 80
nudipes Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 23
nudum (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 66
nudus Harmston & Knowlton, Chrysotus, 23
nudus Loew, Dolichopus, 34
nudus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
obcordatus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 34
obesus Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
obliquus Loew, Chrysotus, 23
obscura Van Duzee, Argyra, 20
obscurellus Zetterstedt, Diaphorus, 26
obscuripennis Van Duzee, Medetera, 58
obscurus (Say), Gymnopternus, 40
obsoletas Negrobov & Thuneberg, Medetera, 56
obsoletus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 34
obtusicauda Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 40
obtusum Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 66
occidentale (Aldrich), Parasyntormon, 77
occidentalis Aldrich, Dolichopus, 34
occidentalis (Bigot), Condylostylus, 71
occidentalis Cole, Hercostomus, 42
occidentalis Harmston, Chrysotimus, 62
occidentalis Robinson, Lamprochromus, 76
occidentalis Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 21
occidentalis (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 23
occidentalis Wheeler, Pelastoneurus, 45
occipitale Curran, Rhaphium, 67
ochrifacies Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
Oedipsilopus Bigot, 69
oedipus Wheeler, Campsicnemus, 75
ogilvii Malloch, Sciapus, 73
ohioensis Robinson, Gymnopternus, 40
olga Aldrich, Diostracus, 48
Oligochaetus Mik, 55
olympiae (Aldrich), Tachytrechus, 47
omnivagus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
opacus Loew, Diaphorus, 26
opacus Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
opportunus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
orbicularis Harmston, Hercostomus, 42
orbiculata Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
oreas (Wheeler), Calyxochaetus, 74
oregonense Harmston & Knowlton, Syntormon, 79
oregonensis Harmston, Asyndetus, 21
oregonensis (Harmston & Miller), Achalcus, 18
oregonensis Harmston & Miller, Campsicnemus, 75
oregonensis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
oregonensis Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
oregonensis Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
orichalceus Gosseries, Dolichopus, 35
orientale Curran, Rhaphium, 67
ornata Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
ornaticauda Van Duzee, Hercostomus, 43
ornatipennis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
ornatipes (Van Duzee), Hercostomus, †, 42
ornatipes Van Duzee, Mesorhaga, 72
ornatipes Van Duzee, Syntormon, 79
ornatum (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 67
ornatus (Van Duzee), Hercostomus, 42
Orthobates Wahlberg, 55
ovaticornis (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 41
ovatus Loew, Dolichopus, 35
ovatus Van Duzee, Paraclius, 43
pachycnemus Loew, Dolichopus, 35
Pachypyga Parent, 63
packardi Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
palaestricus Loew, Dolichopus, 35
Palastoneurus Loew, †, 44
pallens (Wiedemann), Sciapus, 73
pallescens (Bigot), Sciapus, 73
pallicornis Van Duzee, Mesorhaga, †, 72
pallidiciliatus (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 41
pallidicornis Van Duzee, Mesorhaga, 72
pallipes Loew, Chrysotus, 23
palmare (Loew), Syntormon, 79
palpale Curran, Rhaphium, 67
palpiger (Wheeler), Chrysotus, 24
paluster Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 35
panamensis Van Duzee, Micromorphus, 62
pantomimus Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 35
Paracleius Bigot, 44
Paraclius Kertész, 44
Paraclius Loew, 43
Paraphrosylus Becker, 53
Paraphrosylus Becker, †, 54
Parasyntormon Wheeler, 76
parenti Robinson, Tachytrechus, 47
Parhydrophorus Wheeler, 49
parmatus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
partitus Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 35
parva Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
parvicauda (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 70
parvicornis Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
parvicornis Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 21
parvicornis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
parvicornis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
parvimanus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
parvulus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
parvus Aldrich, Pelastoneurus, 45
parvus Loew, Hydrophorus, 51
parvus (Van Duzee), Telmaturgus, 79
patibulatus (Say), Condylostylus, 71
pectinicauda Robinson, Harmstonia, 48
pectinifer Wheeler, Thinophilus, 55
pectinipes Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
pectoralis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
pectoralis Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
pectoralis Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 78
Pelastoneurus Loew, 44
Pelastroneurus Loew, †, 44
Peloropeodes Wheeler, 63
penicillatus Parent, Pelastoneurus, 45
penicillatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
pennarista (Harmston & Knowlton), Calyxochaetus, 74
pennitarsis Fallén, Dolichopus, 35
pensus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 35
pensus Aldrich, Hydrophorus, 51
peractus (Walker), Condylostylus, 71
perbrevis Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
pernix Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 35
perparvus Johannsen, Telmaturgus, †, 79
perplexa Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
perplexus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
petchi Curran, Rhaphium, 67
petiolatum Van Duzee, Parasyntormon, 77
petulca Wheeler, Medetera, 57
phaeopteryx Hurley, Hydrophorus, 51
phalarus Hurley, Hydrophorus, 51
philoctetes Wheeler, Campsicnemus, 75
philombrius Wheeler, Hydrophorus, 51
philtrum Melander, Chrysotus, 24
phoca Aldrich, Hydrophorus, 51
phyllocerus Vockeroth, Dolichopus, 35
phyllophorus Loew, Gymnopternus, 40
physothrix Bickel, Medetera, 57
picticornis Loew, Chrysotus, 24
pictipennis Wheeler, Pelastoneurus, 45
pictipes (Harmston & Knowlton), Calyxochaetus, 74
pilatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
pilicornis (Aldrich), Condylostylus, 71
pilitarsis Malloch, Hydrophorus, 51
pilosicornis (Walker), Sympycnus, 78
pingreensis James, Dolichopus, 35
pinicola Kowarz, Medetera, 57
pirata Loew, Hydrophorus, 49
Placantichir Bickel, 72
Placantichir Enderlein, 72
Plagioneurus Loew, 64
planipes Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
platyprosopus Loew, Dolichopus, 32
platythrix Bickel, Medetera, 57
plautus Hurley, Hydrophorus, 51
Plectropus Haliday, 78
plumbea (Aldrich), Hydatostega, 48
plumipes (Scopoli), Dolichopus, 35
plumitarsis Fallén, Dolichopus, 36
plumosa (Van Duzee), Amblypsilopus, 69
plumosus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 36
poenitens (Wheeler), Hercostomus, 43
politus Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
pollex Osten Sacken, Dolichopus, 36
pollex (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 67
pollinosus (Van Duzee), Amblypsilopus, 68
Polymedon Osten Sacken, 46
pomeroyi Parent, Chrysotus, 24
Porphyrops Meigen, †, 18
Porphyrops Meigen, 64
porphyrops Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 36
portoricensis (Macquart), Condylostylus, 71
postminima Steyskal, Medetera, 57
potomac Bickel, Medetera, 57
potomacus Robinson, Pelastoneurus, 45
praecox (Lehmann), Hydrophorus, 80
praedator (Wheeler), Paraphrosylus, 53
praeustus Loew, Dolichopus, 36
prasinus Johnson, Thinophilus, 55
prasinus Loew, Diostracus, 48
pratincola Wheeler, Chrysotus, 24
pressipes Parent, Sciapus, 80
princeps Wheeler, Medetera, 57
procerus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 33
procerus Wheeler, Hercostomus, 42
propinquus (Melander & Brues), Dolichopus, 29
propinquus Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
propinquus Wheeler, Paraclius, 43
propriofacies Robinson, Gymnopternus, 41
protervus Melander, Tachytrechus, 47
proximus Aldrich, Pelastoneurus, 45
pruinosus (Coquillett), Condylostylus, 71
pruinosus Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
pruinosus (Wheeler), Hypocharassus, 52
pseudodebilis Robinson, Gymnopternus, 41
pseudopacus Robinson, Diaphorus, 26
pseudosibirica Bickel, Medetera, 57
Psilischium Becker, 46
Psilopiella Van Duzee, 72
Psilopodinus Bigot, 72
Psilopodinus Bigot, †, 69
Psilopodius Rondani, 72
Psilopus Meigen, 72
Psilopus Meigen, †, 69
psittacinus (Loew), Amblypsilopus, 68
puberiseta Parent, Dolichopus, 36
pugil Loew, Dolichopus, 36
pugil Wheeler, Sympycnus, 78
pulcher Walker, Dolichopus, 36
pulchrimanus (Bigot), Dolichopus, 36
pulmitarsis Fallén, Dolichopus, †, 36
pulvillus Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 78
pumilio Loew, Paraclius, 44
punctipennis (Say), Pelastoneurus, †, 45
punctitarse Curran, Rhaphium, 67
purpuratus (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 41
purus Curran, Hydrophorus, 50
purus (Harmston & Knowlton), Gymnopternus, 41
pusillus Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
pusio Loew, Chrysotimus, 62
pygidus Harmston & Rapp, Peloropeodes, 63
quadratus (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 24
quadratus (Van Duzee), Thinophilus, 55
quadricincta Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 45
quadricolor Walker, Condylostylus, 71
quadrilamellatus Loew, Dolichopus, 36
quadrinotatus Aldrich, Paraclius, 44
quadriplagiatus (Harris), Argyra, 19
querulus Osten Sacken, Liancalus, 52
quintusflavus Gunther, Condylostylus, 69
radians (Macquart), Condylostylus, 70
Raghenerura Rondani, †, 27
Ragheneura Rondani, 27
ramifer Loew, Dolichopus, 36
ramosus Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 45
rauterbergi (Wheeler), Chrysotus, 24
recticosta Aldrich, Dolichopus, 36
reflectus Aldrich, Dolichopus, 36
refulgens Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 35
remipes Wahlberg, Dolichopus, 36
remotus Walker, Dolichopus, 36
remulus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
remus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 36
renidescens Melander & Brues, Dolichopus, 36
repandus (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 24
reticulus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 35
retinens Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 36
Rhaphium Meigen, 64
rhionopous Hurley, Hydrophorus, 51
riparium (Meigen), Rhaphium, †, 65
robertsoni Curran, Dolichopus, 28
robinsoni Steyskal, Enlinia, 48
robusta Johnson, Argyra, 20
robustum Curran, Rhaphium, 67
robustus (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 41
rossi Harmston & Knowlton, Rhaphium, 67
rostrata (Fabricius), Medetera, 57
rotundiceps (Aldrich), Amblypsilopus, 68
rotundiceps (Loew), Rhaphium, 67
rotundicorne Van Duzee, Parasyntormon, 77
rotundipennis Greene, Tachytrechus, 47
rubella (Loew), Neurigona, 61
rufibarbis Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
ruficornis Loew, Dolichopus, 36
rupestris Haliday, Dolichopus, 36
russelli Curran, Thinophilus, 55
rutilus (Van Duzee), Sciapus, 73
Saccopheronta Becker, 55
sagittarius Loew, Dolichopus, 36
sagittarius Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
saguaroicola Bickel, Medetera, 58
salax Wheeler, Peloropeodes, 63
sanus Osten Sacken, Tachytrechus, 47
sarotes Loew, Dolichopus, 36
satrapa (Wheeler), Lamprochromus, 76
Saucropus Loew, 60
saxicola Robinson, Enlinia, 48
sayi (Wiedemann), Amblypsilopus, 68
scaber (Loew), Condylostylus, 71
scapularis Loew, Dolichopus, 36
Scellus Loew, 53
schlingeri (Harmston & Knowlton), Gymnopternus, 41
Sciapus Zeller, †, 68, 69
Sciapus Zeller, 72
scintillans (Loew), Amblypsilopus, 68
Sciopolina Curran, 68
Sciopus Zeller, †, 73
scobinator (Loew), Condylostylus, 71
scoparius Loew, Dolichopus, 31
scopifer Harmston, Asyndetus, 21
scopifer James, Dolichopus, 37
scopiventris Harmston & Knowlton, Thinophilus, 55
scotias Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
scrobinator (Loew), Condylostylus, †, 71
scutatus Aldrich, Pelastoneurus, 45
scutellaris Loew, Sciopus, 80
scutellaris Van Duzee, Argyra, 20
scutellatus (Harris), Condylostylus, 71
scutitarsis Robinson, Neurigona, 61
sedulus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
semicomatus (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 72
semipallidus Robinson, Thinophilus, 55
semiplumatus Becker, Pelastoneurus, 45
separatus Walker, Dolichopus, 37
septentrionale Curran, Rhaphium, 67
sequax Walker, Dolichopus, 36
sericata Van Duzee, Argyra, 20
serratus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
seticauda Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 45
setifer Loew, Dolichopus, 37
setipes Van Duzee, Argyra, 20
setosus Loew, Dolichopus, 37
setosus Robinson, Thrypticus, 59
setosus (Van Duzee), Hercostomus, 42
setosus Van Duzee, Sympycnus, 78
severini Harmston & Knowlton, Asyndetus, 21
sexarticulatus Loew, Dolichopus, 37
shannoni Curran, Rhaphium, 67
shannoni Wirth, Systenus, 59
sharpi Robinson, Gymnopternus, 41
sharpi Robinson, Sympycnidelphus, 73
shastaensis Harmston, Dolichopus, 37
shelfordi Curran, Dolichopus, 37
sicarius Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
signaticornis Loew, Medetera, 58
signifer Coquillett, Hydrophorus, 51
signiferum (Osten Sacken), Rhaphium, 67
signiferus Coquillett, Hydrophorus, 51
silvicola Harmston, Chrysotus, 24
silvicola Harmston, Dolichopus, 37
similis (Aldrich), Condylostylus, 71
similis Aldrich, Liancalus, 52
similis Harmston & Knowlton, Argyra, 20
similis Pollet & Cumming, Achalcus, 18
similis Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
similis Van Duzee, Medetera, 58
simplicipes Aldrich, Dolichopus, 37
simplicipes Curran, Medetera, 56
simplicipes Curran, Rhaphium, 67
simplicitarse Van Duzee, Syntormon, 79
simulans Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
simulans Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
simulatus Greene, Tachytrechus, 47
sincerus Melander, Dolichopus, 37
singularis Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 41
sinualaris Harmston, Dolichopus, 37
sipho Say, Condylostylus, †, 71
sipho (Say), Condylostylus, 71
slossonae (Johnson), Rhaphium, 65
slossonae Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
slossonae Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
slossonae Van Duzee, Keirosoma, 26
smithae Harmston, Dolichopus, 37
smithi Robinson, Neurigona, 61
snowii Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
sobrinus (Wheeler), Calyxochaetus, 74
soccatus Walker, Dolichopus, 37
socius Loew, Dolichopus, 37
sodalis (Loew), Chrysotus, 24
sodalis Wheeler, Hydrophorus, 51
sokolovi Stackelberg, Diaphorus, 26
solidus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
sombrea (Harmston & Knowlton), Nepalomyia, 63
sordidatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
sorotes Loew, Dolichopus, †, 36
sparsus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
Spathichira Bigot, 27
Spatichira Bigot, †, 27
spatulatus (Harmston & Knowlton), Calyxochaetus, 74
speciosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
spectabilis (Loew), Chrysotus, 24
spectabilis Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
sphaeristes Brues, Dolichopus, 37
sphaeropyga Negrobov, Medetera, 58
spiculifera Robinson, Neurigona, 61
spina Van Duzee, Argyra, 20
spinicoxa Loew, Rhaphium, 65
spinifer Malloch, Chrysotus, 24
spinimanus (Zetterstedt), Scellus, 54
spinipes (Zetterstedt), Scellus, †, 54
spinipes Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
spinitalus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
spinitarse Curran, Rhaphium, 67
spinitarsis Harmston, Asyndetus, 21
spinitarsis (Van Duzee), Tachytrechus, 47
spinosus Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
splendens Van Duzee, Argyra, 20
splendida Van Duzee, Argyra, 20
splendidulus Loew, Dolichopus, 28
splendidus Loew, Dolichopus, 30
sporadicus Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 37
squamiciliatus Harmston & Rapp, Thrypticus, 59
squamicilliatus Harmston, Dolichopus, 37
squamosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
stanfordi Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
Stannia Rondani, 45
Stenarus Gistel, 72
stenhammari Zetterstedt, Dolichopus, 37
stentorius Harmston, Pelastoneurus, 45
steyskali Robinson, Dolichopus, 37
steyskali Robinson, Rhaphium, 67
strataegrum (Wheeler), Syntormon, †, 79
strataegum (Wheeler), Syntormon, 79
stricklandi Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 38
subarmatum Curran, Rhaphium, 67
subciliatus Loew, Dolichopus, 38
subcostatus Loew, Chrysotus, 24
subcostatus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
subdilatatus Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
subdirectus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 37
subflavus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, †, 38
subfurcatum Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 67
subjectus Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
Submedeterus Becker, 59
subsignaticornis Bickel, Medetera, 58
subspina Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
subulatus Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
sufflavus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
superbiens (Loew), Dactylomyia, 60
superbus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
superbus (Wiedemann), Condylostylus, 80
Sympicnus Loew, †, 77
Sympycnidelphus Robinson, 73
Sympycnus Loew, 77
Synarthrus Loew, 78
Synarthus Loew, †, 78
synolcus Steyskal, Hercostomus, 42
syntormoides Wheeler, Asyndetus, 21
Syntormon Loew, 78
Systenus Loew, 58
Tachyterechus Stannius, †, 46
Tachytrechus Stannius, 45
Taechobates Haliday, 55
taeniatus Becker, Pelastoneurus, 45
taeniocaudata Robinson & Arnaud, Enlinia, 48
tahoensis Harmston & Knowlton, Tachytrechus, 47
talus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
tanypus Loew, Dolichopus, 34
tarasovae Negrobov, Medetera, 57
tarsalis (Curran), Calyxochaetus, 74
tarsalis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
tarsalis Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
tarsipictis Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 38
teapanus Aldrich, Chrysotus, 24
tectus Van Duzee, Thrypticus, 59
Telmaturgus Mik, 79
temerarium (Becker), Rhaphium, 67
tener Loew, Dolichopus, 38
tener (Loew), Sciapus, 73
tennesseensis Robinson, Chrysotus, 24
tennesseensis Robinson, Gymnopternus, 41
tenuicauda Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 41
tenuimanus Van Duzee, Condylostylus, 70
tenuimanus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
tenuipes Aldrich, Dolichopus, 38
tenuis (Loew), Neurigona, 61
tenuiseta Greene, Tachytrechus, 47
terminale (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 67
terminalis Loew, Dolichopus, 38
terminalis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
terminalis (Van Duzee), Nematoproctus, 64
terminalis Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
terminatus Walker, Dolichopus, 38
tertianus Loew, Sympycnus, 78
Tetrechus Stannius, †, 46
tetricus Loew, Dolichopus, 38
Teuchophorus Loew, 79
Teucophorus Loew, †, 79
texana Robinson, Enlinia, 48
texanus Harmston, Sympycnidelphus, 73
texanus Van Duzee, Asyndetus, 21
texanus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
thalassinus Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
thallasinus Van Duzee, Thinophilus, †, 55
Thambemyia Oldroyd, 54
thersites Wheeler, Campsicnemus, 75
Thinophilus Schiødte, 54
Thinophilus Wahlberg, 54
thoracica Van Duzee, Argyra, 20
Thrypticus Gerstäcker, 59
tibialis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
tibialis Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 41
tibialis (Van Duzee), Hercostomus, 43
tibialis Van Duzee, Pelastoneurus, 45
tonsus (Aldrich), Condylostylus, 71
tonsus Loew, Dolichopus, 38
torrida Harmston, Neurigona, 61
torridus Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 42
townsendi Aldrich, Dolichopus, 38
townsendii (Aldrich), Mesorhaga, 72
transversa Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
triangularis Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 24
triangulatum (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 67
triangulatus (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 24
tricaudatum (Van Duzee), Rhaphium, 67
trichaspis Hurley, Hydrophorus, 52
trichosoma (Bigot), Condylostylus, 70
tricoloripes Curran, Syntormon, 79
tricorniflavrai Gunther, Mesorhaga, 72
tridens Van Duzee, Neurigona, 61
tripartitum (Frey), Rhaphium, 67
tripilus (Van Duzee), Calyxochaetus, 74
trisetosa Van Duzee, Medetera, 58
trisetosus (Van Duzee), Condylostylus, 71
trisetosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
tristis Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
tristis Schiner, Mesorhaga, 80
trivittatus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
truncatus Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 43
truncorum Meigen, Medetera, 58
tuktoyaktuk Bickel, Medetera, 58
Tylochaetus Bigot, 69
uinta Harmston & Knowlton, Neurigona, 61
uintaense Harmston & Knowlton, Syntormon, 79
uliginosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
umbripenne (Frey), Rhaphium, 67
umbripictus Becker, Pelastoneurus, 45
umbrosus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
ungulatus (Linnaeus), Dolichopus, 80
ungulatus (Linnaeus), Dolichopus, †, 29
ungulivena (Walker), Amblypsilopus, 69
unicoiensis (Robinson), Amblypsilopus, 68
unicolor Loew, Hercostomus, 43
unifasciatus (Say), Amblypsilopus, 68
unistylatum Vockeroth, Rhaphium, 66
univittata Van Duzee, Medetera, 56
univittatus Loew, Plagioneurus, 64
usitatus (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 24
utahense Harmston & Knowlton, Syntormon, 79
utahensis Bickel, Medetera, 58
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, Asyndetus, 21
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, Campsicnemus, 75
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 38
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 43
utahensis (Harmston & Knowlton), Tachytrechus, 46
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, Sympycnus, 78
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, Tachytrechus, 47
utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, Teuchophorus, 79
utahensis (Harmston & Miller), Achalcus, 18
utahna Harmston, Argyra, 20
utahnum Van Duzee, Parasyntormon, 77
uxorcula Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
vagans Loew, Pelastoneurus, 45
vagrans Loew, Pelastoneurus, †, 45
valgusa Harmston & Rapp, Neurigona, 61
validus (Loew), Achradocera, 18
vanduzeei Curran, Campsicnemus, 76
vanduzeei Curran, Dolichopus, 38
vanduzeei Curran, Gymnopternus, 39
vanduzeei Curran, Medetera, 58
vanduzeei Curran, Rhaphium, 67
vanduzeei Curran, Syntormon, 79
vanduzeei (Robinson), Chrysotus, 24
vandykei Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 51
variabilis Loew, Dolichopus, 38
variabilis (Van Duzee), Campsicnemus, 76
variabilis (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 24
varicoxa Van Duzee, Nematoproctus, 64
variegatum Harmston, Syntormon, 79
variegatus (Loew), Amblypsilopus, 69
varipennis Van Duzee, Scellus, 54
varipes Coquillett, Dolichopus, 38
varipes Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 25
varipes Van Duzee, Mesorhaga, 72
varius (Walker), Pelastoneurus, 45
vegetus Harmston, Dolichopus, 38
vegetus (Wheeler), Calyxochaetus, 74
veles Loew, Medetera, 58
velutina Van Duzee, Argyra, 20
venata Curran, Medetera, 56
veneta Curran, Medetera, †, 56
ventralis Loew, Gymnopternus, 41
ventralis Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
venustus (Walker), Scellus, †, 54
venustus (Malloch), Nematoproctus, †, 64
venustus Melander, Nematoproctus, 64
vernaae Harmston & Knowlton, Dolichopus, 38
vernaculus Van Duzee, Gymnopternus, 41
versicolor Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
versutus Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
vespertinus Robinson, Thinophilus, 55
vestitus (Melander), Gymnopternus, †, 41
vetitus (Melander), Gymnopternus, 41
vetius (Melander), Gymnopternus, †, 41
vicinus Aldrich, Paraclius, 43
vidua Wheeler, Medetera, 58
vietus Van Duzee, Thrypticus, 59
vigil Osten Sacken, Scellus, 54
vigilans Aldrich, Dolichopus, 38
villosus Parent, Condylostylus, 72
vinculatus Harmston & Rapp, Thinophilus, 55
violaceus (Van Duzee), Gymnopternus, 41
violaceus Van Duzee, Thrypticus, 59
virago Aldrich, Scellus, 54
virens Harmston & Knowlton, Parasyntormon, 77
virga Coquillett, Dolichopus, 38
virginiensis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 38
virgo (Wiedemann), Condylostylus, 69
viridicoxa (Aldrich), Condylostylus, 72
viridifacies Van Duzee, Hydrophorus, 52
viridifacies Van Duzee, Medetera, 58
viridifacies Van Duzee, Thinophilus, 55
viridifemora Macquart,? Chrysotus, 80
viridiflos (Walker), Hydatostega, 49
viridiflos subsp. fulvidorsum (Van Duzee), Hydatostega, 49
viridiflos subsp. gratiosa (Aldrich), Hydatostega, 49
viridiflos subsp. viridiflos (Walker), Hydatostega, 49
Viridigona Naglis, 61
viridis Parent, Condylostylus, 72
viridis Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 39
viridis (Van Duzee), Viridigona, 61
viridivittatus (Robinson), Amblypsilopus, 68
vittata Van Duzee, Medetera, 58
vittatas (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, 23
vittatus (Van Duzee), Chrysotus, †, 23
vittatus Loew, Dolichopus, 35
vividus Loew, Chrysotus, 25
vockerothi Bickel, Medetera, 58
vockerothi Pollet, Chrysotus, 25
vockerothi Robinson, Gymnopternus, 41
vockerothi Robinson, Rhaphium, 67
volitans Melander, Tachytrechus, 47
vorax Loew, Tachytrechus, 47
vulgaris Van Duzee, Chrysotus, 25
vulsus Van Duzee, Diaphorus, 26
wahlgreni Frey, Hydrophorus, 49
walkeri Van Duzee, Dolichopus, 39
walschaertsi Gosseries, Medetera, 58
wasatchensis Harmston & Knowlton, Hercostomus, 43
weemsi Robinson, Gymnopternus, 41
wheeleri (Melander & Brues), Dolichopus, †, 39
wheeleri Foote, Coulson & Robinson, Medetera, 58
wheeleri Melander, Pelastoneurus, †, 45
wheeleri Van Duzee, Campsicnemus, 76
wheeleri Van Duzee, Rhaphium, 67
wheelerii Melander, Pelastoneurus, 45
wheelerii (Melander & Brues), Dolichopus, 39
wiedemanni Fallén, Sciapus, 73
willistoni (Wheeler), Thrypticus, 60
willistonii Aldrich, Dolichopus, 36
wirthi (Harmston), Paraphrosylus, 53
wisconensis Wheeler, Chrysotus, †, 25
wisconsinensis Wheeler, Chrysotus, 25
xanthocal Harmston & Knowlton, Chrysotus, 25
Xanthochlorus Loew, 79
xanthocnemus Loew, Dolichopus, 39
xanthoprasius, (Walker), Condylostylus, †, 70
Xanthotricha Aldrich, 59
xerophila Wheeler, Medetera, 58
Xiphandrium Loew, 64
xipheres (Wheeler), Rhaphium, 67
Xyphandrium Loew, †, 64
zionensis Harmston & Knowlton, Neurigona, 61
zonatulus (Thomson), Condylostylus, 70
zygomus Harmston, Dolichopus, 39
Provincial and State Abbreviations and Number of Species Recorded per Province or State
Number of Valid Species of Dolichopodidae per Subfamily and Genus in America North of Mexico
Overview of the Number of Species of Dolichopodidae in America North of Mexico Described Between 1758 and February 2004
Number of Species of Dolichopodidae Shared Between America North of Mexico and the Palearctic
Number of Species of Dolichopodidae Shared with America North of Mexico and Mexico Plus the Neotropics, Species Shared with Mexico Only, and Species Shared with the Neotropics Exclusive of Mexico
Species Shared Between America North of Mexico, the Palearctic, and the Neotropics
Dolichopodid Species Known from America North of Mexico and At Least Two Other Realms